New Maid

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Future me hi. Its been nearly a month of writing this story, so for everyone who is new. The chapters will get better and longer as time goes by. It started with around 600 words in the first few and now nearly 1000 in the latest.
I've not even edited these ones yet. But i'll now. Have fun reading this. And belive me I'll try my best to make these first chapters better in the future this is my first english book after all. ^⁠_⁠^
Pov: Juliet

I'm walking down the halls of my castle, today a new maid will arrive and I want to be ready for that.

I reached the door nob and opened it.

I young woman was standig in front of me.
She has long black hair, white skin, a doll-like figure and beautiful grey eyes.

Something inside of me felt different when i looked at her.
She looked so.... innocent and ....kind of adorable...

She spoke up.

"Milady, my name is Marylin. I'll be one of your new maids now."

She bows politely and waits for me to say something.

"Its nice to meet you Marilyn, please come inside"

She steps inside and I got a better look of her, she looked beautiful...almost like an angel.

"I'll show you your room, please follow me" I said, before walking upstairs, to the bedrooms where the other maids live.

"I'm sure you'll get along with everyone just fine. They are very nice."

"Thank you Milady" she bows again.

"Don't thank me Darling, just do your work and behave. Then we won't have a problem"

I thought for a moment that i could see her blush at the word 'Darling'. ...
But that couldn't be, maybe I just imagined things...

"I'll be in my study, Isobelle is going to show you around, she is right next door to your room."

"Yes, Milady"

With that I turn around and leave, to work in my study.

But something made it hard...

What is it about this maid?...why am I feeling so different....she is noone special...just another maid. I have plenty...but...

I look at my desk, and start drawing some things on the paper.

After some time I hear a knock on the door.

"Milady, its me Marylin, May i come in?"
I hear her from the other Side.

"You may." I answerd and turned to the door.

The door opened and she came in.

"What is bothering you?, Do you have anymore questions?"

She looks down a bit nervous before speaking.
"Well yes....its just...I have never worked as a maid before and I do not know what to do ...I don't want to upset you."

" You have never worked as a maid before?, Well why were you given to me as one then?"

"I'm not Sure Milady, I wish i could tell you"

"Well your first tasks will be simple, you can choose between cleaning, cooking or...." I thought for a moment before I continued " or you could work as a personal Maid"

"Personal Maid? Isn't that for someone more experienced that me?"

"Well... its not to hard, just wake me up in the morning and help me with simple tasks" I looked at her expectingly.

"I-if you really allow it then i'll choose, to work near you for the beginning, just so i can ask questions when needed If thats okay Milady "

I don't know why but i got happy that she wanted to work near me.

What is it with that feeling? I never felt this way before...

"I'll put on my uniform then, Milady" was the last thing I heard her say, before she left into another room.

I'll have to know what these feelings are all about, but for now. Let's just rest. Its late already.

I can find out about my feelings later.


So i hope you liked the first part of this story, like I said, I am really sorry for mistakes. •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀

I'll try to get better writting in english...

Love ya'll

Yes, Mistress (old)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara