Extra. Two: Stretch Marks

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Another extra about some insecurities...
(I absolutely love stretch marks, I honestly think that they make a Body more attractive. But i know that a lot of people get insecure over them) this chapter is here, to show that not every charakter in a book is 'perfect' or 'not like other girls (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻' even book chracters that seem 'perfect' in the beginning will have there insecurities, and this chapter is an example, i'll do more in the future.
But now let's start with the chapter.
-its a explanation to why, Mary didn't wanted to take of her dress in the "bath" chapter.
(Sorry for the long text)


Pov Mary

I sit in my room crying. I Just ran away, I ran away from Mistress...
Will she even forgive me that. I'm so stupid...now she'll question me about it soon.

"Mary?" I hear her through the door. "Can we talk please?"

"L-later..." My voice cracks and a sob escaped my lips.

No 4 Seconds later my door opened and Juliet stepped inside.

"Now. Darling" she said calmly and lays a hand on my back. "Please tell me whats wrong..."

I simply sit there sobbing...was she really concerned? Should I tell her.

"M-milady everything is fi-"

"Don't lie to me! This isn't fine, you know that. Now stop lying" she said in a strict tone.

"I-i really don't want to talk about it ..."

Her expression softens and I feel myself being pulled into a hug. "I know its hard dear....I Just have a bad feeling when people are scared of getting undressed most of the time they have been ra-"

"No! Its not that I swear!"

She looks at me...and i knew I had to tell her soon anyways.
"Its really nothing important.... Please belive me..."

"I will respect that dear. But .... please tell me if something is bothering you..."

With that she softly pets my head and leaves the room. It was getting late so i think she'll go to her study or to bed. And so should I.

I started taking my Makeup Off and brushing my hair.

Then I slowly removed my clothes and put on the Pyjama top. When ...

"Oh Mary, one thing i-" she looks at me, slightly suprised seeing me like this.

I felt tears building up in my eyes, when i saw her look down at my thighs.

Instead of saying something she pulled me into a hug again, gently rubbing my back.
"Shhh....its okay, Darling.... everything is fine..." She softly whispers...

I cryed for a few minutes before finally calming down.
"I know they are ugly" I started.

"What?" She asked obviously confused.

I looked down at my thighs....
She followed my eyes and looks at my thighs...

"I don't See anything ugly there ..." She says quietly...

"You don't have to say that just to make me feel better..."

I felt her hand brush over my thighs right over my stretch marks..."I really don't see anything bad ,dear"

I felt tears building up again ...and a bit of heat building between my legs...

She kept carressing my thighs...."I think they look really pretty Darling...not ugly at all"

This sentence was enough to make me cry again... again she held me until I stopped.

"Don't feel insecure about them .... It makes your body special...I like them very much..." She

"You wouldn't understand....they are ugly ... everyone said so...."

"Who is "everyone"she asked while still looking at them.

"Other people that had seen them, people at the beach and stuff..." I continue quietly.

"Darling...there is nothing wrong with your thighs, they look really beautiful. no Stretch Mark on this world could make it ugly" she said and looked at me.

"You have easy talk....your thighs doesn't look like this, they are smooth and slim ...even with a thighgab..." I looked down at my slightly chubby thighs.

"I hope i misheard, don't you dare think that my body is better in any way." She said suddenly. "First of all, having Stretch Marks is nothing bad, they look really good honestly. I like them and also..." She continues and gently squeezes my thighs"Not having a thighgab is no problem either, I like it like this, I need a bit of squish. So stop talking bad about yourself "

With that she bend down and kisses my inner thighs. "Now go to sleep, and don't you dare think bad about yourself again."

I could only blush...my hand already making other plants that to sleep...not after this.

Stretch Marks and Squishy thighs are great (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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