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Thank you for over 140 reads!!!! \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
You guys are so amazing!!!
I'm not sure yet, If I want to give some chrackter history, since what i've been Planing is a rather dark past for Juliet.
But i'm not sure If i should turn it into a darker story ( similar to Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, from RE:8, at least with death or the bloody parts)
Please tell me If you want it more nice or dark in the future, but for now. Have fun with this little (extra) Chapter.

Pov: Juliet

Its been quite some time since i've seen Mary. Its not that she is gone. Its simply that she is mostly doing work that has nothing to do with me. Cooking, cleaning and stuff.
She loves working with Lyona outside in the garden as well.

But today everything was different. I haven't seen her at all, which is unusual. Since I at least see her walking by.

I asked some of my maids, but they didn't know either.
Did she got lost?

Just as I was about to look in the next floor I head a little sound from the library.
It sounded like whimpers.

"Marilyn? Darling?" I walked inside the library. Could she really be here? Why would she?
Most of the maids spend their time outside or in their rooms.

The only thing different today is a thunderstorm. Which are not unusual in this area.

I looked around the library and shortly after i heard it, a loud thunder, and a shreak.

Now i was sure, it was Mary. I searched through the library only to find her hugging a pillow in one of the big armchairs.

She was hiding her face in the pillow, seemingly crying.

"Darling?" I gently layed a hand on her back.
She looked at me slightly scared.
"Its alright Darling...Its just me..."

I looked at her, and started to feel a warm feeling in my chest. She looked so adorable, her eyes looking at me. I hate myself for getting to attached to a maid like this, but i Just can't help it.

She hasn't said anything in the meantime, just sat there, looking at me.

Again, a loud thunder.

She flinched and nearly fell off the chair.
I looked at her concerned. I could see the fear in her eyes.
And I couldn't help but hug her softly.
"Mary... would you mind, telling me why thunder scare you that much?"

I could feel her soft nodding against my shoulder and waited for her to beginn explaining.

"I-i...well- ahhh!" Another thunder resound "w-when I was younger my grandfather and me went play ..... suddenly a thunderstrom started and we tryed to hide from the rain, he sat down under a tree with me in his arms....when lightning struck the tree...I-i wasn't hurt...but it killed him...the only sound I remembered hearing was thunder "

That was the way my grandfather died, only that i wasn't with him, it was a little boy from the Village in greece. I never met my grandfather ...

I listened to her a Bit to stunned to speak...the only thing I did was hugging her, softly.

After a few more minutes I simple picked her up and carryed her to her room.

"A-are you leaving?" She asked

Instead of giving her an answer I layed down in bed with her, hugging her thight...

But what was that? Was there someone at the door? A little sound came from outside...was someone watching us?...


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