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Aidens Pov (still)

Its been hours of searching, and I still couldn't find Mary. She must have ran off or something.

Great job sis. You just broke this little girls heart.

I sigh thinking back, Juliet never had it easy, my parents adopted her but never really cared for her....(Backstory comes soon,(in another chapter, but warning! Not childfriendly)

Still that is no excuse treating her like that. I must find Mary. This place is more dangerous than she would think....

-Marys Pov-

I just ran, I already had no idea were I was. This house was giant. So many door, and whenever I open one, three new ones appear.
It took me a few moments to realize that i was lost. I really got lost in a castle...great job Mary.

What was i even running from? I shouldn't react like this just because. Mistress has a favorite...*which sadly isn't me*....
But now its to late anyways. I need to find a way, out of here.

I looked around, I was in a giant room, with a piano and some other instruments...was this some sort of opra room? Even if it was, it isn't helpful, I still had no idea where I was. And of course, I couldn't remember which door I came from either!

"Why? Why!? I should have stayed in the room I knew....not the ones, that were for higher class maids..." I whisperd to myself.

"Its not your fault." I heard a voice behind me. "This rooms are not even for higher class maids..."

I turned around and saw Isobelle. She stood there seemingly worryed but still with a strict tone in her voice. "Aiden, told me that you were playing hide and seek and that he couldn't find you. He sounded very worryed so i thought I would help looking for you ...are you alright?"

Aiden? He didn't say what happened? He lied? Why?! Was he really worryed that I could get in trouble...or is it something else?

"Yes...I am fine...thank you...." I said slowly. While looking at her with a sorry-face Expression.

"Great. I'll Bring you back to your room." She said, this time with a bit more gentle voice and a small smile on her face.  I returned the smile and followed her. To my room.

On the way i asked her the one question that burns deep inside of me. "Isobelle...do you know a Lilly?"

She stopped walking and, looked at me. "A Lilly? No ...but we do have a Maid named Lilith here. She is known to be really nice. And always polite."

"Nice, huh?" I said with an annoyed tone in my voice.

"Why are you asking anyways?" Isobelle asked and continues walking. "Has she done something?"

I didn't think much and started to explain. I tryed my best to make it sound like I didn't like Mistress in 'that way' but it didn't take long until Isobelle understood why i was so upset. She didn't judge me at all. She simply giggled and hugged me.

"So you don't mind? I am in no trouble?" I asked still a bit unsure.

"Haha, in trouble? If that is a reason you'd get in trouble you would have already been. Its been obvious since the first day, that you like Lady Juliet." She started and I felt myself blushing "you would always blush around her, or look at her. Its hard not to laugh"

She really didn't seem to mind that much, even tho its still a bit embarassing, that i was this obvious the whole time. I tryed my best to keep it a Secret but apparently I failed...

I kept talking to Isobelle while we walked to my room. And I even offered her to stay for the night to talk.

At that moment I didn't notice that i was being watched...

-Pov Juliet-

After getting screamed at by my Brother. I finally made my way to the maids chamber to apologize...even tho he wouldn't tell me for what. All he said was 'you know exactly for what.'. why does my Brother has to be so stupid! He should be the one apologizeing, for embarresing me so much! Not me!

After i finally reached the chambers I saw an unfamiliar situation. Mary was talking to Isobelle?
I knew that she was open for questions, but they don't seem to be talking about work. She looks so happy and...

I tryed to follow then quietly careful not to draw any attention to myself.

They even Gg in Marys room together?! Why!? I felt anger build up inside me, I could scream right now. Isn't it obvious that I like her?! I talked to Lilly and she said that I should follow my feelings and just tell her, and in the meantime she shares a room with another maid!

"Hey sis!" I hear Aiden walk up behind me, and tap me on the shoulder. "Whhaaa!" I turned around. "Stop that! You know I don't like it when you suddenly appear behind me!"

"Uuuhh, someone is upset. Did you apologize?" He asked which only made me angrier. "For what!?" I scream at him. 

"You really don't get it sis, do you?" He asked while rolling his eyes. "Don't you know what your actions do to her?"

What my actions do to her? I thought about it...does he mean , me being nice? The petnames? The hugging?
Am I being clingy? Is that why she avoids me, because she needs more time for herself? "..."

"...... Aiden....can we Talk...?" I asked, not carrying how embarassing this next talk might be....

Sorry for the late updates, i'm currenrly sick and don't really have time to writte this much. I still hope you enjoyed this chapter (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
Have a great day/night

Yes, Mistress (old)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora