No Secret

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-Marys Pov-, what just happened?.....

I was about to have se-...
Wait what!?
With Mistress!?

Thanks Aiden, you really know how to ruin a moment like this. But it seemed important so i shouldn't be angry.

I should rather be worried. Aiden usually doesn't act like this... especialy not when it comes to being stressed or scared of something.

Maybe I should look for them? But then again If they wanted me to help they would have took me with them.

I am overthinking to much, i'll better just put my uniform back on the right way, and make my way over to the chambers.

With that I walked out the door, looking around scared that some other Maids might see me, but the halls were empty.
Not a single person was walking around.

No Maid, no Aiden, no Mistress...just me.

Did they all left me alone here, i'm very sure that Layla and Clara were supposed to clean the rooms today.

Not to forget that Aiden planned in going to throw a Party soon. So a lot of maids wanted to decorate....


No, absolutely noone was there.
Everything was quiet.

Everything except one room, you could hear, quiet whispering through the thick wood.

I carefully pressed and ear against the door. Trying to make out what they were saying.

"Can you belive that!? The Mistress and that Maid" a voice yelled and some other people giggled.

"I bet its all Fake anyways, like Mistress would care about a dumb little girl like her"

Were they talking about me?...

After i heard more giggles, I felt tears building up in my eyes.
How did they found out? Was that the reason Aiden pulled Juliet away?

I heard steps walking towards the door and I quickly hide behind a corner. Only spying to try to make out who were talking.

It were around 5 Maids, all ones that i've never interacted with.
Why did they even care if Mistress and I were a thing?

A tear rolled down my face and stormed off into the library hoping to be alone, shutting the door crying before turning around.

Aiden, Lilly and Juliet all sat in a circle in front of me looking suprised at my entrance.

I quickly realised that i was disturbing Them and tryed to excuse myself without having to answer some questions about why i was crying.

But with a gentle gesture Mistress or better Juliet ordered me to her. Pulling me onto her lap softly.
Allowing me to burry my face into the crook of her neck, while she softly rubs my back.

"We'll talk about it later, Darling..." She whispers in my ear quietly, before turning her attention back to the others in the room.

"So Aiden, did I heard that right? We have a traitor?"

I couldn't see any of the others but i could practicly feel Aiden nodding. "Yes, i've heard about a person in this castle that has a connection to someone from the nearly Village. He kidnaps the Maids from here and brings then to the many
brothel know..."

I held my breath, the girls got kidnapped is that why the halls are this empty lately?

Juliets heartbeat got faster, I could feel the anger building up inside her, as her soft rubs on my back turn into more forced scratches.
"So, my Maids are now out there left alone to shell their bodys to these disgusting men!"

Her voice grew louder and I could see that Lilly grabbed her hand gently, to prevent her from throwing anything across the room.

Aiden also came over softly rubbing Juliets head. "Well find them...don't worry. We found Mary once and we'll find the others as well."

I slowly looked up, my tears disappeard and now seemed to be building up in Juliets eyes.
I've never really seen her cry like that. It was a mixture of frustration and anger.

And all i could do was hug her softly. So did Lilly and Aiden. The amount of comfort made her break in on her walls, and she let all of her feelings out, crying loudly into the hug.

Letting all the fear for the well being of her Maids out.

Noone in the room knew what to do, so we just kept her close.

I could feel Aiden, pulling her close the most, having tears building up in his own eyes as well.

Maybe not because of the Maids, and more because his sister was crying.
He kept hugging her, and when she still didn't stop after several minutes, he picked her and brought her into her chambers.

Only me and Lilly were left...

To be continued....

Guys, i'm so f-ing sorry.
I know its been months, without Updates. And I hate to keep you waiting.

But its so hard switching between storylines (the new Yes, Mistress book, finally has one yay)

So please, forgive me, that I update very slowly.
I'm on Chapter 12 in the new book, and i'm quite happy with how it turned out yet.

I'm planning on releasing it on nee year. And hopefully make up for the time you're waiting.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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