Important !!!

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I know its been quite a while since I last posted here.
A lot has been going on, and I was on my final last classtrip.

But now i'm here with a important decision.

I know that you're all waiting on a new chapter of this book, and I would be more than happy to write it.

But something about this book makes me unhappy.
It was my first ever book on Wattpad and I didn't really had any experience on how to write, or make a storyline.

So i am planning on rewriting this book completly from the start.

But now with a plan, moodboards, storyline, character sheets ect.

(This book will still stay online, just because its my first book)

I am just not happy with how it turned out yet. And re-reading some chapters here, make me cringe.

I'll still try to update this book from time to time, but i'll definitly do a completly new "Yes, Mistress" book soon.

Yes, Mistress (old)Where stories live. Discover now