The 'talk'

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---------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Pov-

I couldn't belive it myself...was I really about to ask my brother for 'that' type of talk!? I could feel myself blush slightly, and looking down.

"Of course we can talk..." Was all I heard. Now there is no turning back. If anyone knows anything about relationships than it is my brother...

" private please...." I added, not wanting other people to hear our conversation.

I expected an annoying comment from Aidens side. But his expression changed into a more serious one. Did he know how hard this next conversation is for me? Or is he only trying to fool me, and make fun of me later.

Before I could overthink more, I got pulled by my arm into another room. I looked at Aiden who seemed genuenly concerned.
We both sat down and he looked at me expectingly.

It took me some time to finally ask him. " do I know that I like someone... more than just a friend?..."
I looked at him, a bit embarresed. But he seemed to understand and answered right away.
"Its very simple, If you find yourself acting different around them. Or that your emotions change, when they are near. Like you get nervous or overly happy..."

I was suprised. My brother really seems like he cares...I honestly didn't expect that...I mean, of course I talked with him before, but i made it sound like Mary and i were just friends .... nothing more.
(At least I hope he didn't chatch on to quickly...)

"...and let's just say of the feelings is jealousy.....its a pro, isn't it?" I asked looking away.

"It most likely is, yes. It shows that you care about that person, and want them to like you back. And not anyone else."
He answered, seemingly thinking about something.

I wanted to ask one last thing, but i simply couldn't bring myself to do it...I opened my mouth but closed it again quickly. Before standing up a bit to fast and wanting to leave. "Well thats all, thank you Aiden!"

But before I could leave he grabbed my hand and pulled me back in my seat again..."Something is still bothering you...I can tell that..."

I looked away, trying to avoid eye contact. "Its nothing..." I whisperd.

"Come on know this isn't going anywhere...I won't force you to tell me, but i want you to know that i'm here If you want to talk about it." He said while pulling me into a soft hug. Its been quite some time, since he hugged me like this. But it was nice, even as a child it always made me feel safe.

I sigh before answering, I knew it would be pointles trying to deny it anyways..." i know that i can like girls the same way?..."

"You mean, how you can tell if you are attracted girls as well?" He asked calmly...
"...Not 'as well' ....only." I answerd finally feeling comfortable enough to admit it to my brother (and myself).

"You can make a little test. Are you embarresed or scared of getting caught when looking at a woman?" He asked while softly rubbing my back, as comfort.

"What do you mean? Why should I be scared?" I asked unsure of what he meant.

"Its simply, If you are straight, you wouldn't care If anyone sees you looking at a women. Since in your head its nothing wrong with it.
But when you are afraid that people notice you looking there, its most likely since you are scared of your feelings getting Exposes."

I thought about his words for a made sence, someone who has no second thoughts about a women, wouldn't care If they get caught staring...

"...thank you aiden, I think I finally know my answer to my questions...can you bring Mary to me...I want to talk to her..."

Thats it for today, I hope you enjoyed.

Juliet's thoughts are nothing unusual. So If you are unsure find someone to talk about it. ( I don't know If you'll see this, but If you do please know that you helped me a lot)

If you ever need to talk about it, you can text me. Also If you want to help me figure myself out...(i'm not that sure about my feelings yet. Even tho this one person helped me understand it better)

Yes, Mistress (old)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt