Chapter 17

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"Seemy!! Come the fuck on help me!!" A frantic Aspen screeched as Aseem snapped out his trance moving towards his cousin and brother.

Her eyes burned with tears as she dropped to her knees grabbing her boyfriend. He was propped up against an unrecognizable Q barely breathing.

"Baby!! Babyy! What happen oh my god what happen" she shouted through her tears running her hands across her body trying to see where he was bleeding from. Nyier looked at her through hooded eyes struggling to focus on her voice. "I found him baby" he coughed with a shaky smile.

Aspen looked at him full of sorrow and stuttered, "I-I see baby I see. We gotta get you two to a hospital though so you gotta—HEYY HEYYY NYIER!! Keep your eyes open baby" She yelled seeing his eyes being to flutter. "HELP ME GET EM UP DICKHEADS" Rocky snapped looking towards the crew who scurried to pick up a barely conscious Nyier.

"Come on bro you almost out the woods stick it out a little longer." Seemy spoke to his brother as his voice slightly cracked. He took Aquila arm and wrapped it around his shoulder gaining a low groan from Q. "I'm sorry bro but we gotta getchu up outta here." Aseem advised motion for one of his men to go on the opposite side and assist him taking Q to the car. Glancing up ahead he saw a stressed Rocky and bloodied Nyier. Aseem had noticed two dead men inside the room so he assumed Reek must have gotten into a shootout with them. He just prayed everyone made it to see tomorrow.

"HURRY THE FUCK UP WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YALL!!" Aseem heard as they were making their way to the van. He sighed seeing Rocky blacking on everyone but he could see where she was coming from. "Yo didn't y'all fucking hear her. My brother or my cousin die. I promise you y'all mothers will be next wallahi" Aseem sneered placing Q onto the floor of the van. Rocky eyed Seemy with a snotty nose sniffling as she mouthed thank you. He shrugged in response looking towards his cousin who looked ready to close his eyes at any moment.

Taking his knuckle he dug it into Reeks sternum earning a loud grunt from him. "Yo cous! You just had big plans my man. I need you to stay awake." Seemy snapped as Rocky rubbed Reeks red stained hand. Aseem had a feeling neither would be able to hold on much longer. He felt a ping in his chest at the thought of losing them.

"Do y'all need me to drive this bitch!! CAUSE WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PROBLEMM!?!?Letssss Gooooooooo!!!" He hollered, balling his fist up repeatedly punching the back of the drivers seat.


Arriving at the hospital Aspen dashed out the van before it could come to an complete stop. She returned seconds later with two gurneys. She was moving so quickly she tripped herself up almost falling until an assortment of hospital staff came running behind her. Once they realized what was going on the staff acted quick laying Q & Reek onto the gurney's. They took the cousins into the back with Rocky & Q in tow. Before they could follow a nurse had stopped them shouting, "Ma'am! Sir! Listennnn! You can not go back there. I don't want to have to call security. Please."

Rocky snapped her neck at the nurse, "Fuck is you talkin bout I can't go back there! He-he needs me I-I told him I wouldn't leave him!" She pleaded frantically looking between Aseem and the nurse.

The nurse placed a hand on Aspens arm giving her a sympathetic smile. "Sweetheart you can't do nothing for him right now. We have to let the doctors work. Get cleaned up and sit in the waiting room I promise to keep you guys updated." The nurse explained as warm tears ran down Rocky's cheeks.

"Okay" Rocky staggered barely above a whisper feeling defeated.

Aseem had a prominent mug plastered on his face sending straight daggers too the nurse. "Come on cous" He spoke draping his arm around a weak Rocky guiding her to the waiting area.

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