Chapter 21

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The sound of money flaring was all that could be heard through the one story warehouse

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The sound of money flaring was all that could be heard through the one story warehouse. Nyier cleared his throat as Aseem had an stoned look upon his face. The duo had just arrived and Reek was ready to talk, much to Seemys dismay.

Aseem didn't approve of his cousin standing among their crew right now but Nyier wasn't giving up, during the whole car ride over he attempted to sway his decision but that only led Reek to cursing him out harshly. Aseem didn't mind the volatile words that were spewed at him, it wasn't anything new. Especially coming from his older cousin. He just wanted what was best for him and he felt like this wasn't it.

Nyiers eyes looked around the large room. "LISTEN UP! I need everybody to meet me in the boardroom...IMMEDIATELY!" He bellowed out as his deep voice bounces off the concrete walls catching everyone's attention. Reek noticed the surprised looks on some of the workers face before they quickly looked away.

Entering the room where the meeting would be held, Nyier took his seat at the head of the table. He looked at his watch checking the time. 12:45am. He still had time to return home before Aspen awoke. Reek knew if Rocky was aware of him leaving she'd pitch a fit. She wouldn't understand why he had to handle this situation. After all it, this decision was for the better of not only his future but as well as hers and their family to come.

He smiled at the revelation of them starting a family, as thoughts of his own trifling parents came to mind causing him to scowl. Shaking his head, he adjusted himself in his seat and watched as his crew flowed into the room. He didn't have time to dwell on his shitty ass folks, he had a more pressing situation to deal with.

"Thank you for all being present this evening. I have some big news to give you all. I'm sure you've noticed my absence lately due to unforeseen events...Getting to the point I will be stepping down from my position as co-leader of the organization." Reek spoke with a stern tone, noticing the various facial expressions across the room.

Feeling Seemys nudge him to continue, Nyier cleared his throat catching the rooms attention once again. "Now this is the one and only time I'm accepting questions, this change is sudden and will be in affect promptly. Nothing really will change being as though Seemy is still running things. Just as of now he will be the ONLY leader until he decided otherwise. I will still be around as usual just going a different route. Now you have the floor for questions." He concluded, resting his hands on the table.

"So what does this mean for us? I know you said that nothing will change but I gotta family to feed bro. My check still gon' be good?" A random worker questioned, as he sheepishly adjusted in his chair.

Nyier locked eyes with the man, running his tongue over his top row of teeth. He literally just answered the man's question but he digressed, "As I said nothing will change. You don't change, ya money won't change. Simple."

As the worker nodded, seemingly satisfied with Reeks answer. He heard someone scoff, causing him to snap his neck into the direction of whomever made the noise.

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