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Adonis held the front door open for me, and I walked in. He didn't say much to me, and I don't blame him. As soon as we walk into the living room, Kaia eyes light up.

"Daddy." Kaia calls out and runs into Adonis's arms.

Adonis hugs her and picks her up.

"You okay?" He asks Kaia, but she lays her head on his shoulder instead and says nothing.

Zach walks over to me and kisses my forehead. "Woah. What happened to your hair?" He asks.

"What's wrong with it?" I ask.

Adonis's braid came loose, but my hair was still damp, so I knew it wasn't that bad.

"Nothing, it's just..... wild." Zach says.

Adonis scoffs and shakes his head.

"I'm gonna put Kaia to bed." Adonis says and walks upstairs with Kaia.

Zach pulls something from my hair and frowns. "Why do you have seaweed in your hair?"

"We went to the beach." I answer and collapse onto the couch.

"You're afraid of the beach." He says.

"Can we talk about something else, please?" I ask and close my eyes.

"Yeah.. there was something we discussed a few months ago." Zach says and sits down next to me.

"What's that?"

"A baby." He says.

I froze.

"What?" I say, opening my eyes again.

"Sienna, you know I love Kaia, but just because Adonis is back doesn't mean I want to put our plans on hold." He explains.

"Woah. I specifically said that I wasn't sure about having kids." I say to him.

"No. You said we'll discuss it in a couple of months, and that's what I'm doing."

"Zach, I can't have a baby right now." I tell him while rubbing my temples.

"Why not?"

"Because I have too much going on. I have work, and my dead husband literally just came back from the dead." I say half asleep.

Zach sighs. "Sienna, I want a life with you and our own baby."

"What's wrong with Kaia? Isn't she enough?" I ask.

"She's... fine. But that doesn't mean I don't want my own kids with you."

"I can't have kids right now, Zach. My life is too unstable right now." I tell him and begin to close my eyes again.

"You said that last time." He mumbles, and I can tell he's upset.

"We're not even married."

"Well, we can be if you just get a divorce." He snaps.

"I'm not doing this again." I say, getting up and going to up my bedroom.

Babies is a sore topic for me. I had a miscarriage with my first baby, and my pregnancy with Kaia was painful. I love my daughter, and I wouldn't trade her for anything else in this word, but I don't think I want another baby.

Adonis and I weren't even trying.

I was in shock and scared when I found out I was pregnant, and I knew I'd have to tell Adonis.

When I finally mustered up the courage to tell him, he was ecstatic. "Sienna, this is amazing news!" he exclaimed, scooping me up in a big bear hug. "I can't wait to be a dad!"

I smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. "I'm so happy you're happy," I said, snuggling into his chest.

"I'm more than happy, Sienna. I'm over the moon," Adonis replied, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I was so happy he was happy. And even though I was scared, it felt good to have him but my side.

But over the next few weeks, things took a turn for the worse. I started experiencing severe cramping and bleeding, and I knew something was wrong. I went to the doctor and was devastated to hear that I had miscarried.

When I got home, Adonis could tell something was off. "What's wrong, Si?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

"I miscarried," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I lost our baby..."

Adonis's face fell, and he pulled me into a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry, Sienna."

"I just feel like such a failure," I choked out, tears streaming down my face. "I couldn't even keep our baby safe."

Adonis cupped my face in his hands, forcing me to look into his eyes. "Sienna, don't you dare say that. This is not your fault. You did everything you could, and sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to. But we'll get through this together. We'll try again when we're ready."

I nodded, grateful for his words of comfort. But as the days went on, I found it harder and harder to shake the feeling of sadness and loss. Adonis tried everything he could to make me feel better, but nothing seemed to help.

"I just don't know if I can do this," I said one night as we lay in bed together. "I don't know if I can keep trying and keep facing the possibility of this happening again."

Adonis pulled me close, stroking my hair. "We don't have to do anything you're not ready for, Sienna. We can take all the time you need. But I promise you, we'll get through this. Together."

Eventually, I began to get better, and Adonis and I focused on each other and our careers. It was two years later when I found out I was pregnant with Kaia.

I groaned and laid on my bed. I just want to close my eyes and drift to sleep.


After putting Kaia to sleep, I lay on my bed, scrolling through my phone when someone opened my door.

Kaia walked in sobbing.

"Baby girl? What's wrong?" I ask, sitting up, and she comes to me.

"I'm scared." She sobs.

She was so scared she was struggling to breathe.

I quickly pick her up and hold her in my arms. "I need you to calm down and breathe for me, okay?"

She was still sobbing while trying g to catch her breath when Sienna entered the room.

"Breathe Kaia, breathe... I got you.. daddy's got you." I whisper to her, and Sienna runs out of the room.

Sienna comes back seconds later with Kaia's inhaler and gives her two puffs.

"Was it the nightmare again?" Sienna asks her, and she nods.

"Can.. we... sleep.. in here.. tonight." Kaia asks through her slow sobs.

Sienna looks up at me, and I nod.

"Okay, bunny. You can sleep in here tonight." Sienna tells her.

"You to mommy. I don't want the monster to get you." Kaia says urgently.

I lay down in the corner with my back against the wall. My bed was definitely big enough for three. I place Kaia in the middle, and Sienna climbs in. We both wrap one hand around Kaia.

"We're here, bunny. Go to sleep." Sienna whispers to her and kisses her forehead.

Kaia yawns and begins to dose off. Sienna and I lock eyes, and this is all I want. My beautiful family with Sienna.

"Your turn." I whisper to her.

I stay there watching them as they both drift off to sleep. I make sure they're asleep, but I don't move. I want them both to stay. I want Sienna to stay here.. with me.

"I love you, Sienna." I whisper, knowing she can't hear me.


My poor babies, you guys got a long way to go.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝚰𝐄𝐒 Where stories live. Discover now