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876 31 5


I wake up to find Kaia watching TV next to me, but Sienna is gone.

"Morning." Kaia says to me, barely taking her eyes off the TV.

"Morning." I say to her. "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." She answers.

"Where is your -"

"Downstairs." She answers.

I kiss her forehead and get up. I want to do some training so I'm all ready when I start playing again. I grab a pair of shorts to work out and step into my bathroom. Kaia is too glued to the TV right now, so I quickly change.

When I step out of the bathroom, Kaia is still watching the TV.

"Hey, come down for breakfast soon, okay?" I say to her.

"Okay." She says, giving me a thumbs up.

I walk downstairs and step out into the backyard, the sun beating down on my skin. I take a deep breath and look around. I was here for one reason and one reason only: to train.

I'm determined to get back in shape and show the world that I still have what it takes to be a top player.

I started with some simple stretches, feeling the muscles in my legs and back slowly begin to loosen up. I knew that I needed to take it slow at first to avoid any injuries. But as I began to feel more comfortable, I picked up the pace, moving on to some basic drills.

I dribbled the ball back and forth, feeling the familiar weight of it on my feet. It felt good to be back in control, to have the ball at my feet once again. I could feel my confidence growing with each touch of the ball.

Next up was some agility training. I set up some cones in a zigzag pattern and began to weave my way through them at top speed. My heart was pounding in my chest, and sweat was starting to bead on my forehead. But I pushed through the discomfort, knowing that the hard work would pay off in the end.

Finally, it was time for some strength training. I set up some weights and began to do a series of exercises, feeling the burn in my muscles with each repetition. I knew that this was where the real work was done, where I would build up the strength and endurance that I needed to be a top player once again.

As I finished my last set, I collapsed onto the grass, breathing heavily. I looked up at the sky, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over me. I knew that I still had a long way to go, but I was confident that I would get there. With each day of training, I was one step closer to my goal: to be back on the field, playing the game that I loved.

As I lay there catching my breath, I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see my wife sitting on the porch, reading a book. I smiled to myself, happy to have her support as I worked to get back in shape.

"You're watching me, aren't you?" I said, grinning.

She looked up from her book, a guilty expression on her face. "What? No, I'm just reading."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Really? Because it looks like you've been watching me the whole time."

"Okay, fine. Maybe I was watching a little. But only because I'm proud of you for working so hard." She says with her book still in her hands.

I chuckled and then brought my lips to her ear and whispered. "Your book is upside down."

Sienna opened her mouth to say something, but she knew she was caught. She bit the inside of her lip, and I used my thumb to pull her lip from between her teeth.

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