Chapter 6 | Dorian

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When the ceremony ended, I tried with all my might to hide my desperation to find Manon among the crowd. I knew she would be leaving the next day, like many of us, and even though we had spent the last few days together, I panicked at the thought of her leaving without saying goodbye to me.

God, I was tremendously worried about whether I was getting exactly what I had done to her a few weeks ago. We hadn't talked about it yet, as that night she asked me to stay and gave herself entirely to me. How I had fled in the early hours to fulfill my duty without wanting to think about what I was leaving behind. I thanked every day for having this second chance to be with her.

After discreetly asking everyone where she was, I found her in the kitchen, devouring a plate of cheesy baked potatoes, sitting next to Fenrys. I didn't know they knew each other, but they were in a state of complete calm and pure concentration on the food. They were comfortable. I had rarely seen Manon so relaxed.

"May I interrupt?" I asked from the doorway to the strange couple.

Both of them looked up from their plates and locked their gaze directly on me. I saw Fenrys smirk in my direction.

"What are you doing here, Dorian?" Manon said with a look as if she had been caught in an awkward situation.

"Well, you disappeared from the hall, and I was worried when you didn't come back."

"Really, you were worried about this monstrous being?" Fenrys said mockingly, and I saw a smile appear on Manon's face. I didn't understand what was really going on there.

"How do you two know each other?" I asked, quite inquisitive, no longer hiding my curiosity.

Not only was I consumed by the knowledge that Manon and I would soon be parting ways, but I unexpectedly found myself in a situation where Manon was so calm with someone else, just as she was with me, and it hurt to see that I could be replaced so easily. Okay, I admit I was overreacting because they were only having dinner, but this intimacy triggered a wave of jealousy that I struggled to conceal.

"Really, Dorian?" Manon looked at me incredulously because she knew exactly that I was terribly jealous.

"Well, let's just say we've shared some intimate moments during the past few nights," Fernys said, clearly intending to provoke us.

"Fernys, why don't you fuck off?" Manon said, tired of the situation and clearly reading my expression.

"As you wish, my queen," he said, and he left the kitchen with a bow

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