Chapter 24 | Dorian

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-How many days will you be away?
-I don't know, Chaol, probably one or two. The location isn't too far, just a three-hour flight.
- Are you sure it's not a trap? - he insisted.
- A trap? Why, Chaol? Why do you think Manon would harm me? - I was getting tired of his distrust towards her. They had barely met, and it was clear he didn't like my relationship with Manon. - Tell me, Chaol, is it because she's a witch? Is it because she's the queen of another state? Or simply because you don't like her?
- It's not that, Dorian, it's just that... after all we've been through, after what you went through, I don't know if... well, she's ultimately...
- What is she, exactly? Say it!
- Valg! She's Valg, Dorian. She's made of the same thing as the collar that held you captive, and it terrifies me to think that it might influence you.

I fell silent. I hadn't considered it, denying for so long that I had something with Manon, and all because she was part of what had tried to destroy us all. She was the one who restrained the prince when the collar touched me the first time we met. Even Erawan had planned to have her as his wife, but... it wasn't any of that.

- Look, Chaol, I understand you're worried about everything that happened, but really, you have nothing to fear from Manon. She saved me, twice, barely knowing me. And well, it's been a year since we picked her up on the ship; she fought by our side. If it weren't for her, none of us would be here today.
- I know, it's just that she's always so distant, and you... well, I don't want her to hurt you.
- Oh, is that it too? You have to stop overprotecting me... I can't imagine when your daughter grows up...
- Well, it's just that you're so dedicated, and now you're the King of Adarlan, and at some point, people will want a queen.
- Again with that? What if Manon were the queen? - Chaol's face turned pale.
- Are you considering that? Really?
- Well, what's the problem? I always wanted to marry someone of my own choosing, and now that I think I could have that...
- But she, well, she doesn't seem very committed, rebuilding her kingdom. I don't know if the people of Adarlan... we were looted once, not her doing, but it's quite scary, really.
- Chaol, we've talked about this a thousand times. There's only one queen, but it's her decision if she wants to be or not, and especially when. I'm not in a hurry; I owe nothing to anyone. After what we went through last year, every day is a good opportunity to do what we want. You should go back to your wife and daughter and stop worrying about me. Don't forget I'm the most powerful person in Erilea; I could freeze or melt anyone who tries to harm me.
- Fine, just... be careful. I'll handle everything while you're away.
- Okay - and I hugged him. I cared about Chaol, and
I understood his concern, but sometimes it was too much. He protected me too much.

I grabbed my backpack and headed for my wyvern. I had the coordinates and had checked the maps; it wasn't far. It was halfway between Witchland and Adarlan, in the Wastes forest. I was quite intrigued; the letter had been brief, and after the last night in Perranth, I didn't know how things were in the witches' realm.

I was leaving the palace when I noticed someone behind me. I turned slowly when I felt someone gently take hold of my arm.

- Dorian, I was looking for you! - it was Sarah.
- Sarah, what are you doing here?
- I saw you coming down the stairs and followed you. I've been looking for you these days; since you returned from the wedding, we haven't been able to talk.
- Yes, you're right; I'm sorry... these have been intense days. When I'm away for a while, the return is horrible because I have to handle everything that accumulated.
- Are you leaving again? - she said, looking at the backpack I carried.
- Yes, I'm going away for a few days, but I'll be back soon.
- But... has something happened? - she asked anxiously.
- No, don't worry; it's more of a... personal visit.
- Ah... then you're going to see Manon Blackbeak?
- What? - I didn't know why I said that. The last time Manon had come, we had kept our distance, and although we had attended the wedding together, only a few days had passed. It was impossible that the gossip from the staff had reached here.
- Well, the last time she came... I don't know, I'm sorry; I shouldn't get involved in these matters.
- I have to go, Sarah; see you when I get back.
- Of course, I hope we can go riding or reading again.
- I'll make sure of it. Take care! - I turned around and hurriedly went to Vesta.

The wind was warm despite the speed and heading north. Flying was pleasant; I had been practicing daily. The truth was that being up here was enlightening, and Vesta... well, she was quite intimidating but currently my preferred company.

Three hours of flight later, I approached the area Manon had mentioned in her letter. From above, only a clearing was visible, with a lake somewhat nearby. I soon spotted Abraxos; Manon was already there.

I descended near him, hoping he'd take care of Vesta. She had never been outside Rithfold, and I was afraid she might flee.

It seemed like no one was there. As I got closer to the clearing, I saw her. It was a small wooden cabin, seemingly abandoned. I couldn't find Manon anywhere. I followed the path that led from behind the house and ended at a lake, and there, on the shore, looking up at the sky, was Manon.

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