Chapter 19 | Manon

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We had a few hours before the bridal dinner, and we didn't waste them. Amidst the comings and goings, we had turned reconciliation into an art.

Shortly before dinner, I returned to my room, not far from Dorian's. Elide, with her false innocence, had everything calculated.

I wore one of the dresses I had ordered from the Witchland seamstress. It fit me perfectly. The fabric was a soft black lace, and my arms were covered by tight sleeves resembling gloves. The dress hugged my figure, with a slightly open neckline to display a pendant Glennis had given me, once my mother's. It was silver and complemented my hair beautifully. The dress had an open back from the neck to the waist. The slit in the leg, a Yrene design, was a must for any respectable dress, and, of course, this one had it too.

Recent events had turned my hair into little more than a tangle, so I managed to fashion a high ponytail. This dinner was intimate and informal, so no crown was required.

I was ready when Petrah knocked on the door.
"Manon? Are you in here?"
"Come in, I'm almost ready."

Petrah entered the room, looking stunning in a fitted red dress with a rather suggestive neckline.
"Well, Petrah, those aren't your flight clothes."
"Well, I always envied humans and fae for their elegant clothes, while we only had war attire. I'm enjoying this moment," she said, sitting in the corner of the bed, waiting for me to finish the ponytail.
"Really? You envied that?"
"At first, yes. I always noticed that, but now that I see it up close, I realize I envied everything about them," her confession caught me off guard. Bluebloods were deeper than other witch clans, but they weren't as intense as the Crochans, still ruthless like us. "What do you mean?"
"Well, at first, I couldn't understand why they could have a home, a family, friends... while we had none of that. It made me angry, and I enjoyed killing them for it. I also envied their food, their traditions... their opportunities. I think that's why I retreated to the mountains. I couldn't stand being near humans and seeing that they had a life while we only had hatred and bloodlust." I sat beside her, pondering her words. How had I not noticed this?
"Now we have a chance, Petrah, to have all of that. Seize it," and I genuinely smiled. I had known Petrah for a lifetime, but I always saw her as a rival. The leaders of two of the most powerful clans, but she never aspired to take my place, not like Iskra.
Without warning, she turned and hugged me. "We wouldn't have this opportunity if you hadn't made it possible, if you all hadn't fought for this. Thank you."

The main hall of the castle was adorned with chandeliers emitting a warm, soft light. In the center, there was a long table decorated with flowers and candelabras. It was an intimate dinner to celebrate with the closest ones the day before the wedding.

The food was exquisite, and Elide was radiant. Her leg still hurt, and Lorcan assisted her, but her complete healing would have to wait until Yrene gave birth. I sat next to Elide, with Aelin on my other side, surprisingly separated from Rowan for dinner. And right across from me sat Dorian, looking spectacular in a dark purple velvet suit. How was I going to endure a dinner surrounded by these three? They were going to drive me crazy. I looked for Glennis to come to my rescue, but she smiled next to Aedion while holding onto his massive arm. Petrah was at the end of the table chatting animatedly with Fenrys. There was no escape.

"Wow, look who we have here, you look stunning in that dress! Fiu..."
"Where's your little bird, Your Highness?" I smirked at Aelin.
"You know, men can get a bit intense," she said, looking at Dorian in front with a smile. "I felt like a girls' dinner," and she winked at Elide, who smiled behind her wine glass.

The dinner was fun, although it was hard for me to admit it. With Aelin and Elide, I felt a different connection than with the others. They knew my story and had accepted me even when they knew I was a monster. What both had suffered... well, I felt at peace with them.

The evening continued with a casual dance where Glennis clung to every muscular bicep she could find. She danced with Rowan, Dorian, Aedion, and even latched onto Lorcan for a while. It was getting late when Elide sent us all to bed.

"Dear guests, once again, thank you for coming to this little town from your huge castles to celebrate these special days with us," Lorcan said, holding Elide at his side, his arm around her waist. "Now, go to bed, you all need to be rested and ready for the ceremony tomorrow. I don't want anyone arriving late."

We made a final toast for the newlyweds, and when Dorian looked at me from the back of the hall for us to go up together, Elide approached Aelin and me quietly as we sat on one of the benches.

"Girls, would you accompany me somewhere?" She had rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. Aelin nodded, and I followed.

"I hope it's worth it, witch," I told Elide as Dorian nodded at me. I would see him in the room.

"Oh, it has to be a good plan, Elide; Manon is rejecting the prince for you," Aelin teased, nudging me. I could only growl at her; she was right.

We left the fortress and headed to a nearby forest. There was no path, and Elide told us to follow her. A few meters away, we found ourselves in a clearing, and in the center was a pool with a waterfall.

"Here we are, my favorite place in all of Perranth, the Briar River hot springs," she said, bowing.
"Wow, this is impressive," Aelin said, already half-naked. "I don't know if it's as impressive as what Dorian has for Manon, but..." she didn't finish the sentence; I pushed her into the pool.
"You're a witch!" Aelin shouted from the water, her hair soaked in her face, and she started laughing. "Come on, get in, it's super warm!"
Elide began undressing when she looked at me, analyzing the situation from the shore.
"Aren't you getting in? Are you afraid of the water?" She said mockingly.
"Well, aren't you funny, Elide. Do you want me to throw you in too?"
"Throw her, throw her!" Aelin cheered from the water.
"Come on, Manon, get in. It's my last night with my friends."
"One last night of super friends, that's what it is," Aelin clarified excitedly, floating in the water while Elide got in.
"Well, you've found quite the best friends," and I started taking off my boots to join them.

It was truly an impressive place. The water was transparent, the moon was full, illuminating everything, there were some stars, and the silence was deafening. When was the last time I had been so at peace?

"Well, I brought you here because I wanted to ask you something," Elide said, blushing.
"Oh, more surprises, come on, what is it?" The impatience of the queen of Terrasen was tremendous.
"Well, I would like you to be my bridesmaids."
"I can't believe it! Yes, of course!" And I swam to hug her.
"I... what is that?" The two turned to look at me dumbfounded. "I remind you that this is my first wedding. In my clan, there were no men, and the few that were there were good for little, so... I'm not very knowledgeable about this."
"Oh, right, sorry, I forgot... well, you have to walk out with me to the altar and accompany me in the ceremony," she smiled. "Well, you two are the most important people in my life, but don't let Lorcan know," she said with laughter, "if it weren't for you two, I'd be dead by now, and both of you have given so much for me that I wouldn't want anyone else by my side."
"In that case, I'll be by your side. You're one of us, remember?"
"I would never forget, Your Majesty."

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