Chapter 10 | Manon

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Time flies when you're building a home. It had been a month since they first landed in the Wastes, and in just a few days, it had already become a home for all of us. It wasn't difficult either when we had never had one.

With the help of our wyverns, the reconstruction had been much faster. In a couple of weeks, the capital was inhabitable, and some of the fields were already sown. The people were ecstatic, and so were our mounts, which had claimed a large piece of land and now soared freely through the adjacent forests.
With my three in charge, Glennis, Katharyn, and Petrah, the coordination had been masterful. While Glennis ensured peace among the Crochans, Petrah took care of the Ironteeth. In the not-so-distant future, I hoped that the divide would become smaller and that both clans would gradually come together. I couldn't blame them; hatred had consumed us for centuries, but it was time to put an end to it, to end my grandmother's purpose.

Although I forced myself not to think about Dorian, it was impossible to avoid, especially when I arrived in my solitary room at the top of the castle. I had never had something like a real room of my own, and I loved it. It had a large balcony where I could land with Abraxos if I wished, and from there, I could see the entire kingdom all the way to the sea. The morning breeze that came through and rustled the curtains was only rivaled by the sun that streamed through them every dawn, illuminating every corner of my room.

On one of the walls, I had a large bookshelf, where I initially placed the personal effects of the thirteen I managed to take from Orynth before leaving, but it was getting increasingly filled with books. In all these years, I hadn't been able to read one, but since I arrived here, I devoured them every night, and they helped me fall asleep. I loved botany, history, and books on warfare, and I was eager to put all of that into practice.

In the mornings, I would rise with the sun and head down to the castle courtyard with Katharyn for training. She was an incredible fighter, though not quite as good as me. She was in charge of building the witch schools, where the new generations, and those who wished, would learn to fight and fly. Since we had arrived, Katharyn had been a loyal and efficient companion, working tirelessly and passionately. She had also fought by our side in the war and had lost many people. But she had also found someone. Shortly after arriving in Which Town, she had started flirting with Cecile, a survivor of the battle who had decided to join our ranks. It seemed that love was blossoming as surely as the fields of tulips surrounding the city.

But it wasn't just in the Wastes that new couples were forming. Within a few weeks, we received a formal invitation from Perranth. Lady Elide Lochan and Lorcan had decided to celebrate a grand wedding at their castle at the end of the following month. The witchling had exceeded all my expectations, and although I would never admit it aloud, it made me happy to see that all the hope she had cultivated during all the years she had been captive had been for something.

It was 9 in the morning, and it was already hot. I was drenched in sweat as I sparred with Kat in the courtyard when Petrah approached from a distance, wearing a smile that boded no good.

Dear Queen of the Witches, it seems you have a very important letter - she paused dramatically while letting out a low chuckle - from the King of Adarlan.

I think I held my breath for a minute. I wasn't expecting news from him, but I did expect to see him in Perranth. Many times, I had thought about mounting Abraxos and flying to Adarlan, but I didn't know if I would be well-received after what happened the last time I was there. I had also thought about sending him a letter. I wanted to know how he was, to tell him about the reconstruction of the Wastes, and to find out if... he remembered me. But I was a Queen, and I couldn't stoop so low as to beg for a little attention from the King of Adarlan.

I took the letter, feigning disinterest, from Petrah's hand and tucked it into my battle leathers. I grabbed Windblade and resumed the attack.

Aren't you going to read it? - Kat said playfully.
It's nothing, I'll read it later - I said as I lunged with a new thrust.

Oh, come on. A month without hearing from Dorian, gazing wistfully at the sky in the hallways, and now, are you going to act like you don't care? - That damned bitch, she had seen through me from the very beginning.

Just because you're sighing over your dear girlfriend in the corners and trailing behind her all day doesn't mean the rest of us are doing the same - I continued fighting.

Well, well, the queen is jealous - she laughed heartily, and I took the opportunity to disarm her and throw her to the ground, baring my iron teeth.
I have nothing with the King of Adarlan. He has his kingdom, I have mine, end of story - I extended my hand and walked back to my room.

I hated losing control and being so irrational when it came to Dorian. I couldn't help it, but my heart raced as I ascended to the room. Maybe it was because of the training, or maybe it was because I was afraid of what that letter meant. I reached the room and slammed the door shut before throwing myself on the bed, eager to discover what Dorian wanted from me.

Dear Queen of the Witches,

I hope this month has been fruitful, and the progress in the construction of what I am sure will be the most beautiful and formidable city in Erilea has been successful.

However, I regret to inform you that I urgently and desperately need your presence in Rifthold. As you know, there is a legion of wyverns that has promised to assist me in training, and I believe that, given your vast experience, I will need some of your advice.
Please do not hesitate to land with your incredibly fearsome and sweet mount on what you will see is a spacious balcony in the tallest tower. You will recognize it because it is filled with flowers of all shapes, sizes, and colors, as it has been specially constructed for when you need to pay us a visit.

Yours sincerely, Dorian Havillard, King of Adarlan.

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