Chapter 21 | Manon

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I had never been to a wedding, but if they were usually like this, I think I liked them. I would have to get used to it because the Crochans did have mates, as I learned in winter at their camps; the bond was sacred to them. Even Abraxos had bonded with Narene. Could I do that? Was that what was happening with Dorian?

Elide and Lorcan had been radiant. Though I hadn't exchanged many words with him, it was undeniable that he made her happy, and for me, that was enough not to want to kill him. The night had been pleasant; we ate, drank, and danced. I didn't know how fun it could be, and despite having no idea, Dorian had been a good teacher.

It was pitch dark; Dorian and I had fallen asleep deeply when the sound of wyvern wings woke us. I jolted awake, it wasn't Abraxos; I would have recognized him. I went to the balcony to see what was happening. Kat had landed at the entrance with Jaryn; certainly, it wasn't a good sign.

We rushed to the hallway, where Glennis, who must have heard it like me, was already present. Dorian wanted to accompany us to find out what had happened and help. Descending the stairs, Petrah appeared, along with Fernys, heading to the entrance.

"What happened?" I hurried toward Kat.
"Another attack, in the crop fields," she breathed deeply, clearly having flown without rest. "This time it was different. A Yellowlegs intentionally crashed with her wyvern in the fields where people were working. The rider didn't die in the fall, although it was intentional, and before they killed her, she said they wouldn't rest until the Witch Queen paid for what she had done."

"Any injuries?" Glennis asked anxiously. Kat's silence was enough to fear the worst.
"Four of our sisters died in the attack. Three Crochans were tilling the land, and a Blueblood went to defend them when the Yellowleg descended from her wyvern to attack the rest."

It had happened again; our sisters had paid for our absence. While I danced and laughed, they were being massacred in our city. I couldn't bear it. I knew Petrah felt the same just by looking at her face, and Glennis' determination told me she was ready to end this.

"Pack your things; we're going back home in 10 minutes." I tried to appear calm, but in my mind, I just wanted to fly until I found those wretches doing this to us and rip their throats out.

Petrah dashed off with Fernys on her heels, Glennis nodded with determination and went for her things.

"I'm coming with you," Dorian said. "Let's get to the bottom of this."
"No, Dorian, stay; this is our thing," I told him as I headed to the room for my things. "It's late, and I don't want to disturb Elide. Say goodbye to her tomorrow, please."
"I'll go with you," he seemed entirely convinced of it.
"No, Dorian, I can't appear in Witchland with you by my side, and everyone sees that while they suffered, I was with you... again."

The silence was deafening. No, I knew it wasn't his fault, but with the current atmosphere in our realm, any misstep could destabilize it.

"Dorian... I know it's not your fault, and it's not like last time, but understand that the situation is delicate. If I appear as a new queen who goes to balls instead of protecting her people, it can only create more fractures. Witch matters are solved by more witches."
"Alright, but I'll return to Rithfold. I'll be less than a day's flight away if you need anything." After a long sigh, he added, "Perhaps witches aren't my people, but they're yours, and that's enough to do whatever it takes, you know?"
"Thank you."
"Let's get our things. I'll go with you halfway."

The flight was long, longer than any other, although Dorian was by my side, and that always calmed my emotions. We considered all possibilities. Who could have been backing the Yellowlegs? How many might have escaped? Where were they organizing?

To be honest, over the centuries, we hadn't made too many friends, but I thought war and our involvement had changed things. But no, witches remained witches, and we were just as deadly. Our temperament and customs hadn't changed despite fighting on the same side of the war. It had taken centuries to return home, and we weren't going to give up on anything.

"You're the Witch Queen, Manon; act like it. You're feared, but you're also smart; you'll know how to resolve it." Dorian was behind me as we flew on Abraxos. "Have you changed your mind, and do you want me to accompany you?"
"No, Dorian, we have to resolve this ourselves. Appearing with a king, the most powerful king in Erilea, would only show that we need help. I don't want them to think that."
"Alright, but don't push me away this time, okay?" I looked at him sideways; I didn't want to be separated from him this time. Since I had acknowledged my feelings, I felt being by his side was right, but I wouldn't choose between my people or him.

"I won't, I swear. I'll write to you as soon as I can."

He caressed my hand and kissed me on the forehead. I felt his hands loosen from my waist, and something broke inside me, knowing he would leave.

"Dorian, thank you. For everything."

He smiled sideways, as he used to, and kissed me tenderly while whispering in my ear, "whatever you need, my queen."

And just like that, he flew away in the form of an eagle.

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