Chapter 1: How my parents met

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Hi my name is Davey and this is my story. My story begins 20 years ago. The year was 1978 and was the year my parents met. My mom Debbie Long and my dad Jeff Brown met in their senior year of High school. They believed their love was stronger than anything and felt they belonged together. If you asked any of their friends, they would all say the same thing, that, "Those two are inseparable." They were even voted best couple and the most likely to stay together. But I guess this was never meant to be.

Their plan was that after graduation they would find a place to live and get married. My dad's parents did not approve of this idea though and stated that if they were to follow thru with this plan that they would not support my dad thru college. Well as you can guess when given the ultimatum, he chose my mom. Again, they thought their love was strong and all they needed to survive.

Luckily my dad had a job down at the local supermarket as a bag boy so they did have some cash. Even though he had a job it still wasn't enough and their lifestyle was very poor. They lived in a small rundown apartment, downtown, that was still way too expensive for them. And true to their word, my grandparents would not help them with one penny.

In November of 1979 my mom became pregnant. By this time my parents were not getting along that well. They hoped with a baby coming that it would make them close again, boy were they wrong. On January 22nd 1980 my parents decided to tie the knot and got married. For a while, things would get better for them.

On August 21st 1980 Ashley Marie Brown was born. It was also the month my dad got a promotion at his job. With more money and a bundle of joy they had a new outlook on life. They ended up moving to a larger apt. in a nicer part of town and even got a car. And for the 1st time since their marriage, they went on a vacation. They thought that things could only get better.

On August 8th 1981 shortly before her 1st birthday my sister died of SIDS. I guess you can say that this threw the finale nail into the coffin. My parents ended up blaming each other and fighting all the time. My mom went into a deep depression and got involved with drugs. By the end of August, they knew the marriage was over. The divorce finalized on Oct. 10th 1981. My mom left town and moved across the country. Her reasons for doing this was partially to start a new life but mainly to hide a secret from my dad, me.

My parents lost touch and started to live their lives apart from each other. On March 16th, 1982 I was born as Davey Long. My mom informed the hospital and later myself that my father died before I was born. Later I would find this out to be a lie. 6 years later my dad won the state lottery and became 23 million dollars richer.


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