Chapter 6: Life at Grandma's

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The 1st couple of weeks at Grandma's, were really stressful on mom, but I could see she was going to try and make it through this ordeal. She promised me that as soon as she got a job and a little money saved, she would find us a small apt. of our own. Mom got a job as a waitress at the local Denny's and had to work 3rd shift, so she was gone all evening. After she got off, she went straight to her 2nd job at a local motel where she cleaned the rooms that people slept in. It was one of those 1-hour motels, whatever that meant. That was all my mom would let me know. By the time she got home it would be 3:30 pm and she would be exhausted. She usually went right straight to bed.

While mom was at work I spent as much time away from Grandma as I could. It seemed all she ever wanted to do was yell at me. It seemed that the minute my mom got home she would repeat the same 8 words every day. "Do you know what your son did today!" My grandma would say angrily. She would have some complaint about me even if I hadn't been in her sight all day. If you thought that was bad, you wouldn't be able to imagine what she had to say about my bedwetting problem. I actually made it to the 3rd night at my grandmas and also my mom's first night at Denny's without wetting the bed. But that lasting, would be too good to be true. And, sure enough, when my mom got home that afternoon "Do you know what your son did today?" Yelled my grandma. "He pissed all over my guest bed!" continued grandma. "And when he got up, he didn't even bother to clean himself or the bed up, just ran off!" Grandma yelled again.

That night when I went to bed, I noticed that grandma had put a rubber sheet on the bed. Since I never slept on a bed with a rubber sheet before, it felt different. Over the next week that rubber sheet was put to full use. It seems that 1st accident triggered my bedwetting real bad again. I started wetting the bed every night after that. Pretty soon grandma started complaining about the constant wet sheets. She told me that she was not going to wash my sheets every day but that I would have to sleep on them for 2 weeks. She told me that sheets in her house get laundered only twice a month. She told me when I wet the bed, I was to pull back the blankets and let the sheets dry during the day. This didn't bother me because I was used to it.

While at grandma's I started to think about my dad again. I wished I knew where he was so I could call him and maybe even see him. Even though I thought about calling the police and letting them know what had happened I knew right away I couldn't. Even though mom had put me thru a lot I still loved and cared for her and in her own way I knew she did too. It was the drugs and booze that made her mean, but when she stayed away from it, she was a halfway decent person. I just hopped that this time would be different and she would stay away from the drug scene.

I actually started liking my life with mom. Even though I didn't see her much, she spent as much time as she could with me. On her days off we would go to the park or even sometimes to a movie. The few times I did have daytime accidents she even helped me keep it a secret from grandma and didn't even spank me. Every night she would get up at my bedtime and tuck me in and sometimes read me a story. I guess she was trying to make up for a lot of lost time. Before she went to work, she would come back to the room and wake me up and take me to the bathroom to try and prevent any accidents. Even though it didn't help she still continued to do it. She would then put me back to bed and kiss me goodbye.

During the day I would get up at about 7 am get dressed, eat, and leave before my grandma got out of bed. Sometimes she would get up before I was able to get out and put me to work for the day, but most of the time I was out the door before she was up. Since it was summer, a lot of the kids in the area got up early. And they would play around until it was time to go back home for lunch or in most cases till dinner time. Since most of the kids came from poor families, they didn't have much to brag about and generally were easy to get along with. Even though I played with them I wouldn't say any of them were friends but more like acquaintances. We roamed the area streets playing tag and war and a bunch of other kid stuff. Also, another nice thing was, if I peed my pants by accident no one seemed to notice. But if I pooped them, I would usually leave the group and find a spot to dump the poop out of them, and then would go back to the group and play. Later by the time I got home my pants were usually dried out and my mom would later take care of them especially if they were poopy.

I guess it was sometime during the 2nd month of our stay at Grandma's that she found out about my daytime accidents. I was out playing with the other guys when I realized that I pooped in my pants and that I needed to pee also very badly. So, like usual I left the group and started looking for somewhere private to do my business and dump out my poop. I started walking around the corner of the block I was on when I ran smack dab into Grandma.

"I have been looking all over for you young man" She yelled while grabbing my arm.

She dragged me all the way back to the apartment. I tried to plead with her to let me go but she wouldn't. I couldn't help it by the time we got back to the apartment my bladder was bursting and I peed all over myself.

My grandma was shocked "boy you can't even control yourself in the day, what are you a baby?" She asked.

She never waited to hear my answer but dragged me into the bathroom and started to strip me. Boy I thought she was mad and shocked when she seen me pee myself, but she went berserk when she notice that I also pooped my pants.

"Can't you control your bodily functions?" asked my grandmother.

"I am sorry I couldn't help it; I was playing and the next thing I knew was that I pooped in my pants" I exclaimed.

It didn't matter what I said she was mad and was going to stay that way. She cleaned me up as if I was toddler. It turned out that she was taking me to see a doctor about my bedwetting. It turned out to be a real embarrassing day for me. The doctor stated that there was nothing wrong with me that he could find except that my bladder was small for my age and that my bowel sphincter muscle was pretty weak. He told my grandma that given time I should grow out of it, that it was most likely a phase. Of course, that afternoon when my mom got home, those 8 famous words came screaming again from my grandma's lips.

The next day I was surprised to see grandma up and dress when I got out of bed. When I came out into the kitchen to get breakfast, the first thing she asked me was if I peed the bed in which I nodded yes. "Did you clean yourself up" She continued. I off course hadn't cleaned myself so I said no. She then ordered me to the bathroom where she stripped me naked and gave me a bath. "You want to pee and poop yourself like a baby then for now on I will treat you like a baby." She said while giving me my bath. She went on to tell me that the rules were going to change, and until I could learn to control myself, I would have to follow the new rules.


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