Chapter 4: On the Run

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As Jim Franklin was helping me gather some things, my mom and her current boyfriend, Tony came home. My mom about freaked when she saw a stranger in the house and of course yelled at me for letting him in. Jim quickly explained the situation to my mom and emphasized that he had authority by my dad and the court to take me back to my father.

"Do you have that order with you" asked Tony.

Jim then realized that he made a big mistake. He forgot the court order papers. "No, I don't have it but the local police have been notified and have a warrant for your arrest Mrs. Long.

"Well until they show up on our porch, you can get the hell out of here!" Yelled Tony, who looked like he was going to take a swing at Mr. Franklin.

Well, the next few moments were spent throwing stuff into suitcases and then into the car. My mom and Tony knew that Mr. Franklin was going to call the police and that they didn't have much time. Everything was happening so fast my head was spinning. I didn't know what to do. All I knew was that I was to do as my mom told me, so I packed my things. Because of the experience of fast moving and not having very much it didn't take long to get everything we needed packed. We then all got in the car and drove away from the growing rapid sirens.

I don't know if it was a streak of courage or just stupidity but I started screaming and throwing a tantrum. All I knew was that my mom had lied to me and was trying to take me away from my dad.

"Can't you quiet that brat of yours Debbie?" asked Tony who finally made it to the interstate.

My mom didn't even give me any warning she just smacked me right straight in the face. That stunned me for just a second but my mom was prepared. The next thing I knew I was being injected by a needle. I knew from experience that it was a powerful tranquilizer. She had used tranquilizing drugs on me numerous times before whenever she wanted me out of her hair so that she could do the things she liked.

When I came to it was dark. I had slept according to my watch about 5 hours. I noticed two things right away. The 1st thing was, that I was very thirsty and needed a drink. The next thing I noticed was, that I had peed my pants in Tony's car. I knew the last time I did that he threatened to kill me if it ever happened again. That is why I decided that I would wait for a drink at the next stop, which I was hoping would be soon. Luckily, they had the windows down or they might have been able to smell the pee.

A half an hour later, we finally stopped to get gas. I quickly ran into the bathroom before either one of them had a chance to even notice that I was awake. It wasn't until I got my drink and attempting to dry my jeans that I realized that maybe this was my chance to escape. Luckily the bathroom" which someone happened to be coming out of" door locked behind me so Tony wasn't able to come in after me I had also locked the dead bolt. While thinking of my escape plan Tony pounded on the door and yelled to get my fucking ass back in the car. That was when I realized running as fast as I could out the door was not going to help me. I looked around the bathroom and noticed a small window above the sink and decided that this was my only means of escape.

I got up on the sink and opened the small window I then squeezed my small body thru the opening and started getting up. To late my mom was waiting by the window for me just in case I decided to pull that stunt. I knew that my only choice was to start screaming and scream I did.

It didn't take long for people to come to my aid. One gentleman asked my mom what she was doing to me. "I am sorry my son is mildly handicapped and tends to get into fits sometimes." My mom told the people who were gathering around them. My mom then took back out the hypodermic needle and gave me another shot which started its magic immediately. "See he's fine now that he has gotten his medication." She explained to everyone. She then put me back in the car and back on the road we went.

Before the tranquilizer had its chance to take full effect of my body, my mom yelled at and hit me continuously. I kept apologizing but she just wasn't listening. She finally stopped when Tony yelled that he was about to just dump both of us off, alongside the road. As darkness started clouding my mind I started wondering where exactly we were going. The last thing I thought I heard before I fell asleep was my mom mentioning to Tony 2 words, "his grandma."


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