Chapter 7: Dad Hot on the Trail

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My dad through all of this never gave up looking for me. He and Mr. Hawk tried every lead they could find. As time went by my dad started to feel that it was hopeless and that they would never find me. Jim Hawk told my dad how sorry he was to screw up as he did but he didn't even think about the court order papers. He told my dad that because of it he would do the rest of the case pro-Bono.

The 1st lead they tried was the license plate but it turned out the plate was stolen so that didn't go anywhere. Next, they tried to find people who might have known them, but that too, didn't work. Either they didn't know, didn't care, or weren't telling.

It wasn't until a week later that someone came forward with a good lead. The man who came forward was the guy from the gas station that we had stopped at on the way to Grandma's. He had noticed a picture of me that Jim was lucky in finding at my school in the school yearbook, and had made several hundred copies offering a reward for $5,000.00 for information leading to my rescue. He told Jim that we had headed east, and he noticed the plate which turned out not to be the same plate on the car when Jim saw it. So that meant that they stopped to switch plates. The biggest news was according to the guy the plate was expired.

Later when Jim told my dad of the good news my dad asked why this was good news.

"Well, my guess is that the boyfriend stole the plate I saw on the car because his plate was expired and either didn't have the money to renew the tags or most likely had a reason not to try like outstanding warrants," said Jim. "When he took off from the house, he knew that I must have gotten his plate # and decided to take a chance with the old plate instead of the stolen plate." continued Jim.

"So when will we find out anything?" Asked my dad.

"Soon, hopefully very soon." Jim Replied.

By the next day Jim had the information he was seeking. It turned out that it indeed was the boyfriend's old plate whose name was Tony Bernelli and currently was wanted on charges of check fraud and now kidnapping. With the information he also got a picture which he also plastered up everywhere with a $1000.00 reward. It didn't take long for one of his so-called buddies to come forward and turned Tony in.

Jim informed the police of Tony's whereabouts and later that day was picked up. At first Tony didn't want to talk about anything until he spoke with his lawyer. My dad pleaded with the police to at least have a chance to speak with Tony. In the end they gave Dad that chance since they knew nothing else was going to work. My dad, Jim, and the police sergeant in charge of the questioning went into the room they were holding Tony.

Tony and my dad looked at each other face to face and finally my dad spoke. "It is my understanding that you have a warrant out for your arrest, is that true?" asked my dad.

Tony nodded.

"Tell me do you think you will be able to win your case?" continued my dad.

Tony didn't say anything.

"I tell you what besides dropping my charges against you for kidnapping I will pay your bail and get you the best attorney money can buy to defend you against your pending charges." Said my dad.

Tony looked at my dad and finally spoke "You throw in shampooing my inside of my car and you got yourself a deal" Said Tony.

My dad looked confused and asked why such a strange request.

"Because your son is a fucking idiot who can't control himself and peed all over my backseat of my car" Tony stated.

My dad agreed and Tony gave them the address of my grandma's apartment. With finally knowing where I was at, Jim and my dad were on the way.


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