Chapter 9: I Meet Dad

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I couldn't believe my eyes, the man from the porch at our house found me again. I thought about running down to him before anyone knew what was happening but knew I would probably regret pulling a stunt like that. I decided to wait and just see what happens. To my surprise a police car had also pulled in front of the apartment building.

"Wow!" I thought to myself. "This time my dad was prepared."

It didn't take long for them to get to our apartment and knock on the door.

In the other room I heard my grandma answering the door. "May I help y..." I heard her start say.

The reason for her mid-sentence stop was because she had recognized my dad and saw that there were a couple of police officers with him.

"Debbie get up and out here right now" I heard my grandma scream.

I decided to come out and see them, but before I could come into full view of the door Grandma screamed for me to go back to my room. Too scared to disobey, I did as Grandma said and went back to my room but left my door open so I could listen.

"Mrs. Long can we come in" I heard someone ask. The same person continued to say "This is Jim Franklin he is a private investigator and of course these two gentlemen behind me are from your local police dept. You of course know who I am".

My grandma quickly stated no that they could not enter her home unless they had a warrant.

The man responded "we will leave if you let us have my son, he rightfully belongs to me".

Then it hit me the man speaking was my dad. I finally heard my mom coming out of her room and decided that I no longer could stay in my room no matter what happened. I wanted to meet my dad very badly. Well as I went out there, 2 things happened very quickly, the 1st was when my mom entered the room and came into view of the door one of the officers asked her if she was Debbie Long and before my mom could barely shake her head he entered our apartment and slapped a pair of handcuffs on her.

"You are under arrest for kidnapping and misc. drug charges, you have the right to remain silent if you say anything it could and will be used against you in a court of law," said the officer.

I couldn't believe what was happening here my mom was getting arrested and her rights read to her. The next thing to happen was the man I heard talking and assumed was my father ran up to me and picked me up and hugged me. I didn't know what to think but I decided that I was happy to finally meet my dad and hugged him back.

"Wait a dam minute you may have a warrant on my daughter for an untrue crime but you have no right to that child. He is my grandson and until I see proof that he is your son (she pointed at my father) I don't care what kind of papers you have." Yelled my grandma.

My father (who was still holding me) looked at the officers and asked if she could do that.

"I am afraid she is right until a court here tells us that this is indeed your son and that the papers you have are recognized by the local government, we can't do anything" said one of the officers.

Dad who I could tell was unhappy for hitting another wall in his way to his goal set me down on the floor and said goodbye to me and promised me that we would be together soon as he left with Mr. Franklin, the 2 officers, and my mom.

After they all left my grandma looked at me and started yelling at me as if it were my fault. "Now look because of you your mother is going to jail and like always I will have to bail her but out" yelled grandma. She then got on the phone and called a friend of hers who happens to also be a lawyer and asked her to come over. I was then again told by grandma to go back to my room and close the door and play. About 20 minutes later a woman came to the door and I figured it to be the lawyer friend. I tried to hear them but because of the closed door I couldn't quite hear what they said except for bits and pieces. Well, I figured I guess I will find out later maybe, and later I would.


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