Chapter 10: Court

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Mom came home about 2 hours later released on bond. She had a court date set for tomorrow at 2pm and hopefully according to grandma all kidnapping charges would be dropped and as for the misc. drug charges the DA said that they will drop those as well. That night before mom left for work she like usual came in to tuck me in I decided now would be a good time as any to ask her a question that has been bothering me all day.

"Mom, are we going to have to move again?" I asked.

My mom just looked at me and shook her head "I am tired of running and feel it is time to make a stand" Mom said.

"Mom was the man that came here today really my dad" I asked?

Mom just sighed and told me to go to sleep and that she would talk to me later about it.

The next morning not only did I wake up to a wet diaper but I noticed that I also pooped in it. On top of all that, Grandma walked in as I was getting undressed and noticed what I done.

"I swear child I do not know what I am going to do with you," said Grandma.

She gave me a bath and stated that since I pooped in my diaper that she was going to make me wear a diaper all day. She put the diaper on me and gave me a pair of my sweat pants and a t-shirt to wear outside. With the diaper on I was too embarrassed to play with the other neighborhood kids so I just hung around the back of the apartment building.

I was entertaining myself with some matchbox cars and was not paying attention to everything around me, when Tommy came up behind me and actually scared the piss out of me and I don't mean figuratively.

"What you doing" asked Tommy?

"I'm just playing with my cars" I answered.

Tommy looked at me closely and asked "You are wearing a diaper aren't cha?"

I looked at him and pleaded not to tell anyone and again he reminded me to not worry that he would not tell. About an hour later I noticed that Tommy's crotch was growing a wet spot. I pointed it out to Tommy who decided that maybe he should go ahead and go inside and change since it was almost lunch time anyways. He asked me if I would be out after lunch and I said no that I had to go down to the courthouse with my mom and grandma this afternoon.

I went in to eat lunch but was surprised to learn that grandma was going to take us to McDonald's on our way to court for lunch. Before we left grandma changed my diaper and handed me the clothes that she wanted me to wear. I quickly got changed and off we were to McDonald's then to court.

We arrived at the courthouse around 1:45pm so we were a little early. Mom took me to the courtroom and found us a place to sit while grandma waited outside the courtroom for her lawyer friend. The Lawyer got there about 5 min. before court was to start and had a quick meeting with my mom and grandma to let them know the newest information she had on the case.

The courtroom was quickly becoming crowded with other people who were going in front of the judge. Because of all the people my mom's case didn't come up for quite a while. By 3pm I noticed that I needed to poop real badly and mom's case still hadn't come up yet. I decided to ask grandma if she would take me to the bathroom.

"Grandma I need to poop real badly and I need help to take the diaper off" I whispered to her.

She just looked at me and said that I was to hold it or just use my diaper because that was why I was wearing it. I tried to hold it but just couldn't and soon I felt the familiar feeling of pooping my pants. On top of that I also ended up soaking the diaper also and knew that I needed to be changed real badly. Luckily mom's case was finally announced.

The STATE OF UTAH vs. Debbie Long case #5674898-g" announced the court clerk.

My mom and the lawyer then went up in front of the judge and presented themselves.

"Mrs. Long you have been charged with not only Kidnapping charges which is a C Felony in this state but you also have been charged with misc. drug charges which is a. A type Misdemeanor," said the judge.

The judge then asked my mom if she understood the charges brought on her and she nodded her head and said yes.

"I see that you and the prosecutor have worked out a deal are you willing to accept this deal" asked the Judge.

Mom again nodded her head and said yes.

"Let's see the kidnapping charges are being dropped because of no proof that a kidnapping ever took place and the prosecutor has decided to recommend probation for the drug charges, is this correct" Asked the judge?

Mom again said yes.

"Okay it is the judgment of this court that all kidnapping charges will be dismissed and as for the drug charges I sentence you to 3 years of probation" BANG BANG "next case" yelled the judge.

As we left the courtroom the lawyer turned to mom and grandma and said "Okay we got step 1 done and taken care of, now step 2 is going to be more difficult". She went on to tell them that my dad had already filed a custody hearing to gain custody of me. She continued to tell them because of the money that dad has he already has an advantage. The only problem for dad was that he had to give enough evidence to prove that he could possibly be my father before the Judge would even consider genetic testing. This was supposed to be good for my mom because if he doesn't get that test done there is no way he can prove he is the father so the case will be closed and everyone can go back to their own business. At this point in time, I really didn't understand all this and it wasn't until recently that I began to understand what was happening.


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