Chapter 15: Dad, Me, and Tommy

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Right from the beginning I realized that life with Dad was going to be much different than with Mom. Dad's house was huge and had an indoor pool. My room was bigger than grandmas whole apartment. I had my own huge bathroom and a huge walk in closet bigger than my old room at grandmas.

The bathtub in my bathroom was almost big enough to swim in it. Dad had the room decorated for a young boy look. There were model airplanes hanging from the ceiling and a ball bat and baseball glove sitting in one corner and on the dresser sat a football and basketball. The dresser was filled with expensive name brand clothes that all the boys wore nowadays. The bed was a king size waterbed. Dad even made the joke that I now have a bed that could actually wet me instead of the other way around. Also in the room was a computer desk and a brand-new top of the line computer sitting on it. All of the things in the room according to my dad belonged to me. He also pointed out the basketball hoop down in the driveway that had been put up and the tennis court out back. He even bought me a moped to drive and a four-wheeler to play with. He called these my big toys; also, in the garage was 2 snowmobiles which one belonged to me.

The first evening as I was getting ready for bed, I asked Dad about my pants and bed wetting.

"Well son I am glad you brought that up because I really didn't want to be the one to do so," said my dad.

He went on to tell me that I could choose myself how I was going to handle it. He said if I wanted, I could wear diapers or some kind of protective underwear made specially for me that I could change out of easily if I had an accident. Or if I wanted, I could just wear the normal underwear and pants and if I had an accident anyone would be able to tell.

I told my dad that I liked the washable underwear type diapers. And so, Dad had them made and my regular underwear was replaced by my new ones which in all reality looked like regular underwear but could soak up and hold a lot of pee so now my embarrassment would be minimal. Like dad had promised he never made fun of me or punished me when I had an accident. Matter of fact I started to realize that I liked the fact of wearing my special underwear and being able to pee and poop in them without anyone noticing what I had done. So, I found myself having more accidents before, and later when I decided to come forward to my dad on this subject, I was afraid that he might take away my special underwear and go back on his promise. But he shocked me again and said that what I had was a fetish and that it was completely normal and healthy for some people to feel that way. He also said that if I wanted to that I didn't have to ever use the bathroom again that if I wanted to go in my pants that he would accept it and let me do it. As I said, I was shocked to hear this from an adult.

After about a month of living at Dad's, I started to feel sad. I realized that I missed Mom (who by the way called me every week and tells me how she is doing in the drug and alcohol program she is in) but I also missed Tommy. Even though I made some new friends in the neighborhood where Dad lived, I still didn't feel as close to them as Tommy. I had told dad one day a month and a half after I moved in with him how I missed Tommy. He just nodded and said he understood and that I must understand that there is a good chance that Tommy had been placed already either with found relatives or someone might have adopted him. Well that still didn't help and even though I loved my new home that it would never quite feel like home unless Tommy was there.

Two months after I had told Dad about missing Tommy, Dad had come back from one of his short and few business trips with a surprise for me. He first asked me to guess what it was but I wasn't able to guess he then motioned something into the room. To my wonderful surprise it was Tommy. Dad had looked for him just for me. It took him awhile but he finally tracked him to a 2nd cousin who was asked and basically forced by the state officials to take Tommy into their home since they were his only living relatives. The state paid them $200 dollars a month to feed and clothe Tommy. When my dad had come along and asked how Tommy was doing and that I was interested in seeing him they were more than happy to let Dad take over the responsibility of raising Tommy. For their part Dad gave them $10,000 and had a lawyer draw up the adoption papers. Tommy from this day forward would now be my brother. At first Dad was going to set up a room for Tommy also but both me and Tommy decided that we wanted to share my room and bed. Dad who at first thought that Tommy would be happier with his own room saw how much we wanted to be together said OK. Later that week another dresser and computer desk with computer were brought into the room. Tommy also got his own special underwear for his problem as well. And together we shared the secret about that underwear from all the rest of our friends who thought that we were just regular kids who happened to be real rich. Also, Tommy got his own 4-wheeler, snowmobile, and moped. Dad also bought all three of us mountain bikes so that we could go bike riding together.

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