Chapter 8: My Training

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It turned out the new rules were that I was to not leave the apartment grounds and I would immediately inform my grandma if I had an accident. If I were to have an accident I would be put into a diaper and forced to wear it the rest of the day. At night I was to wear a cloth diaper and rubber pants which was the same thing I wore during the daytime if I had an accident and that and a T-shirt was all that I would wear. I knew right from the beginning I was going to hate the new rules. On top of that I had to come to the toilet every hour and sit on it until I did something.

My grandma claimed she would have me trained no matter what. With the system she had in place I did really good at not having accidents until about a week after the new rules started. She had decided that we needed groceries and made me go with her. While in the store I realized I needed to poop real bad and that I already had started and couldn't stop it. I knew right away what this meant for me and decided to try and hide the fact of what I done. On the way home though, the hot car made my smelly pants reek even more and it didn't take long for Grandma to notice. Boy was she mad. I pleaded with her not to diaper me that I couldn't help it, but like usual it didn't work.

So, for the rest of the day, I spent it in a diaper. Actually, I noticed that even though I hated the shame that came with my diapers, I was starting to like the feeling of being wrapped in one. I guess in a way it gave me part of my babyhood that I missed back. My grandma told me while the diaper was on me that I was to use it for the purpose it was intended for. She also informed me that since it was so late in the afternoon that I would remain in this diaper for the rest of day and would be changed before bedtime.

Another thing I realized that I liked about my diapers is the fact that I no longer wake up in a cold wet spot every morning but instead wake up warm and dry except for my diaper. I also was amazed at how much pee it could hold. I knew that at night I peed a lot but never did it leak.

As far as this diaper was concerned though, it didn't take long for me to use it. It was the 1st time I had ever peed in a diaper while awake. At that time, I couldn't explain the way it made me feel except that it gave me this weird sensation that felt wonderful. Later in my mid teenage years I would learn more about this feeling.

It didn't take long until the next time came for me to wear a diaper during the day. I was out playing on the playground in back of the apartment building when I noticed a kid maybe 2 or 3 years younger than me. What I noticed about him was the fact that he had a big wet spot on his crotch. The kid who I later learned was named Tommy had noticed me staring at his pants.

He looked down at himself and then looked back at me and said "You're wet too."

I looked down at myself and sure enough there was a big wet spot on my crotch. In embarrassment I tried to cover it but it was too big to cover besides the kid had already seen it.

"You don't have to worry I won't make fun of you. As you can see, I have wet myself too, by the way my name is Tommy and you must be Davey," said Tommy.

"How did you know who I was?" I asked.

Tommy said the obvious, "You're the only new kid around" And so it was.

I later learned later that afternoon that Tommy was actually 10 going on 11 and was only about 8 months younger than me. I also found out that Tommy was not only a pants wetter but also a bedwetter. Even though his bedwetting was uncontrollable he states that his so-called daytime accidents are mostly done on purpose. He told me that he doesn't like having to waste all that time going up the stairs and going to the bathroom, so, he'd just rather pee his pants, then stop what he is doing. He told me he rarely ever uses the toilet and his dad doesn't seem to care about it so it was no problem. I ended up playing with Tommy until lunch time.

When I came in for lunch my pants had already dried but today grandma decided to make sure by pulling a surprise underwear test. Which of course were still damp and freshly stained with yellow pee. She could also smell it. So again, I was in a diaper. Because of the diaper I voted to stay inside for the rest of the day. Later that afternoon, Tommy came over and asked if I could play. I told my grandma that I didn't want him to see me that way, but Grandma didn't care like usual. She made me go outside in just a diaper and long shirt that barely covered the diaper. Boy, was I embarrassed. I just looked for a good tucked away spot out of everyone's view. Tommy followed me and we talked. That was when Tommy told me all about his life and how he wished his dad would give him enough attention to at least diaper him. We talked until my mom got home which was when I introduced Tommy to her. We all talked until mom had to go to bed after that Tommy decided he needed to go home and promised that we would get together tomorrow.

After Tommy left, I just went to my room and stared out the window, about a half hour later a big fancy car pulled up to the apartment complex. I knew right away something was about to happen because cars like that just didn't pull up to places like this unless for a reason. The 1st man to get out of the car was of course a stranger to me, but I recognized the 2nd man to exit from it instantly. It was the man who promised to take me to my DAD!!!


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