Chapter 14: The Custody Hearing

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Finally, the day of the hearing was here and by the end of the day my life would change forever. The hearing was set to begin at 8am and Mom and I were there 20 minutes before the time of the hearing. My dad, his lawyer, and Jim showed up 5 minutes later. Mom's lawyer showed up at 5 minutes before the hour and was out of breath as she approached Mom and me.

We all entered the courtroom and it wasn't long before the Judge entered also. I noticed right off, that the Judge was not the same as the one at our last court date. This Judge was a woman and I noticed that when mom saw this she felt much more at ease. I was amazed today how fast things were proceeding it wasn't like last time when we were here and everything dragged on and on and on. Dad's lawyer was much quicker in his questioning of the witnesses and was getting to his points much quicker. Mom's lawyer also seemed to be moving faster. What I didn't realize was that both parties had agreed before court had started to move their case as quickly as possible because the Judge had another case at 2pm and she would have to order a continuance and maybe even place the child with child welfare until the case was resolved. Neither party wanted this so they had both agreed to move it along.

Around about 10am I realized that I had to go potty real bad and started to squirm in my seat. Unfortunately, this Judge was not as noticeable about my discomfort as the last judge or didn't seem to care. To make matters worse I was at that point in time called to the witness stand and whispered to my mom my situation. Mom then told her lawyer who then asked for a brief recess. Before my lawyer could explain why, the judge declined and said that there was a planned recess in 15 min. and that she would stick to the plan. I was then told by my mom to hold it for another 15 min. and then she would take me to the bathroom herself.

I then realized that there was no chance of me getting to use the restroom now so I decided that I would try to hold it until the 15 min. were up. Once up on the witness stand, I was again asked by this Judge if I knew the difference between the truth and a lie. I of course said yes and stated that I would be truthful in my testimony. While the judge talked to me, I started grabbing myself and the judge gave me a funny look so I tried to just squeeze my legs together and hope that I didn't lose control. After the judge was done questioning me, Dad's lawyer had his turn. While Dad's lawyer was questioning me I could feel the loss of control on my bladder and ended up peeing a little in my pants. I was able to quickly pinch off the flow of pee with my fingers and kept it that way until the contraction in my bladder went away. I again was getting funny looks not only from the judge this time but also Dad's lawyer.

After Dad's lawyer had his chance with me, Mom's lawyer got her chance. She at first promised me to make this quick and told me that all I had left to wait was 5 min. As mom's lawyer started questioning me, I again felt a strong contraction in my bladder and again started peeing in my pants. I again pinched off the flow and this time didn't even bother to look to see if the judge was staring at me. After that contraction past I looked to see the damage I had done to my pants. There was only a small wet spot luckily and I was starting to think I would make it. Like she promised the lawyer was done pretty quickly with me and I was dismissed from the bench. As I was getting up 2 things happened the Judge announced it was time for the 15 min. planned break and I had another contraction in my bladder this time much worse and I grabbed myself as I came into complete view of the court. This time the judge finally decided to ask what was wrong with me. It didn't take long for her to realize what was wrong as everyone else in the courtroom also watched me pee my pants while standing there trying to pinch it off. I wasn't the only red face in the courtroom I also noticed that my mom's face was very red indeed as the people in the courtroom started pointing out at what I had done.

After I finished peeing, I ran out of the courtroom and hid inside the men's room. Grandma who happened to be at the hearing today but had got there after court had started walked right into the men's room and dragged me out to her car where she proceeded to pull off my wet pants and underwear and then diaper me. She had placed some diapers in her car just in case I needed to have one put on me while we were out running around.

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