Chapter 11: Tommy

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It wasn't until next week when mom was served with the custody hearing papers and the initial court hearing wasn't until 3 weeks. In the meantime, I got to know Tommy real well and even spent the night at his apartment a couple of times.

Grandma wouldn't allow him to spend the night at our apartment because she said one bedwetter was too much to handle and she wasn't going to take on another.

Tommy's apartment was a wreck and smelled real bad. I decided that Tommy was too good of a friend to lose to make any comments to him about his place. I knew that it would be a sensitive topic. Besides I was kind of used to that type of atmosphere anyways.

I also learned that ever since his mom died 2 years ago, that left only him and his father and because of that, things have been rough for him. He told me sometimes his father beat him for no reason and other times would ignore him like he wasn't even there. His father was also a very well-known alcoholic around the apartment building, which by the way according to Tommy only got worse after his mother had died.

The first couple of times I stayed with Tommy his dad was not around and I figured Tommy had planned it that way. But the last time I stayed there his father came in real late after we had gone to bed, and dragged Tommy right out of bed for no reason and started beating him. He even took a swing at me and gave me a black eye. When I came home that morning and mom found out what happened she was pissed and told me I was no longer allowed to stay at Tommy's. She also went and threaten Tommy's dad who by the way didn't even remember what happened that last night. He told my mom that if he did take a swing at me, I must have done something wrong. Boy was mom pissed when she came back from his apartment. She again reminded me to stay away from Tommy's dad and if I wanted, I could still play with Tommy outside or if grandma agreed in our apartment.

About a week before court, I noticed that the police were at Tommy's apartment and I decided to break my mom's rule about not going near Tommy's place. What I saw was the police hauling off Tommy's dad. I decided to ask one of the neighbors that I saw hanging around what was going on? According to the neighbor Tommy's dad had come home this morning and beat up his son so bad that he put him in the hospital. The hospital just recently informed the police that the broken child was indeed physically abused and they highly suspected the father, so, the police were sent to arrest him.

I was really concerned about Tommy and asked if Grandma would take me to see him.

"Kids are not allowed in the hospital" was all she told me.

A couple of days went by and all I could do was think how Tommy was doing. Because my concentration was on him, I did not end up concentrating on my bladder and bowels so I ended up having plenty of accidents, which, I even managed to hide from Grandma the first day but got caught the next day, so again I was in a diaper.

Finally on mom's day off I asked her if we could go see Tommy and she agreed to take me. I guess she realized Tommy was probably the only real friend I ever had. We left for the hospital later that afternoon. Tommy was in the children's ward and was luckily awake when we got there. Boy I was shocked to see what he looked like, his face was all swollen and red and there were cuts all over it. One of his legs was in a cast and so were both of his arms. Even though I could tell he was in pain I knew that he felt better seeing me there. The nurse gave me and my mom 30 min. to see him then we had to leave. I told Tommy how the police came and arrested his father (by the way when I mentioned his name, I could tell Tommy was scowling). Tommy also told me how they had put him in real nice soft comfortable diapers, and how they come to change him when he needed it. It was as if he was a toddler again and he said he loved the feeling and the attention. Before I knew it our time was up, I promised Tommy I would be back as soon as I could to see him again.

As we left, I asked the nurse how long she thought Tommy would be here. "Probably another week at the most" she said. As me and mom left, I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen to Tommy since his father was in jail.


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