Chapter 28

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When Hu Gan left, Ling Wei didn't wait and started reading about the Long Empire.

Long Empire is a newly built empire.

Long Chao the emperor is the 5th one.

Long Empire is still small,  with only 21 provinces and 7 cities including the capital.

Emperor Long Chao has 3 brothers and 3 sisters, in the empire, the firstborn prince won't be necessarily crowned as a crown prince but all the princes will have to undergo some trials.

Emperor Long Chao is 3rd born.

there is no bloody battle or killing when fighting for the throne, everything is done peacefully but it is only on the surface.

the emperor's brothers are now titled dukes while his sister's husbands will be marquises.

now, Emperor Long Chao has 6 sons and 3 daughters.

it said that all of them is from the empress, and none of the side wives or concubines managed to bear a child.

but nobody knows why? Same as the previous emperor, all of his children are born from the empress.

his children have a year gap from each other.

Ling Wei was amazed learning this, it seems that family planning in this era is really good!

Long Chou's children are Long An Gou the first prince, Long Bo Qiang the second prince, Long Yan Ya first princess followed by Long Mei Qi another princess then Long Da Cheng, Long Ming De as the 3rd and 4th princes then Long Jia Ji the youngest princess followed by Long Yi Sheng the 5th prince and Long An Heng the youngest.

the first prince is now 19 and the youngest is 11.

The book only introduced the emperor's children, Empress Heng Kexin and empress dowager Guang Dong Mei.

no other wives.

Ling Wei massage her head, although it is not complete but still helpful.

she can inquire about the other information later.

for now, she hope that her gift can pass the empress dowager's eyes, she doesn't want to mingle with them or anything but extra protection is not bad, right?

"aija's daughter tell me! Where did this beautiful art come from?!"

the empress dowager asks with a shaky voice, although she still looks calm and dignified but her voice and twinkling eyes betrayed her inner emotion.

"Mother, as long as you like it!"

the empress dowager looks at Madam Zhou intently so without a choice she spills everything.

"But mother, the child doesn't want any recognition! She specifically asked this daughter to gift it to you secretly!"

"the child who improved the paper and ink?"

madam Zhou nodded

"aija understand! but I still want to reward her!"

madam Zhou smile

"thank you Na-er and Boyin! mother really liked this gift"

the husband and wife kowtow

"as long as Mother likes it!"

Zhou Boyin said really happy!

their filial piety is appreciated! That is the most important.

The empress dowager's birthday banquet started.

the officials and their families are naturally invited.

of course, they attended except for the 4 generals who are keeping the borders safe.

The banquets are bustling, the madams are talking about their clothes, jewelry, and outstanding sons or beautiful daughters.

the men talk about politics and work while the young men and young women are enjoying the ambiance and stealing glances at each other's places, after all the era is still conservative so the women's and men's places are separated by a huge man-made lake in the middle of the palace.

then the guests were called inside the main hall.

the guests' seats are according to their rankings.

the royal family came one by one.

Prince Long Yi Sheng, with a look of travel-worn out, arrived last.

then with the empress and imperial noble consort, the emperor finally arrive, and lastly the empress dowager.

when the empress dowager is finally seated, the banquet comes in full swing.

the unmarried daughters show off their skills trying to attract the attention of marriageable men.

the empress dowager remain her dignified posture but she was obviously in a soaring mood.

after the songs and dances, the highlights of the banquet finally arrived.

the show-offs of the gifts.

yes! This noble family likes to show off!

first to offer their gifts was of course from the lowest status.

each gift becomes more and more unique.

there is a fur coat from a red fox, a huge sharkpearl, blood-red coral, a necklace made of a huge pink diamond, and even a bird with 9 colors.

the most impressive is the huge night pearl that can illuminate the huge hall that the emperor gifted and the 7 colors of a single flower in a pot that was gifted from the 5th prince Long Yi Sheng.

"This is really beautiful! Where did you get it?"

Long Yi Sheng smile

"this grandson found it on the hill from the south, the legend said that this flower won't die but will only bloom every 10 years, this grandson was lucky to bump it in its bloom this year"

"but the legend also said that a lot of wild beasts protecting it"

the emperor asks in shock

"Answering the emperor's father, those beasts are now eaten by the soldiers"

the emperor laughs and so is the crowd

"aija really liked it, but aija's grandson don't put yourself in danger anymore"

"this grandson will remember but as long as grandma likes it, it's worth it"

the empress dowager smiles happily, and the emperor laughs proudly but not all are happy.

especially the first prince and noble concubine Gu.

the first prince paid a fortune just for a pearl shark, but in the end, a single flower beat it!

a lot of noble concubine Gu's people died just to hunt a red fox but it wasn't even the second best?

then she glances at Madam Zhou and asks

"Marquis Zhou and Madam Zhou have always gifted the best every year"

the nobles perk their ears hearing this, empress dowager pause but resume drinking tea, then the emperor asks

"Marquis Zhou?"

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