Chapter 73

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"i-i met a man last year, first after Nini's wedding, t-then when we found out that she was pregnant, then it became frequent, I thought it was just a coincidence then o-one day he saved me from an assailant, t-then he told me that he liked me"

Ling Wei nodded

"What is the problem then?"

Ping Mu sniffed and continue

"I turned him down but he is persistent, a-after months of chasing, I finally agreed to be with him"

Ling Wei's eyes widen


Ping Mu nods and continue

"he is very gentle and kind, considerate, handsome and he is rich"

Ling Wei doesn't want to speculate so she keeps on listening

"b-but this past month, he keeps on asking me about our business"

Ling Wei nodded already seeing the problem

"a-at first I thought he was just curious, I never disclose him anything but he keeps on persisting, he looked anxious and impatient when he walked out of me, then we met again and he acted like nothing happened, so thought that the issue was over"

Ling Wei swallows, she hands the weeping Ping Mu her tea and drinks as well

"then I saw him sneaking inside my workroom, I asked him but he said that I don't trust him and all! He stormed off again, I wanted to apologize but he already left, I waited outside his house but I saw him entering with another woman"

Ling Wei massaged her head then finally asked

"Does anyone know that you are seeing him except me?"

Ping Mu Shook her head so Ling Wei continues

"so you mean that you are meeting him secretly in a private place?"


Ping Mu hurriedly deny, Ling Wei sighed in relief

"We are meeting in a restaurant or teashop but I am always covered"

"then what do you think the problem is?"

Ling Wei finally asked the most crucial, Ping Mu paused, nodded her head then shook.

Ling Wei looked sadly at her friend but still waiting for her answer

"h-he lied to me"

"What did he lie to you about?"

"he already has a wife!"

Ling Wei laughed helplessly

"Did he tell you that he is already married? Or already taken a concubine?"

Ping Mu paused, then shook her head, he never said anything about another woman or women

"Mumu did you even suspect just once that he doesn't like you at all? Is he really genuine towards you?"

Ping Mu start crying again

"s-sometimes but he is always assuring me that he is real"

Ling Wei again sigh

"I am not in the position to tell you if he is real or not but ask yourself, or test him, but let me say something first, if he is genuine towards you, your relationship won't be hidden"

"it was me who asked him!"

But Ling Wei is unconvinced

"if he really respects you he won't allow it! Mumu, you have been secretly seeing him for a long time now! He knows what will be the consequence if this secret blows up! It wasn't his name will be ruined! It is yours! Have you ever thought about it?"

Ping Mu started bawling when she realized her mistake

"Wei-wei w-what should I do?"

Ling Wei patted her shoulder to comfort her

"no worry, he won't spread this secret, I just felt that he only needed something from you"

Ping Mu shook then looked at Ling Wei

"i-i think I know what he wanted"

"What is his name again?"

Ling Wei asked subtly

"his name is Yu Liu"

Ling Wei choked and coughed hard after hearing the name, she slammed the teacup and asked loudly

"What is the name again?"

Ping Mu was startled by Ling Wei's excessive reaction

"Yu Liu, Wei-Wei what is wrong? Do you know him?"

"that is the most famous scum in the capital! He is always the center of gossip!"

Ling Wei said angrily

"Have you not heard anything about him? He is famous among the nobles!"

Ping Mu shook her head then realized, that is why every time they met, those people's eyes were looking at her not out of curiosity but instead pity!

"Weiwei tell me everything you know"

"hey, why not we just go outside and you listen by yourself?"

Ling Wei suggested so both of them go to the places Yu Liu liked.

They asked and gossiped with the commoners and Nobles because Ling Wei was famous so whatever she asked they would answer enthusiastically.

"ooh, that young master Yu Liu? He is already married twice and accepted 3 concubines and I heard there are also concubines living outside"

"That scum Yu Liu? He married those innocent girls who were useful to him and discarded the women who were no longer of use, how many rich daughters cried because they were cheated by him? Poor innocent souls"

"my maternal cousin was one of his victims, her family is a rich merchant in a province, then when she entered the capital she was woed by him then she agreed and became a concubine! And I heard her dowry has been all used up by the Yu family! Can you believe that?"

Every word is like a knife cutting Ping Mu's heart but Ling Wei decided to be heartless and woke her friend up

"I saw him with another girl again! I heard my brother say that this new girl is connected to the richest woman so he wants to lure the girl and use her to get close to the richest woman! And he even wants to take over the girl's business"

Then the noblewoman looked at Ling Wei and asked

"is that you?"

Ling Wei laughed and denied

"of course not! I am just touring my friend around, I want her to know all kinds of trashy men because she is too innocent"

The noblewoman raised her eyebrow but did not deny Ling Wei's words.

"yup better watched out for those useless men, open your eyes and see what kind of thrash they are"

Ling Wei bid them farewell and pull Ping Mu away.

"Weiwei I am that blind? I almost put you in danger"

Ping Mu bawled right after they arrived at Ling Wei's home.

Ling Wei helped her wipe her tears and comforted her.

"you are not blind, it is just really hard to see through a real master cheater, he doesn't deserve this tears Mumu"

Mumu bit her lips, trying so hard to stop herself from crying.

Ling Wei sighed and asked suddenly

"you want revenge?"

Ping Mu looked at her, trying to see if she was serious or not, seeing how solemn she was Ping Mu realized that she was serious


Ling Wei smiles wickedly and mysteriously

"find me,, Yu Liu now"

She said, then they did not wait long until the news came.

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