Chapter 58

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When they were about to depart another group came unexpectedly.

Ling Wei's mouth twitched seeing the new arrival group.

"Little girl, your face is screaming 'This emperor is so casual"

Ling Wei blushed and wanted to deny but Long Chuan was faster

"now your face is saying that you want to deny it, little girl you are very easy to ready you know?"

Ling Wei just looked away decided to pretend to be busy.

Long Chuan laugh seeing her pretentious appearance.

Ling Wei sighed seeing that the emperor really boarded the ship, She pursed her lips and asked Zhou Boyin

"Master Zhou, did I cause you trouble?"

Zhou Boyin chuckled and shook his head

"Let the emperor be, it's been a long time since he left the palace, besides he was a general first before becoming an emperor"

Ling Wei's widened, Zhou Boyin laughed at her reaction.

After bidding farewell they finally start their voyage.

The first day was a bit struggle but they adapted really fast.

Hong Li who boarded the ship as well was ecstatic! He can't believe that they will really succeed this time!

After 3 and half days they finally docked.

Ling Wei is tired not because of the journey but because of the emperor.

Whenever he has time, he will tease her and order her to draw that or that!

And every time she had to cater to whatever his request was whenever he felt bored.

Ling Wei almost wept when they arrived.

She can finally escape the evil clutches of the emperor.

Ling Wei was covered tightly by Momo Sang afraid of her having a cold uterus.

Ling Wei doesn't understand the connection but still listens anyway.

When the emperor saw her he laughed like crazy

"Little girl you look like a glutinous rice ball"

"Thank you Your Majesty for your praise"

She answers while smiling bashfully like she is really shy about the praise.

Long Chuan laughed again, the girl already knew how to fight back without looking like she was being disrespectful.

They ride the sleigh and leave the dock.

The people were amazed by the efficiency of the sleigh, it is really not sinking!

Thanks to the sleigh the 2 days travel time was shortened to a day.

The soldiers of the north were still ignorant about the incoming visitors.

They are still mourning about the loss of their brothers.

They managed to save the civilians but the enemy conquered the city.

Lu Nini was saved By Xiong Tian, he bravely entered the place and saved Lu Nini first.

But because of this move of his, they lost the Fu Hai sighed, and waved his hand.

As long as the innocent people are safe.

But Xiong Tian still needs to receive his punishment.

While making a plan for their next move a soldier suddenly shout

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