Chapter 41

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"Sir, I sent you all the information you asked for

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"Sir, I sent you all the information you asked for." My PI Marshal said when I answered the call. "And as you said Neel has been very suspicious these past few weeks. We saw him lingering near your office and he was seen meeting with the Rajvanshs." I frowned. Rajvansh. Why would he meet them? What's his game. They never interacted before this. I guess he is back to his old ways trying to get in my way and trying to be a thorn in my side.

"Rajvansh, my in-laws ?" I asked.

"Yes sir." He confirmed. I was on the balcony talking to my PI since Maa decided Anika was needed for something. God they wouldn't let us spend quality time together. I looked at the vast garden of the palace all the palace staff and the event manager's team were running around while she barked orders at them, trying to make everything perfect for tonight's mehndi ceremony.

"How many times did they meet?" I asked.

"Only once sir and he came back after a few minutes, he was angry sir. I guess the meeting did not go as planned, as think he was kicked out ." I released a breath. What is he up to?

"Keep an eye on him Marshal, Is there any update has he contacted Mahira again."

"Yes, sir this time Mahira was the one who contacted him and they talked for like half an hour."

"Oh, know what they have talked about and let me know"

"Will do, sir." We talked for a few more minutes before hanging up. I released a breath. I need to do something about this. He is getting more daring day by day and I have neglected him long enough. But first I need to go find my wife. I haven't seen her since this afternoon. I went and opened the door of my bedroom and stopped in tracks when I noticed Mahira standing in the doorway. She looked at me as if she was nervous and about to cry. She was fidgeting and wringing her fingers nervously. I raised my eyebrow silently asking what she wanted and why was she here?

I just kept staring at her not saying anything. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something and then closed it again and gulped. Growing irritated, I snapped. "Either you tell me what is that you want or fuck off." She flinched at my harsh tone but I don't give a fuck.

"I wanted to talk to you." She mumbled.

"I know that already because you are here. I want to know what?." The fact she had the nerve to talk to me after what she told Anika is pissing me off even more. God I wanted to go find my wife not have a chit chat with her. Tears were streaming down her face as she took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

"Can we talk somewhere private?" She asked.

"NO! God move, I don't want to hear anything anymore." I tried to push past her but she held my wrist and stopped me. "Don't fucking touch me." I growled, jerking my hand from hers, disgusted by her hands on me.

"Please don't be so cold to me I can't handle it." She sniffled. "Kartavya I'm going to be honest with you because I can't take it anymore." I frowned and crossed my arms across my chest. "I can't see you with her, Kartavya, I just can't."

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