Chapter 44

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I tried so much not to work and spend my whole time with my wife as planned but nothing ever goes as planned

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I tried so much not to work and spend my whole time with my wife as planned but nothing ever goes as planned. It was our last day in Udaipur and tomorrow we are flying back home. But there are things I need to do so here I am in Ekansh's study working instead of spending time with my wife. After I learned about her uncle and aunt, how can I let them get away with what they did to my love? They were living a happy life without any consequences of their actions, but how could I let that happen?

So since I knew I had started planning their downfall without Anika knowing, I decided to tell her when the plan was well and ready. As I was digging through his past so many things came to light I wondered if my wife and her brothers knew. Everything is looking up right now for her uncle's company which is close to bankruptcy. He has just made a deal with Ekansh's company and walked right into our trap but when I am done with him, he is going to lose everything he has and he will be behind bars for a long long time.

I just need to be patient and not go hulk on him as soon as we reach home. I sighed as I looked through his files to see all the illegal things he had done. Money laundering, embezzlement, corruption, gambling there is more and I am trying to find evidence for those.

"Why the fuck are you moping?" Ekansh noted as he went through his paperwork. I sighed again and looked at my phone to see if Anika had replied, it's been 23 minutes since my last message and she still hasn't replied. That's how I've been communicating with her for the past two hours I've been working. "Fucking whipped asshole." He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes at him but didn't answer. I was going through my phone waiting for her to reply when my phone rang. I couldn't help but roll my eyes again when I saw the caller. I answered the call. As soon as I answered he started to whine. "What do you think you are doing? Why the fuck are you digging into shit that doesn't matter to you?"

"Hello to you too Rajvansh. I'm doing good thanks for asking and your sister is good too. She completely forgot about you thanks to me." I deadpanned.

"Don't give me that shit, tell me what are you doing?" The fact that he didn't say anything about Anika meant he was serious. "Why are you digging into my uncle's past?" He gritted through clenched teeth.

"Why do you think so?" I sat up having enough. "You must be able to sit and do nothing about your sister's abuse but I can't do that. I can't let her abusers live peacefully after what he did to Anika." I growled. He laughed but there was no humour in it.

"Do you think you are doing something wonderful by ruining my uncle? I know everything he and his family did to my family. Do you think I like seeing them living happily? Do you think I don't want to kill him, his wife and his daughter every time I see them? I do, more than you could ever imagine. But I refrain because this is not just about ruining him. If I did something it will directly impact my whole family, it will cause so much pain to my Dadi and Dadu.

They lost one son and daughter-in-law and they still haven't recovered from it. If they knew their elder son might be involved in their younger son's accident or he and his family had tortured and abused their deceased son's children, what would happen to them? It will break them and they will be completely shattered. I know I sound like a pussy saying all this but I want my grandparents happy and healthy even if we have to endure their presence. They are more important to us than revenge. We let it go a long time ago and I want you to stop whatever you're doing." He finished. I sighed. Anika said the same thing when I asked her about it how it will affect her grandparents. I know what he is saying is right and I understand but I can't just sit and do nothing, I need to do something.

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