Chapter 53

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I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was an unfamiliar white ceiling and brown fan. My mouth felt like cotton was stuffed in it. My brows furrowed when I turned my head around and found out that I'm in a completely strange and unfamiliar room. I slowly sat up from the bed with fear gripping my insides. What was happening and where am I and how did I end up here. I clutched my head trying to remember what had happened.

When suddenly all the memories started rushing back to me . Avy and I went to Vishal's engagement, the wine and I went to the bathroom and then complete blackout and then the voice, the sinister voice that I could still hear. It sent shivers down my spine. I quickly threw the blanket covering me aside and stood up quickly. I looked around the room properly for the first time.

It is of a decent size with a twin bed, and a window to the left through which I could see anything and the walls of the room were an off white colour. I walked towards the window and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. I tried one more time but to no avail. I walked towards the door present to the right of the window and opened it. It was a bathroom. Frustrated, I walked towards the other one and twisted the knob but it was locked. I tried again and again for no avail.

"Is someone there? Open the door." I banged my fist against the door. I waited but I heard no response from the other side. Tears of frustration and fear gathered in my eyes. I searched around the room for anything that could help me get out of the room but there was none. After searching for a few more minutes I sat on the bed as tears rolled down my cheek. I don't even know how long I've been here.

I don't know how long I sat there but the sound of the door knob turning pulled me out of my thoughts. I whipped my head towards the door as it slowly opened, a middle aged lady walked with greying hair came in holding a plate and a glass of water. I stood up quickly. "Who are you and Why am I here?" I fired at her. She just looked at me for a few minutes.

"Eat your food and don't cause any ruckus." She started to turn around but I quickly stood in front of her.

"Who are you and why did you bring me here?" I repeated again. She had and expression that indicated that she was losing her patience and was annoyed with me.

"You will know soon. One more thing don't make noise sir is sleeping I don't want you to disturb him." She tried to push past me but I blocked her way.

"Don't make me call the guard that's standing outside. He will not be so gentle." She warned. When she saw I wasn't moving, "Mohan!" She called. A buff looking man entered the room and stared down at me with a mean glare. I shrunk back at his mean glare. He walked towards me as he held me by my bicep and before I could comprehend what was going on I was in the corner of the room with my head hurting pretty bad.

After I regained my composure I saw that they both were gone and I was alone in the room again. I took a shaky breath and stood up on unsteady legs. I knew trying to open the door would not be of any use. I walked towards the bed and slumped on it as tears flowed down my face.

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