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I gave a slight nod and that was what it took for them to start squealing.
Thank God everyone has left except us. They would have thought we were crazy or something.
I mean the girls, the guys just smiled smugly like they knew I was going to say yes. They don't know the reason I wasn't going to agree and I will like to keep it that way.
Amanda hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. "I am so happy you said yes" she cracked a bit and I hugged her back tight.
They would have been so heartbroken if I couldn't go. I am happy I don't have to pay a penny and still have the opportunity to go on this trip. "Now we have got so much to plan. We need to go for shopping, spa_" Angela started and I zoned out not wanting to listen to the rest of the conversation.
Shopping means spending money which I don't have. I don't need new clothes, the clothes I have will just have to work.
At this rate, we will not get lunch and I am starving.
My stomach growled loudly catching their attention and I groaned.
That is so embarrassing.
"Woah! Let's get that stomach fed" Amanda said smugly and my cheeks heat up. Way to go Stephanie!
We headed to the cafeteria and settled in an empty seat after getting our food.
"Hey guys" a voice said which belongs to Mike who was staring at Lily intently.
This just got interesting.
I waved a little and concentrated back on my food. "Guys, I have going to head out with Mike"Lily said shyly after a while and I smiled at them.
"No problem, have fun" I replied smirking and she blushed a little understanding the last part.
She waved at us and head out of the cafeteria.
Angela kept talking about the trip and I was starting to get an headache. She is so happy about this trip and I can't match her energy. The bad part is I have to endure her for a week.
The bell rang and I have never been so happy to hear the sound.
I said my goodbye quickly and sprinted out. All that talks really got on my nerves so bad I wanted to snap at her to shut up.
I walked into my math class.
I settled down in my usual seat waiting for the other students to come in so that the class can get started.
I focused my attention on the math textbook in front of me trying to understand the topic that is going to be taught today. I have already studied the topic before today but it doesn't hurt to look one more time. It helps me to understand the topic more when the teacher explains.
"Hello guys, we are going to be learning geometry today. After the class, I will hand out your test script to you. Some of you did well as usual" he paused and I smirked knowing he was referring to me.
Not only you dumbass.
Please I am the best student here. I can't wait to become valedictorian and that reminds me that I need to work on my speech. It has to be prefect.
Hold your horse, that is months away. There is still winter and spring break.
Never heard of nothing is too early.
"And some need to work harder"he added gloomy making me snap of out of my thoughts.
The class started, the teacher explaining more on what I already know.

"Any questions?" the teacher asked looking around. "Yes Mister Griffin" the teacher said looking at the certain person.
There were a few groans from the lazy people who want nothing more than to bolt out of the class. This person is making them wait more.
"Could you reexplain the second example?" the voice said softly and I turned around. It is the pen guy and he is directly sitting behind me. I didn't even notice him.
Like you notice anybody.
That is true!
The teacher reexplained. "All clear now?" the teacher asked and he probably nodded because the teacher went back to his desk. "It is time for me to hand out your scripts" he announced.
He started handing out the scripts calling out our names.
"Stephanie Walker"he called and I raised my hand. He walked towards me and gave me my script.
I looked at it and not surprised that it is an A as usual.
The bell rings and I packed my things. "Hey" I turned around and realized it is pen guy. What was his name again? I know it starts with a J but can't remember. Julius?James?Judes?Julian?Jeff?Jones?
It's Jones! I remembered. "Hi Jones" I said giving a small smile. He smiled back probably happy that I remembered his name. "How have you been doing?" he asked. "I am good" I replied and shuffled my hands inside my hoodie noting I am five minutes late for the next class. "I see you got an A as usual" he said peeking at my script and I didn't know how to respond to that. "I didn't do well. I scored a B. Well math isn't really my forte" he added and I just nodded.
I don't how to break it to him that I really have to leave. I can't afford to be late for my next class. I have English next and the teacher isn't very forgiving. I don't want to be at the receiving end of his anger just like Asher. "I am sorry to stop this conversation but I have English next. The teacher isn't forgiving" I said softly shifting from leg to another. Why do I keep doing this to this poor guy. All he wants is to be my friend or something more but I am not giving him the chance.
I noticed his fallen face and I felt sad. "I promise to continue this conversation later maybe after school" I added and he gave me a slight nod with a smile.
I said goodbye quickly and sprinted out.
I opened the door and all eyes turned to look at me.
Great! Now I have to deal with this.
The teacher glared at me but didn't say anything. I am so grateful for that.
The front seats has been taken so I settled for the second to the last chair in the middle row.
The door creaked open and the teacher glared at the intruder or should I say intruders. The teacher wasn't having it because he was so livid with rage.
Thank goodness he didn't acknowledge me but I can't say the same for this guys.
Why are they always coming late?
"Sir_" Daniel started but the teacher cut him off. "Detention for you boys after school"he shrieked and my ears pricked at the loudness. I got tender ears for goodness sake. "But we have practice after school"Daniel said politely but the teacher has already made up his mind.
"Maybe you should have thought about that before coming late to class" the teacher deadpanned and Asher scowled.
"Settle down boys and stop interrupting my class" the teacher grumbled.
Asher glared at the man before heading towards me. He settled down in the seat behind me. Oh my God! Is he going to talk to me again? I am so anxious and nervous at the same time. I can't even comprehend what the teacher is saying.
I have concluded,Asher isn't good for my mental health but I can't do anything to get rid of him. Not after that one conversation with him. I am holding on to the hope that we can be something more.
He was muttering a few curse under his breath. "Don't sweat it mate" I heard Daniel say to Asher.
"Coach isn't going to be happy hearing we got detention" Asher groaned out.
"You bet" Mathew grumbled and I shake my head slightly at their conversation clearly amused. They are really scared of their coach but who isn't? That man is so scary and makes everyone tremble.
The girl beside me turned around facing Asher giving him a seductive smile.
He is angry so I hope he wouldn't give her attention. I guess he did because the girl moved her chair towards him. So careful not to attract the teacher's attention which I wished happen.
"Hi I am Lina" the girl said.
"Aren't ya such a beauty" he replied with that deep sexy voice of his.
I have dung my own grave. Why did I have to come late? Now I am going to have to pay by listening to this two flirt.
It was better watching it from afar but now I have got the front seat to this exchange. I tried to tune them out and focusing on the teacher. My heart tug at my chest. Why did I think yesterday was going to change everything between us. Like he will magically start talking to me.
'He is just impressed by your skills not you' my subconscious words comes back to me. I am such a fool for entertaining such thoughts.
"What do you have in mind?" Asher asked and I gagged understanding the underlying meaning of those words.
"It's better I show you" she replied matching his tone.
Why is this class taking forever to end. It's like the universe wants to see me suffer.
The first time I came to a class late, I have to witness my crush flirt with another girl.
"I have a little homework for you guys. I want you to summarize this book in just five pages. In your own words and no copying. I will collect it last class this week" the teacher said and I sighed.
That means the class will be over soon. "Can someone summarize all I have said today?" the teacher asked and a girl raised her hands. I tuned her out still clearly aware of the flirting going on at my back.
Why do you Asher have to be such a manwhore? Why on earth did I have to like you? I have never paid any attention to guys so why did I notice you? How did I stumble upon you?
I remembered the first time I met him.

"You guys can go but I have to head to the library" I said.
"I am not having it, we are watching that match together" Lily replied dragging me. Now I am stuck so I just let her drag me. We will be in our senior year soon.
Just one more year and I can't wait.
We will be having our winter break in a week and my school basketball team is playing a friendly match with another school. And the girls are forcing me to go with them . It is after school and all I want to do is to be buried in a pile of books. I was going to head to the library for a while but this girls are not having it. "It will be fun" Amanda assured and I snorted. I don't know what it is fun in watching a bunch of guys run around.
We settled in one of the bleachers and waited for the match to start.
The cheerleaders were performing and I snorted. I hate the leader of the cheerleading team so much because she is determined to make my life a living hell. I don't even know what I did to her to deserve this.
"The match is starting" Angela squealed and I rolled my eyes. She is always so bubbly and I can't always imagine myself to be like her.
I averted my eyes to my school team coming out to the court.
They were all looking good but one of them caught my eyes. I can't stop looking but I couldn't see his face clearly.
"Go Asher" some girls squealed so loud and I thought my ear was going to come off. I have heard that name so many times but I have never set my eyes on the guy. I am not interested in all that stuff. I spend all my free time in the library even lunchtime.
The guy turned and my breath stilled for a minute. This guy isn't real! No one could look so good because it is illegal. His green eyes with speck of gold scanned around and I was captivated by its beauty. My eyes trailed down his body and I was beginning to feel like some fan girl. I felt something I have never felt before. I was intrigued by him and I wanted to know him.
I have a no boy rule but this guy seem to breaking my walls by just one gaze.
He wasn't even looking directly at me and I was feeling a lot of things.
He blew a kiss and the crowd went wild. "I love you Asher" a girl screamed.
He just smirked and turned around.
So this was the Asher. No wonder all girls are crushing on him.

Asher Bianchi
Number 7
I read his jersey and took a deep breath.
The game started and my eyes were set on a certain person.
He played so well and it was safe to say he is the master of this game.
Because of him, I wanted to learn how to play basketball.
He kept scoring not even allowing the opposition to have lots of chances. "Who is he?" I whispered to Lily pointing at Asher.
"That is Asher. Captain of the basketball team and a certified manwhore. He breaks girls heart a lot. I am even surprised you don't know him because he is the school Golden boy. Since you have withdrawn yourself from every activities except reading. You need to live a little girl. Life is short"she replied and I scoffed noting how she turned the conversation back to me. "Why are you asking?" she asked glancing at me suspiciously.
"No reason" I shrugged and hoped she bought it. She is right. I am being so preoccupied with reading that I am completely withdrawn from every other things. Living a little wouldn't let my grades slip right.
Exactly get a life my subconscious chimed in and I rolled my eyes.
I focused my attention back on the game.
Our team won effortlessly and the crowds went wild.
Asher removed his jersey and threw it.
Girls fought each other for an ordinary jersey. "It wasn't so bad right?" Amanda asked and I gave her a slight nod.
I couldn't help but think about that perfect Adonis.
I don't know what was happening to me but one thing was certain.
I am starting to crush on him just like the other girls. So much for the rule. But why him?
I could never get rid of him even if I wanted to.
I know perfectly well that he can never be mine.
I guess I will just be the girl that watched him from afar.
That can't be so bad right?

There you have it, how they met.
Asher is an as*hole. Stephanie doesn't deserve all this.
Who was expecting the chapter to switch into how it all started?
The good news is she is going on the trip. That is where the real fun will start.

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