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'He did what?"Amanda's voice boomed out through the screen of my laptop.
I couldn't wait until tomorrow to tell the girls about it. I can't just help it and couldn't keep it to myself. I FaceTimed all of them.
"I knew he has got the hots for you"Angela smirked out.
"Welcome to the dating world. We are just down to two"Lily squealed making me giggle.
"We are not even dating" I stated lying down on my stomach.
"Yet"Angela rolled her eyes and kept staring at her nails.
"I don't need a guy in my life right now. I am enjoying my single life"Amanda pouted.
"Same here"Rose grumbled making us laugh at them.
"Did he tell you where you are going?"Angela asked and I shook my head.
"All he said was dress simple"I smiled remembering his words.
"I am not expecting anything less from him since he is Asher. You girl are lucky to tame the bad boy"Lily squealed.
Looks like I am the one to tame the bad boy. Why does he even like me?
"Also get ready to get lots of enemies"Angela said and I raised an eyebrow at her confused.
"Duh! You are going to be dating the school Golden boy. What do you expect? You going to have lots of girl enemies or even guys if they swing that way"she smirked and shuddered a bit.
She say what now?
That is true but am I ready for that?
"Our senior year has been a rollercoaster. You girls got yourself some hotties. I am proud of you"Amanda pouted wiping fake tears.
"Thank you momma" she glared at my response making me giggle.
"Woah time is fast spent"Lily exclaimed.
I checked the time and realized it has already been two hours.
"I think it's time to call it a night. We will talk more at school tomorrow" Lily said.
"Yeah"Angela replied.
"Bye guys"Amanda said.
"Bye"the rest of us chorused before the screen went blank,
I turned to face the ceiling with a huge grin.
I am ACTUALLY going on a date with Asher Bianchi.
I am so curious to know where he is going to take me.
I stared at the textbooks on my table and sighed. I think you guys are just going to wait until tomorrow. My brain wouldn't be able to comprehend anything now.
I didn't even eat dinner today and I still don't feel hungry.
Happy news fills you to the brim.
Does it?
I think that is what is happening to me right now.
Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!
What have I ever done to this Alarm.
I groaned putting the pillow over my head to muffle the sound.
You get to see him.
I sat up straight immediately that thought came in.
I facepalmed at my stupidness.
Even if I get late to school, I still get to see him. So either ways, I get to see him.
That was just to get you out of bed.
Haven't I told you how much I love you?
You can start now.
I rolled my eyes before getting out of bed.
I tidied up my bed. "I hope you are up young lady"the voice boomed as my door opened. She stared at me in shock and I just gave her a sheepish smile.
"You got up all by yourself?"she didn't bother hiding her surprise.
"Of course mom" I walked to my wardrobe to pick out today's outfit.
"I can get used to this everyday" I heard her mumble as she walked out of my room.
My dramatic mom!
I settled on a tank top paired with denim jacket and black leather skirt stopping an inch above my knee.
I headed to the bathroom to take a shower and washed my hair.
I braided my hair into two and applied just lipgloss.
I went with my white vans for my feet.
I put the necessary things in my backpack and strapped it to my shoulder.

I put the backpack on the other side of the table as my mom slide a plate to him.
It contain pancakes reminding of someone.
I dug in and finished in few minutes.
I quickly washed the dishes and grabbed a bottle of water.
"Bye mom"I said and kissed her cheek which she reciprocated.
"Have a great day hun" she said as I walked to the front door.
"You too mom" I stepped out of the house and started the short walk to the bus station.
Getting there, I paid my fare and settled beside the window.
I entered the school with a smile plastered on my face.
I spotted the girls at Amanda's locker and made my way over to them. "Hey girls" my voice sounded chirpy and they all gave me a look to my sudden change in attitude. I am not a morning person but someone is gradually changing me.
"I wasn't dreaming about you telling us that Asher asked you out on a date right"Angela said and I smirked.
"Of course not. He asked me out. I forgot this little information yesterday. I got into Stanford" I squealed and they gasped.
"OMG! That is huge. Double celebration"Amanda shrieked before pulling me into a hug.
"Congrats girl" Lily said with a big smile.
Angela and Rose also congratulated me.
The bell rang. "We better get to class" Amanda groaned out.
"I can't help but ask. Have you guys been making out?"Rose asked and I am sure my cheeks are crimson red right now.
"Class Rose"I rushed out and turned in the direction of my chemistry class.
"My sweet innocent girl. I mean ex of all of that"Rose called after me making me smile. We haven't done anything than make out.
Too bad we have got the same class.
Pretty sure she is going to chew my head off. "How many times?" I remembered the first" she asked catching up with me quickly.
"It's a classified information. All I can say it has passed three"I rushed out and quickly walked into the class.
I spotted him at a far table and he did the same. He held my gaze and waved at me.
I did the same before settling on the stool.
Happy he isn't embarrassed to talk to me in class.
He wasn't when he sat by you at the cafeteria. Give yourself a little credit.
My friends settled beside me and Rose gave me a calculating look. "Stop teasing her"Lily scoffed at Rose and I mouthed a thank you to her.
"I am not doing anything"she smirked and I raised an eyebrow. She ignored and pick at her nails.
The teacher entered and gave us a brief on which practical we are doing.
I made a mental note to go see the counselor later on so she can advice me more on this acceptance thing.
"Good day Mrs Rogers" I said immediately I entered her office.
"Oh God! Stephanie, how are you doing? Congratulations on that scholarship acceptance at Stanford" she said as she gestured for me to sit.
I was hella confused on how she knows. Of course they would have briefed the school about it.
"Thank you" I settled on the chair on the left side.
"I know why you are here. Getting an acceptance is actually the easiest part but how you keep them from snatching it away from you is difficult" she said.
"What do you mean by that?" I fiddled with my fingers nervously.
"You cannot allow your grades to drop. You must continue to maintain a high GPA. You must be of good behavior. You mustn't be reported for any bad deed. You must continue to excel so they wouldn't think you are not worthy of the position"she explained and I suck in a breath.
That kinda sounds easy. I have never gotten anything less than an A.
Bad behavior, count me out.
I guess I still have the upper hand.
"I think I have got it under control" I replied with a shaky smile.
"Good and I am confident you wouldn't disappoint me"she said as a whirl of emotions flash in her eyes.
"Do you have anything else to discuss with me?"she asked and I shook my head.
"You may take your leave"she dismissed and turned back to her laptop.
I walked out and headed to the cafeteria hoping I still have little time until it is over. "Hey"a voice said and I turned around with a smile.
I didn't even jump at the sound of his voice even though I wasn't expecting anyone. His voice has a way of calming me down. My heart skipped a beat and it doesn't help that he is flashing me his million dollar smile.
"Hi" I said.
"So why aren't you at the cafeteria?"
"At the counselor's. Wanted to make sure I know everything I am suppose to" I replied honestly and arched an eyebrow as if to ask the same question.
"Practice"he said nothing more and we started the small walk to the cafeteria.
"Are you going to tell me where we are going this Saturday?" I pressed because I am actually curious.
"Nope"he replied giving me a lopsided grin. Looks like I am not going to be getting answers after all.
We stepped into cafeteria and got stared at as usual.
Shouldn't people be used to US by now?
We walked to the line and he basically went to the front to get our food. Nobody stopped him, they just kept gawking at him. Some girls nearly shit their pants when he smiled at them. He holds so much power in this school. Can't believe he has got the hots for me. Still can't figure out what drew him to me. Attracted him to me.
"Should we sit with your friends?" he asked and I nodded.
I thought yesterday was one time thing but looks like I have gotta get used to him eating with us with ME.
He greeted my friends before settling down beside me.
Matthew and Daniel also joined us.
We are days away from being popular.
People keeps staring and soon they would want to associate with us. So they can get a piece of this three hotties, I mean two since the third is mine.
You are not even dating?
Yet! I can feel it and this time I tell you I am not imagining it all.
Good for you.
"How is calculus going for you?"Amanda asked dropping her voice a bit since she was sitting at my other side.
"Easy as always" I couldn't but smirk. I have little arrogance locked up in me. Can't help but feel proud when anyone ask about my academic.
She rolled her eyes at my answers. "Need your help with it"
"No problem. I have got a few period two classes after lunch"
"Let's meet in the library so we can go through it quickly" I said and she smiled in response.
Asher kept talking with the boys about some boring boys stuff and I want him to talk to me.
Never said you couldn't start one.
"When is your next match?" I asked determined to talk to him and he turned his attention to me.
Few hair strands fall above his eyes and I clenched my hands at my side to resist the urge to tuck it behind his hair. "In two weeks. You are invited and make sure you wear my jersey for luck" he smirked and my heart flutter.
That also wasn't a one time thing.
"You don't need luck" I scoffed and popped fries in my mouth.
That is one thing I really love in this cafeteria.
"You think so?"he arched an eyebrow and I raised mine too. "Fine but I want you to wear it to all my matches"he said and I searched his eyes finding honesty in them.
This year couldn't get any better.
You are acting like he asked you to be his girl.
Wait for it. "Okay"I smiled widely.
He turned his attention back to what Daniel was saying.
I leaned back and looked around.
People were staring but Katrina's was unavoidable. She was glaring daggers and I giggled in my head.
I stuck my tongue out childishly before turning back to my food.
I bet she never thought a day like this will come. I don't know why she wants Asher when Mason is clearly into her even after she cheated on the poor guy,
She should leave my Asher alone.
I guess I can refer to him as mine.
The bell rang and I pouted. I have got math next meaning I wouldn't get to see him in few hours. "See you later cupcake" he said with a smile and walked away with his friends. "You are making us more popular than we have ever been" Amanda squealed and I rolled my eyes.
"That means we are going to get an invite to his exclusive party" Angela squealed and I groaned.
"Bless you for taming him" Rose said and my eyes widened.
Not you too!
I walked out and strode off to my class.
"Hi Stephanie" a girl I have never talked to greeted in the hallway.
"You look good"
People kept talking to me and I was dumbfounded.
Being in acquittance with the golden boy sure has its perk.
I settled down in my perfect seat and got my supplies out.
"Hello" a voice said behind me making me turn.
"Hi Jones. How are you doing today?" I plastered a smile on my face.
"Stressed. I have had three tests in the past few hours" he replied massaging his temples.
"Being there" I giggled.
The teacher entered and I turned my attention back.
"That is all for today's class. Do your homework and submit next class. Do you understand"the teacher asked.
"Yes sir" we chorused.
"See you next class" he ended and I packed my things up.
"So you free on Saturday?"he asked.
"Nope" I popped the p and stared at him confused. "If you don't mind me asking, why?" I asked.
"Just thought we could go somewhere together"he replied with a sad smile.
"I have got plans" I said fiddling with my fingers. I have an habit of always turning him down.
"We can work something out some other day" he said and I nodded with a smile.
"Gotta go. Bye" he said and walked out.
There is no way I can cancel Saturday.
The first date with my dream guy, the guy I have been crushing on for years.
I walked into my next class and the teacher was already getting started.
Just few more to go!
I changed into my gym clothes. I have got PE as last period today.
Surprisingly, we are using the basketball court today again.
This teacher really like to see us embarrassing ourselves in front of the boys. Their coach isn't really giving them a break. They are having practice every fucking time.
He smiled at me immediately he spotted him and I smiled back.
"Okay so today I want you guys to play against them"the teacher announced gesturing to the boys and our jaws dropped.
We unskilled should play against those that are so good at it.
He is definitely getting paid by the coach because this is lame and weird.
I agree with you on that one.
I am always right.
Are you?
"You against them. Your team is allowed to be mixed, you know boys and girls. Try to go easy on them boys"he moved to stand with the coach.
"Stephanie, you chose who should be in the team since you are good at it" a girl I don't know her name said.
"Why her?" Katrina's tone dripped with disgust as she eyed me and I just smirked at her.
"So it should be you. Like you know anything about it. Do you want me to remind you about the last time?"my smirk widened and people laughed a bit at my comeback.
I chose people I think are slightly good at it. I put Amanda and Angela on the team since they were able to shoot the ball somehow in the past PE class.
We started walking to the middle of the court and I turned back. "Yo Katrina" I said kinda loud but the guys wouldn't be able to hear it.
"Make sure to cheer for us since that is the only thing you are good at" I said and her eyes widened.
"You can bet your ass that is the least thing I am good at. You can ask the boys" she pouted crossing her hands over her chest making her asset push out.
"And that too" I replied and walked to the court.
I noticed Asher didn't joined the boys.
Going easy on us,I see.
I caught his eyes. "You not playing?" I mouthed and he walked over to me.
Wasn't expecting that.
"So I can whoop your asses in a minute. Besides I don't play amateur games. Let's see how you put everything I taught you into action" he whispered a bit and I smiled at him.
"Cocky much" I scoffed and he smirked.
"Good luck"he said and pulled my cheek a bit then headed back to the bleachers.
We were to begin the game. I started with a jump ball.
I bounced it around but the ball was stolen from me in a few minutes.
This is so not fair.
Did you expect that you can beat THEM.
I smiled widely as I managed to shoot the ball into the net from a slightly far distance.
I looked around for Asher and he smiled at me.
They beat us obviously but I managed to shoot the ball in the next few minutes.
We weren't a sore loser.
Say what makes you sleep at night.
"That was dope" Rose commented and I smiled at her in thanks.
I was kinda sweaty from all that run and wouldn't like to talk to Asher looking like this.
Like you haven't before.
"You guys tried, I wasn't expecting you to beat them" the teacher said and we scoffed in response.
"That is all for today. See you next class" he said.
"Let's go change out of these clothes" Amanda mumbled and headed for the exit.
We followed but I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.
I didn't need to turn around to know who since I could feel tingles from the contact.
"Proud to be your teacher" he smiled.
I remembered the first time we talked.
He complimented me about my skills. "What have got you smiling like that?"he raised an eyebrow and I smiled more.
"Just remembering the first time we met" I replied honestly.
"Oh that. I remember too. I was awed by the girl that played well not knowing you will be more than that" he said and I almost didn't hear the last part.
"I have to go change out of this" I said gesturing to my clothes.
"Should I drop you off?" he asked and I nodded my head quickly.
"See you in a few" he said and jogged back. I headed to the girls' locker room but was cornered at the entrance.
I don't need another encounter with Katrina but life doesn't always give us what we want.
"What is going on between you and Asher?" she narrowed her eyes at me while I noticed her minions at her back.
"Remind me why that is something I am suppose to share with you" I crossed my hands over my chest giving her a fuck off look.
"Because I demand to know"
"That is something you can walk up to him and ask"
"We have got better things to do than talk" she purred with a evil look and I rolled my eyes knowing what she is implying at.
I don't give a damn about what things they have done in the past.
"Then leave me alone" I groaned out.
"I don't know what game he is playing at but I know he will never stoop so low" she puckered her lips and gave me a once over.
I scoffed. "Kindly tell me what his type is?" I plastered a fake smile on my face.
"Girls that know how to give it to him good and you are nothing like that. Why don't you stick to your books and date one of those geeks like you" she pouted and I so bad wanted to punch her in the face.
I am not ready to get expelled and lose my scholarship at Stanford.
"I will like to remind you that is none of your fucking business" I groaned and walked into the locker room.
She annoys the shit out of me. I have cursed a lot in the last few minutes and it is all thanks to her.
"Did you and Asher have a quickie?" Amanda teased applying lipstick on her lips staring at the mirror.
I groaned. "I wish. It was Katrina" I didn't bother waiting for her reply and entered an empty stall.
I took a quick shower and put my clothes back on.
"Why is that girl always messing with you?" she groaned as I stared at her putting on makeup.
I turned my attention to the mirror wanting to put my hair in a ponytail. "Not too keen about me and Asher hanging out together" I grumbled.
"She is just being bitter she couldn't get him and you my friend got him" Angela said making me smile.
"Should I drop you off?" Rose asked raising her head from her phone.
"Asher is" I applied lipgloss and saw her smile through the mirror.
"And you expect her not to sour about this" Lily said.
"You guys should make it official already" Amanda pouted and I giggled.
"Not sure we have gotten to that stage" I fiddled with my fingers.
"Please you guys act like one already" Lily rolled her eyes.
Waiting for you by your locker- A.
His text came in making me smile.
"I bet that's him"Amanda asked or no stated making me nod.
"He is waiting by my locker".
"What the hell are you still doing here then?" Lily asked and I shrugged.
"Don't keep lover boy waiting for too long" Amanda said and I shake my head at all of them.
Thank goodness we are the only one remaining here.
"See you guys tomorrow" I called and they responded with bye.
I walked towards my locker to see him leaning against it staring down at his phone.
Can't believe he is actually into me.
Looks so good in that grey T-shirt paired with blazer jacket and sweatpants with Nike converse.
His necklace hanging out and I spotted my bracelet on his hands.
Stop eyeing him like a piece of candy and actually walk up to him.
I took a deep breath and removed imaginary dirt from my clothes.
I walked to him and he hasn't noticed me yet. "Hi"he finally noticed me and smiled.
"Hey. Shall we go?" he asked and I nodded.
We walked side by side towards the entrance and was stopped by his friends.
"Hey Stephanie" Daniel greeted.
"Hi" I replied as Matthew just smiled.
"We still on tonight?" Daniel asked Asher and I was confused.
"Yeah. Just need to drop Stephanie off and I join you guys" he said and they did some bro handshake.
"Bye" they said to me and I returned.

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