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"Wow" I breathed out as I stared at the transformation.
The outside has been changed into something magnificent. There is a fire pit in the middle and a hot chocolate station at a corner. There is a food buffet and a grill station. There are warm fluffy blankets placed round the fire pit.
The night sky is really giving the whole scenery. "They really outdid this" Amanda muttered beside me.
I walked to the food buffet curious to see the food available. I gasped when I saw the different type of food present. Burgers, s'mores,hotdogs and sausage, steaks and chops, pudgie pie, fresh fish fillet and even some fresh veggies. Let us not forget the gooey marshmallow and chocolate sandwiched between two graham crackers.
There is also a punch stand but I bet some people will still sneak alcoholic drinks.
I can't wait to try everything. Nobody is eating anything yet so I can't embarrass myself by being the first. I just have to wait for this to start.
The teachers are sitting at a corner watching us. "Evening guys, welcome. This bonfire is going to be so much fun. We have lot of activities planned out. We will start with dinner then move to guitar playing then games" Daniel explained standing in front of us.
We walked back to the food station. I picked up a plate and put a little of everything on it.
I grabbed a cup of hot chocolate. The brown, steamy liquid is thick with white marshmallow floating on top.
I take a sip and it is really divine.
"Don't eat too much, we don't want you to become fat and more ugly now do we?" a voice snarled behind me and Angela scoffed.
I groaned before turning around to face the speaker.
Just my amazing luck!
I thought I was going to be able to avoid this during this trip. "I didn't know you care so much about me. Don't worry, food doesn't make me become fat. I don't have to starve myself to maintain this perfect figure like some people" I retorted eyeing the little food in her plate.
"Yeah well_" she was cut off by Amanda.
"We don't need your bad vibes right now. So why don't you carry on out of here?"
"Look who it is? The school slut!" she paused. "I am not like you Katrina who has fucked all the boys in our school. You are the true slut"Amanda contorted and I smiled at her comeback.
She didn't reply, she just faked a yawn and scanned our faces."Long time no see girls. I am feeling nauseous just by looking at your faces. Is that makeup you all have on?" Katrina snickered and I gasped .
She didn't just say that.
It is useless exchanging words with her.
"Thanks for gracing us with your presence. We will leave now because you are boring us with all this dumb talk. Bye" I faked a smile and pulled Amanda with me. I can't think of what would happen if we stayed there for another minute.
How dare she call Amanda a slut? I know she changes boys every week but a slut come on.
We settled in one of the blankets and the tension in the air was thick. Everyone was now in a foul mood even Angela. "Okay guys, we are not going to allow that ugly witch to spoil our mood. We are going to enjoy this party. Who is with me?" I smiled raising my hand and I can see a little smile creeping onto their faces.
This is Angela's job but I have got to do this. Katrina came onto them because of me. They raised their hands up and I breath out a sigh of relief.
"I can't believe you are the one cheering us" Angela grinned and I rolled my eyes.
Me either!
I dug into the food and it really tastes so good. I unlocked my phone and decided to text my mom. She said to text her everyday.
Hey mom, how are you doing? Everything is going great over here. We are currently having a bonfire party. Talk to you later-S.
"So guys, we are going to start the night with someone playing the guitar. If you know you play so well, please move to the front" Daniel said glancing around.
I scanned around waiting for someone to stand up. "Let me play"a deep husky voice said and I turned to the speaker.
Asher plays?!
He walks to the front and settled on the chair. He picks up the guitar and started strumming.
Wow I didn't know he plays so well.
Not like I know everything about him.
Is there anything he isn't good at?
I couldn't really focus on the tune he was playing. I was more concerned with checking him out.
He looks amazingly handsome. He wore a black blazer with a scoop neck tee, light colored cream pants with a brown belt and matching brown boots.
His silver chain glistening in the moonlight.
People started clapping around me and I joined in confused.
He has finished playing already and I missed the whole thing.
He stands up and flashed his million dollar smile. "I know why you fell for him"Amanda whispered and I sighed.
"He is literally good at everything" Rose said dreamily and I cocked an eyebrow at her. "Chill girl he is all yours"she giggled and I snorted.
Like he can ever be mine.
I fiddled with my pearl necklace staring at him. "Anyone here that can play has good as that?" Daniel asked looking around.
"Well I guess nobody can. So we are going to play the first game of the night. Charade"he announced and I smiled.
I really enjoy playing this game.
"So we are going to divide into five teams. I will be the one to choose so you might not be with your friends. The whole concept is for you to speak with other people apart from your friends. After that we will play Never have I ever. The teachers have gone to sleep because they trust me to keep you guys in place. I might disappoint them because never have I ever is boring with alcohol" he said whispering the last part making us laugh.
I glanced at the corner they were sitting and realized they have actually left.
It isn't going to be my first time to take alcohol. I was fifteen when I first tasted alcohol, vodka to be precise. It was at a teenagers party in my street and we decided to sneak alcohol.
I sometimes sneak from my dad's cupboard. I never said I was a good girl.
It isn't the reason why I don't go to parties. I just don't like going because it is all boring to me.
"I don't know everyone's name so I am just going to point at you" Daniel said with a small smile.
"You, team A"
"You,Team B"
"You,team C"
"You,team D"
"You, team E"
I am in team D, the first team member to be precise. I just hope Katrina isn't in this group and I want at least one of my friends here with me.
Luckily for me, Amanda is also in this group and surprisingly Asher.
Angela and Thomas team A, Lily and Mike, team E, Rose team B, Rob team C.
Katrina is in team E.
Amanda wiggled her eyebrow at me before winking. I groaned and realized this is one of the reason I wanted to keep them in the dark about my feelings.
I am going to be teased to death.
Daniel isn't in any group as usual.
He is holding a jar containing folded papers. "I don't think I have to explain the whole concept of this game. Every team has five minutes to guess" he paused and we nodded in understanding. "Let the game begin"
Team A starts first obviously.
A unknown boy takes the lead, he takes a paper and goes to act what was written.
He holds up two fingers to signify that it is two words.
This is going to be a long night!
We won obviously since I am in the team.
You guessed three times correctly. It's safe to say you guys won because of Asher and Amanda. They were the ones that actually got most of it.
Always stealing my shine. I didn't know Amanda was so good at it. "You did really well" I said with a smile turning to Amanda.
"Thanks. My mom always makes us play on our family game night" she explained and I nodded understanding.
She has got two older brothers and a little sister. They are all really nice but I like Elena, her younger sister more. She is such a sweetheart and she is seven.
"That explains a lot" I replied realizing I haven't said anything in response.
We gathered round the fire again with my other friends by my side.
"Okay we are going to be playing never have I ever right now. If you can't handle alcohol and dirty statements, you are welcome to leave" Daniel said and some people actually stood up to leave.
"Are you leaving Stephanie?" Angela asked. "Of course not, this isn't going to be my first time in tasting alcohol" I replied and they gasped.
"I never said I was a saint" I smirked.
"My innocent girl, what is this world turning into?"Amanda said dramatically making me roll my eyes at her.
Such a drama queen.
We got ten shots each. "I will go first. Let's start easy. Never have I ever pranked a teacher" Daniel said and some people took shots.
Well I have never done that before. I practically adore my teachers.
"Never have I ever kissed the same gender as me"
"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping"
"Never have I ever done threesome"
That was Asher. To think he has done twosome.
"Never have I ever hit on my teacher" Okay that is a little weird. The youngest teacher I know is in her late twenties.
To think someone will try to hit on her is...
"Never have I ever stole something"
"Never have I ever gone sky diving" I take a shot at that.
"Never have I ever taken drugs" I said after a long thought on what to say.
I can't possibly say that I haven't slept with anyone. I don't want the whole boys to come after me and make me their next bet. I heard boys really like betting on stuffs like that.
I want a no drama year and that is going to be impossible after that.
The game continued for a while and I have already taken three shots.
For never have I ever stolen alcohol from my dad's cupboard and never have I ever flirted with someone to get freebies.

The game ended after a while and a unknown girl won. She only took a shot.
"That is all on Never have I ever. Next we will play Name the tune. We will split into two teams and it is just like the musical of charade. I choose a player from the other team and tell the person the title of the song. The person has to get his team to guess the tune by whistling or humming. The rule is that you can't sing the song" he explained.
He splits us into two teams and this time I am not in the same group as Asher.
I have got Lily and Rose with me on this one. Daniel whispered the song to my fellow teammate and I waited for the guy to hum the song. "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"I said quickly raising my voice as the guy begins to hum the song.
I cleared my throat as everyone turned to stare at me. I stared at the ground and fiddled with my fingers nervously.
I tend to do that when I get nervous.
"That is correct" the guy said after a while and Lily gave me an high five.
Since I said the answer, I was to whisper the next song to their team.
I decided on Baby by Justin Bieber.
A random girl said the right answer after a while and the game went on.
Random and cheesy songs were used to make the game more fun.
The other team won.
I was sad a bit we lost. I headed to the punch stand to get a drink.
I grabbed a strawberry punch for Amanda and me. "Hey"a voice called out to me and I turned. It's Jones.
"Hi" I replied opening the punch and taking a sip.
"Are you enjoying the party?" he asked and I nodded. "Which game did you enjoy most?" he asked and I rolled my eyes internally at his attempt to continue a conversation with me. "I will say Never have I ever but I also enjoyed the charade" I replied crossing my legs before taking another sip. "What about you?" I asked staring at him.
He is dressed in a simple T-shirt and jeans with black sneakers.
"Never have I ever" he replied running his hand through his hair. "I will leave you to what you are doing. So I will talk you later. Have a good night" he said and I waved with a smile.
He walked away and I headed back to my friends. I tossed Amanda the punch and she glared at me. "What took you so long?" she pouted and popped open the drink. "Jones"I replied and she stared at me confused. "The guy from the lake"I added and she scooted closer to me and gave me the spill everything look.
"He just asked me how my night is going" I replied and she gave me a knowing look.
"You have got an admirer" she squealed and I scoffed at her.
Lily isn't here so she is definitely with Mike at the moment.
Soft tunes were playing from a speaker connected to a phone.
"Let us tell each other funny stories" Angela said. "Or ghostly stories because I am bored" she added. "I have a story but I can't say it is funny. I remembered the one time I_" she paused as we all were handed sticks for roasting the marshmallow.
And also a plate of cookie cracker, graham cracker, cinnamon dusted cracker and chocolate with nuts.
I placed mine over the fire and waited for it to be done.
"As I was saying, I remembered the one time I saw my mom and dad doing the deed. I was just seven and I had a scary nightmare. I wanted to go and sleep with my parents since I was to scared to sleep alone. I opened the door and met both of them naked together. I remembered the horrified expression on their faces. I was confused and my mom told me that they were playing an adults game. She dressed up quickly and asked why I was here.
I told her and she tucked me into bed and sang me a lullaby. I can't believe I slept on that bed after what went on there but I was an naive seven year old. Thinking about it now makes me gag" she ended making me shudder a bit.
I can't imagine walking in on my parents doing that at this age. It is going to hunt me for life. "That's weird. Let's head back to our tent, I have a little game for us" Amanda said grinning leading the way.
It is already 11am and almost everyone has retired back to their tent.
Lily has joined us again blushing furiously. I don't need to ask her what happened because it is damn obvious.
We settled down on our sleeping bag. "Let us play cards" Amanda said bringing out a packet of cards.
The torchlight serving as the other source of light aside the moon.
I understand that we don't feel really sleepy right now. I think everyone is sad to leave this place.
We played simple games like War to fun team games Euchre. It is fun playing before we decided to call it a night.
We decided to sleep together tonight.
I changed into a oversized hoodie and shorts. I wiped my face bare of makeup before snuggling into my sleeping bag.
I am too tired to head outside to see if I can have a moment with Asher.
I can already hear the girls' light snores.
I waited until sleep overtook me.

The bonfire was fun to write. The games and all. Katrina's part.

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