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"Practice is over. You guys were a bit slack today" the coach started and I stared at him in disbelief. We practiced so fucking hard and he tells us we were slack.
"I want you to bring your A-game in the next practice tomorrow. We have got a match next week and you must win the game. Do you understand me?" he asked scanning our faces and received a nod in reply. "You are dismissed" he ended with a flick of his finger. I feel sweaty and all.
Girls like me anyhow.
"Coach is really unbelievable" Daniel said a bit angry.
"What will he take him to compliment us for once? We do everything to please that dude" Matthew groaned out as we made our way to the changing room.
"He is just a big asshole" I grumbled making us chuckle.
I clapped my hands to get the boys attention in the locker room. "You guys practiced well today. I am sure we are going to whoop their ass next week" I said and the guys cheered me.
I am just trying to be a good captain.
I took a quick shower and changed into my clothes. A black T-shirt and black ripped jeans pairing it up with sneakers.
"Adios" I said before heading out with my boys.
"I am fed up of with this shit. My mom always want us to have this weekly dinner with my childhood friend" Matthew groaned and I chuckled a bit.
"Sorry man" I teased patting his shoulders and he shrugged me off. "They aren't got a daughter of our age?" I asked.
"That is the problem, their kids are ten. My sister enjoys this shit because she is their age. I just sit there and listen to the adults boring talk" he explained and we chuckled at his misery.
"I hate you guys" he said with a glare and I triedm to stop myself from laughing.
"I am leaving"Matthew said.
"Me too" Daniel chimed in.
"See you guys tomorrow" I said doing the bro hug with them.
I watched them leave and was about to make my way to my car.
I froze when my eyes landed on her. I haven't talked to her after the party when I wanted to start spilling nonsense.
I walked towards her. "What are you still doing here?" I couldn't help but ask to satisfy my curiosity.
"I was at the library studying"she replied. "You?" she asked leaning against the wall.
"We had practice" I replied and she nodded in understanding.
"How are you going to get home?" I asked  with a hint of concern.
"I don't know honestly. The bus has already left and my friends too" she pouted fiddling with my fingers.
She really likes doing that a lot. What is she getting nervous about?
"Let me drop you home" I said and her eyes widened.
Why isn't she saying anything? I am just trying to help her out. I am not trying to get something from it. She is the only girl that gets to witness this attitude of mine.
"You don't _"she started but I cut off.
I am not going to leave her all by herself.
"How are you going to get home? So just accept my help, no strings attached"
"Okay. I am really thankful for this"
"No problem"
"We have a little problem" I said and she raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"We have gotta run to the carpark where my car is parked. I would have brought the car over here to avoid you getting wet but..." I paused running his fingers through his hair and she nodded in understanding.
I feel bad for making her have to do this. What if she catches a cold or something?
Why do I care about her so much?
"It is okay"
"Well_" I started and she gave a small nod.
We ran to the carpark and located my car. There  wasn't much car present since most people have already left.
We got into the car and I tried not to stare too much at her wet T-shirt.
Fuck this!
I have got hormones and seeing her like this is really doing something to me.
I tossed my backpack to the backseat.
I put the key in the ignition,started the engine with a purr and proceeded to drive out of the carpark.
There was a soft hum of music that played through the speakers but it was too quiet to be heard.
"Your address?" I asked and she gave it to me . I used the GPS to navigate my way to her house.
She is the only girl I have talked with for so long. I just fuck and dump them.
I just enjoy talking to her and she makes me feel so alive. She is the only girl that doesn't like me; she doesn't throw herself at me. She talks to me like a normal person and not the Asher Bianchi.
"What was practice" she asked out of nowhere and I turned to her. She is fiddling with her fingers as usual.
"Hard as fuck. That old man needs to learn to give us a break" I mumbled and she giggled lightly at that.
I love her laugh. It is soft and really pleasant to the ear. "You guys aren't getting that anytime soon" she replied and I sighed agreeing with her.
"What is your opinion about the play?" she asked and I tried to think of an answer.
"Everyone is doing great but I am more impressed with the Sosa girl. She is a natural" I said with a small smile looking ahead.
"Oh. Okay" she replied with her voice dropping to a low octave.
I turned to her for some seconds realizing a change in her attitude. "You good?" I asked turning back to her.
"Of course" she replied with a smile which was definitely forced.
I notice a lot in people. I can tell when a person is not been honest.
What could have caused that?
I drove into an unfamiliar neighborhood. I have never been here before. It looks nothing like where I live. I know she isn't rich like most people and I like she isn't fake. Not pretending to be somebody she is not just to blend in. I know how some rich people can be, making people feel less of themselves.
I pulled up at her house and stared right at it. It looked so small. "Thanks for bringing me home" she smiled.
"You are welcome, you are a friend of mine so I will help you anytime" I replied honestly.
It was still raining but now it is getting heavier. It is kinda hard to drive but I am a professional.
"Do you mind coming in for a while until the rain stops a bit?" she said nervously and I arched an eyebrow.
Well I wasn't expecting that. "Aren't your parents going to be angry with you for bringing a guy home?" I asked.
"Nope they are pretty cool on matters like that. Nobody is home so you don't have to worry about that" she replied and I nodded in understanding.
"You don't have to" I said. I don't want her to think she has to do this.
"Please, the rain is getting heavier and I don't think it is safe. Consider me doing this as a thank you" she said and I nodded.
"Great" she said strapping her backpack on her shoulders.
She opened her door and I followed suit.
We ran to the front door and got more soaked. She unlocked the door and we entered the house.
I stood by the door and scanned my eyes through the house. It looked small but homey. The whole house is the size of my room and I am not bluffing.
"Sorry it isn't...your know" she stuttered out and I facepalmed.
She thought I was getting irritated at the size of the house but I just like to observe my environment. "I wasn't thinking about that. It is just in my nature to size everything up" I replied truthfully and she shrugged. "It is cozy and homey" I replied with a smile and she gave me one of hers in return.
"I will be right back" she said quickly and walked away.
I walked to the living room. It had sofas and a couch lined up in a U-shape.
There was a small tv at the center and a rug on the floor.
There was a small family picture by the Tv and I picked it up.
It looked to be taken years ago. "That was taken when I was ten. We went to the park and my mom told a stranger to take that photo" she told me and I quickly dropped the picture. I ran my hands through my hair embarrassed caught snooping.
I swiveled around to face her. She has already changed into an hoodie and some shorts. I might catch a cold if I stay too long in this. I didn't bring extra clothes with me today. "Umm I was wondering if you had like to change into my dad's clothes. So you don't catch a cold and I don't have a brother. Don't worry they are all new and it should be about your size" she blabbered out and I finally noticed the clothes in her hand. I chuckled a bit slightly amused.
"Relax, where can I change?"
"Here no I mean you can use the bathroom" she said and pulled at her hair after realizing what she said.
"Didn't know you were so excited to see me naked" I smirked having fun teasing her. She flushed and I was satisfied with her reaction.
"I didn't mean that. The bathroom is that way. Go left, the first door" she said quickly and handed me the clothes.
I strode off to the direction she gave me.
I stripped and changed into the clothes.
A hoodie and a pair of joggers. I didn't know where to put my wet clothes.
I just took them with me to the living room. "Where should I put this?" I asked and she stands from the couch.
"Give it here, I will wash it for you" she said and I gave it to her.
She left and I headed to the door to check the weather status. The rain was still heavy. I took out my phone and texted my mom the reason I would be home late. She worries about me and made me promise to always let her know about my whereabouts.
I made myself comfortable on the couch and was checking through social media.
"Would you like to eat something? I can make you something" she said fiddling with her fingers.
"Why are you acting like this?" I asked actually curious to know. She hasn't been herself and all. She had a confused look. I leaned back in the couch and met her eyes. "Like you haven't had a guy over before" I crossed my hands over my chest still staring at her.
"That is because I haven't done that before" she mumbled and I was surprised but maintained a neutral look.
I stand up and put my hands on her shoulders. I used my finger to tip her chin up to look at me. "Chill okay. It is just me and you don't have to impress me. I like the real you" I said honestly. "I like the way you don't pretend around me" I added . "Thanks I needed to hear that" she sighed and I settled back on the couch.
"Do you want something to eat? I don't know about you but I am starving" she said and added a groan at the last part.
"I will have what you are having. First assure me that you aren't a bad cook" I teased to lighten up the mood but I really needed to know.
Not everyone can cook so I wouldn't be surprised if she can't. "You kidding me right now? I am a very good cook. I deserve an award" she pouted.
"I will be the judge of that"
"Good for you" she said. She was about to head to the kitchen. "Can I tag along?" I asked and she arched an eyebrow. "Just to be sure you know what you are doing?"
"You are really hurting my feelings" she gasped dramatically. "Can you even cook?" she asked and I puffed.
"My mom made sure her two boys are useful in the kitchen" I replied with a smug look.
"Nice but do you know how to?"
"Of course"
"I don't believe you" she said in a mocking tone and I shook my head at her antics.
She moved towards the kitchen and I followed. I settled on stool and got busy with my phone. "Shouldn't you lend me a hand Mr. I-know-how-to-cook?"
"Make yourself useful"
This is the first time I will be doing this at a girl's house. I do other things there but cooking. She is really making me do things I have never done before and I am not mad at her. I actually enjoy spending time with her. My first actual female friend and ...
I groaned a bit but headed to the kitchen.
"Chop the veggies" she ordered handing me a chopping board.
I rinsed before chopping the tomatoes then the onions which I dislike so much.
I chopped the remaining vegetables skillfully.
I walked back to the stool and watched her do her thing.
"Should we watch a movie while we wait for the food to be ready?"
"Yeah unless you have something else in mind we can do to kill time" I smirked out and she hit my arm playfully.
"You are a perv" she grumbled and sauntered off to the living room.
I followed and we settled on the couch.
"What kind of movie do you wanna watch?" she asked.
"Titanic?" she asked and I nodded.
The movie started. "Let me go and serve the food. We can watch and eat" she said and I nodded agreeing with her.
I paused the movie and waited for her.
She came back with two plates and handed me one. She waited for me to taste before eating. "So?" she started .
"It is good" I commented after swallowing the food in my mouth.
She smiled before playing the movie again. We finished eating and took the plates to the kitchen. I offered to wash the plates while she made hot chocolates.
"Here" she handed me a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows.
I took a sip and it melted my tastebuds.
We focused back on the movie.

"That was one hell of a movie" she mumbled as the credits were displayed.
The rain has reduced a bit. "I should leave now" I said getting up from under the blanket. She put that around us during the movie. "My clothes" I said and she disappeared into a room.
She brought back my clothes looking clean and dry. I went to the bathroom to get changed. "Thank you for everything" I said handing her the clothes.
"Thank you for staying with me. It was nice having someone around than just me alone here" she admitted.
"When will your parents be back?"
"Late in the evening"
I walked to the door and waited for her to join me. "See you later" I said. I don't like saying goodbyes and prefer that instead.
I strutted off to my car. I waved to her before entering my car. I started it and maneuvered my way out.
That was a nice way to spend the night.

I got home after a while. I parked my car in the garage and headed into the house.
"Hey mom" I greeted hugging her from behind.
"Welcome son" she said turning in the embrace to kiss my cheeks.
I love my mom so much.
"Have you had dinner?" she asked and I nodded.
"Good" she said with a satisfied smile.
"Is dad home?" I asked scanning through the room. "He went for a business dinner" she informed.
"I will go and freshen up. Good night mom"I said.
I walked out and headed to the stairs.
I met my brother on my way to my room.
"How are you doing?" he asked.
"I am good"
" Vado in Italia stasera per occuparmi di alcune questioni  ( I am going to Italy tonight to take care of some issues)"
" Devi (Do you have to?)" I groaned.
" Devo andare ( I must go)"
"Assicurati di prenderti cura di te stesso (Make sure you take care of yourself)"
"I will brother" he said with a blank expression. I watched as he climbed down the stairs. I headed to my room and tossed my backpack on the bed.
I grabbed a sweatshirt and sweatpants from my walk-in closet and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower. I decided not to think much about it because it always put me in a bad mood.
I still need to do something before I go to sleep. I walked out and strode through the familiar hallway.
I opened the room. "Em" a little voice squealed before I felt hands wrapped around my torso.
I hugged her back. "How is my little niece doing?" I asked with a big smile after pulling away.
"I am gweat" she replied with a toothy smile. I love her to death.
Sydney Adriana Bianchi.
"Tell me about your day" I held her hand and led her to her bed. I settled on the edge of the bed with her. "It was good . Mom toke mee to the ice cream shop after school" she replied.
"That is good, you should go to bed now" I said putting her under the covers.
I kissed her forehead and turned to leave.
"Story" she pouted pointing to her favorite bedtime story.
This will really taint my reputation if anyone gets to know about this. I will do anything for her not caring it is embarrassing. Not in front of people obviously.
I read her the story and stopped when I heard her light snores. I put the book away and kissed her forehead again.
I walked out of the room quietly and closed the door silently. "You need to stop spoiling her" a voice huffed and I turned to the speaker.
"She is my niece so I have the right to. I didn't buy anything for her today" I admitted and her mother sighed. "Good"
I pulled her cheeks playfully. "She is a sweetheart okay. Stop worrying too much Delaney, my brother would be fine" I said and she gave me a small smile.
"I am heading to bed now. Goodnight" I said.
"Goodnight" she replied and I headed back to my room.
I got on my bed and proceeded to pull the covers over me.
My phone buzzed and I didn't want to check. It might be one those girls that like disturbing me. They know I only do one time but they get clingy.  I decided to picked it up.

Did you get home safely? - S.
Yh. Thanks - A.
She replied back immediately like she was waiting for me.
Good. - S.
Sleep tight -A.
Same - S.

I put my phone on the nightstand and pulled the covers.
I kept my mind blank and waited for sleep to come.
Having a female friend isn't bad after all.

Yeah it is not Asher.
The first ever Asher's POV.
Did you guys enjoy it?
I just wanted to give you guys an insight into his life.
What do you guys think about his family?
Who is your favorite character so far?
Next chapter will be Stephanie's as usual. There will be more Asher's POV to come in the story.

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