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"Why did you spend your whole day in the library yesterday?"Amanda asked and I gestured for her to let me finish the food in my mouth. Also taking my time to think of an excuse because I don't want them to worry about me. "Exam jittery" I replied half honest. Yeah I am having exam jittery because I am failing tests. How would I pass the exam?
I watched their reaction to see if they believed me or not.
"Ummmm"Amanda drawled out and gave me a quizzical look.
"You missed the hottest gist of the century"Angela squealed definitely buying the excuse.
Asher squeezed my hand under the table and I reciprocated his action smiling. He wasn't even looking at me yet he knew I kinda needed that assurance. Things might not be going my way now but I will find a way out of it.
"What happened" I asked turning to Angela and sipped my banana smoothie.
"Katrina and Mason, that's what happened"she replied grinning and I urged her to go on.
"Mason professed his love to her and asked her to be his girlfriend even after everything she has done to him. Like the guy is blind in love, she practically left and chased after Asher. Long story cut short, she agreed to be his girlfriend and they made out. For about seven minutes and which made me wonder if they could breath while sucking each other's face off"Angela paused and exhaled deeply as if proving her point.
"They were busying eye fucking each other before they headed out. It was obvious what they went out to do"Rose completed making Angela pout.
"My story"she grumbled and I giggled lightly. I glanced around to spot the newest couple and they weren't that hard to find. Katrina was sitting on his lap playing with his hair while he was discussing with the members of his swimming team.
"That was unexpected. The guy really loves her so much so I am hoping she would actually quit breaking his heart. She should be committed to him"I pouted taking my eyes off them. I have never had any conversation with the guy but I can imagine how he feels each time she breaks his heart by sleeping with other guys. "I hope so too"Lily said and Amanda nodded agreeing with her.
"She will never stop being a bitch"Angela said and I second that.
Her behavior on Sunday proves that.
The bell rang and we got up. I finished my smoothie quickly and disposed my wraps.
"Okay see you guys at practice" I heard Asher say before turning to me. I already said goodbye to my friends.
I smiled at him and he just smiled back.
"English it is then" he said and I nodded.
He tugged me along to the entrance and we crossed path with the newest couple in town. "Asher"Mason deadpanned.
"Mason"Asher replied in the same tone and I glanced at Katrina who glued to his chest. "Congrats on whatever you guys have going on"Asher said flashing them a small smile and Mason scoffed.
"Please you are jealous I got her and you got her"the Mason guy said and I narrowed my eyes at him.
He said what now?!
And his stupid girlfriend was just giggling by his side. "I rejected her remember and my cupcake put her in her place. It's useless explaining things to you"Asher said smirking and pulled me out before they could think of a comeback.
"I don't get why that dude doesn't like me because I am the most likable person"Asher grumbled and I faked cough to annoy him. He glared at me and I gave him an innocent look.
We entered our English class and he settled behind me. The teacher wasn't in class yet so I turned to him.
"Guys don't hold grudges, we are pretty cool with each other unlike you girls. I think he started hating on me because of the stupid Golden boy thing"Asher continued grunting and I nodded in understanding.
"And he had the balls to tell me that I am jealous he got her. Damn him because I am so lucky to have you. Come on, he got to be fucking with me"he muttered but my mind was stuck on that one sentence .
Damn him because I am so lucky to have you.
My heart fluttered and my insides was bursting with happiness. Damn him and his stupid words. "Why are you smiling like that?"he asked and I shrugged wiping off the smile. "Enough about that, brief me on what you read about this test"he said and I couldn't resist the smile that creeped onto my face.
He is willing to do this for ME!
We have an English test right now and he wants me to explain things to him so the test would be kinda easy for me.
"Just to help your mind prepare"he added with a little shrug and I rolled my eyes.
I started discussing everything I have learnt with him and I was confident I was going to ace it.
"You know everything already so I am sure you will pass this one"he said and I nodded smiling.
The teacher entered and I turned back to the front after he gave me a thumbs up which I reciprocated.
The teacher distributed the scripts with no words while I flipped my pen in my hand.
I was anxious and nervous at the same time. I couldn't wait to see the question to be sure I will ace it. Nervous because I can't help but feel I am going to fail it like the rest. "You have got only twenty minutes and your time starts now"the teacher announced and my eyes zeroed on the question.
I felt a sense of Deja vu as I stared at the question. It was all I practiced with Asher but I couldn't remember anything from it. My hands were sweating and I kept rubbing it on my jeans. I bit my lips and fiddled with my fingers. I took deep breaths and stared at the question again.
It was the same outcome. I didn't know what to write. The question sounded familiar but it was hard to provide an answer which I knew like the back of my mind. The first tear fell on the paper and I wiped it. I stared around to see everyone writing something even Asher.
I am fucked up.
"Ten minutes more"the teacher announced and I squeezed my eyes shut.
I mentally calmed myself down and took deep breaths.
I am Stephanie Walker, I can ace this shit. I repeated that for a couple of times and open my eyes when the teacher announced five minutes more.
I stared at the question again and the answers started flowing in my mind. I started scrambling down all I could write in limited time. "Time's up"the teacher said and got up from his seat.
He started collecting from the first row.
I kept writing and for the first, I loathed my perfect seat. I wished I had chosen a seat at the back. I groaned inwardly as the teacher collected my paper.
"I am glad I drilled you a bit before the test. I was able to remember everything you said"Asher said making me turn around. I fake a smile and he frowned.
"I wasn't able to remember anything I read until last minute" I informed and his eyes widened.
"Like everything you just told me"he didn't bother hiding his shock and I nodded in response.
"This is shocking. I am not sure how to describe this"he said and I wiped another lone tear. Everyone already left except the two of us. He crouched in front of me and somehow wrapped his hands around me. "We will find a way around this together"he promised and I felt him kiss my hair. The tears kept on flowing and I didn't bother stopping it.
I can't even do one thing right.
"Hey"he said and pulled away. He put a finger under my chin and forced me to look at his face. He was a little blurry from my teary eyes. "Don't you dare say that. I am not sure what's happening to you but one thing I am sure of is that you will get through it"he said in a serious tone and I just nodded.
He wiped my face clean and I stopped crying. I took deep breaths and forced a smile. "I have got a class to get to"I said and he moved back so I would be able to get up. "Or do you want to go somewhere?"he asked and I shook my head.
"Nope. The earlier I get to class, the better. Besides I have been missing classes a lot and that's not good for me" I said and he sighed. "I haven't got any class with you today aside this. I am not even sure we will participate in your PE class"he said with a groan and I just smiled.
"I will be fine. I have a phone remember" I pouted and slung my bag over my shoulder. "Let me walk you to your next class"he offered and I rolled my eyes.
"Suit yourself" I said with a poker face and headed for the door. He just smiled as we walked out.
"You got a C"the physics teacher said with a look that screams I am so disappointed in you. I just collected my paper and walked out. Having heard that, seen that so many times has gotten me used to it. I don't even have any tears left to cry nor do I feel that usual sadness.
I headed to the bathroom to change into my sport clothes and headed to the field early. I settled on the grass and plucked some grasses. I played with it and block out all my thoughts.
My little playtime stopped when my other classmates started trooping in.
"Why didn't you wait for us?"Amanda asked and I shrugged not even bothering to look at them. My eyes were focused on the green leaves in front of me.
They started talking about something that happened in one of Angela's classes and I tuned them out.
"Are you okay"Angela said as she settled beside me.
"Yes" I faked a smile and she narrowed her eyes at me.
"I wonder what this man is going to tell us to do today"Amanda grumbled and my lips twitched up at that.
The teacher came in and announced we playing tug-of-war. To improve our resilience and strength.
He grouped us into two teams and we quickly got into position. I couldn't even groan when I got grouped with Katrina but I was glad to have Amanda on my side. He sprayed a white paint on the field to serve as the central line. He went through the rules even though everyone definitely knows them.
I got the middle position and Katrina argued to be at the front.
The teacher blew the whistle and I pulled the rope with my whole strength not to wanting to fail this also.
"Ouch"Katrina winced loudly distracting us and letting the rope slide off our hands.
A lot of groans were heard but I couldn't process it. "Team B got a D for not even putting up a fight"the teacher said shaking his head.
"Thanks for making us lose Katrina"someone's voice echoed out and Katrina pouted.
"My palms were turning red. Do you know how much I spend on my skincare?"she scoffed and the person threw some insults at her. I just walked away from the group finally grasping the fact that I lost again.
It was a group loss but I made them lose.
My luck has turned from good to bad. I can see myself at the bottom of the brilliant chain.
I just headed to the bathroom and threw my clothes on. I grabbed my bag and hurried out of school not wanting to face anyone. I needed my bed badly. I wanted to cry but I couldn't even do that right.
I just felt numb. No feelings! No emotions! Just Numbness!
I entered the bus and went to the back, where I belong.
I paid my fare and got out. My phone was blowing up in my bag but I ignored it. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.
I ran home because I just wanted to feel something. I unlocked the door and just wanted everything to be calm and silent.
Life never gives you what you want.
"Stephanie hun, welcome"my mom squealed and threw her hands around me.
I wrapped my hands around her and closed my eyes wanting to pretend everything was fine. She doesn't need to deal with my shit. She has got better things to worry about.
"Little munchkin"my dad's voice came up as my mom pulled away. He pulled me to his chest and I sighed relishing the familiar hands and scent.
Today has been hectic and I just want to go to sleep. I just hope my parents instinct doesn't kick in. I don't want them to suspect that something is wrong with me. "We have got a surprise for you"my mom squealed and I faked a smile.
She took my hand and led me back outside. We stood in front of a beat up truck I failed to notice when I was coming in. I turned to them and raised an eyebrow.
"A new member of our family"my mom squealed and I gasped.
I tried to sound enthusiastic about it when I couldn't really feel anything. I squealed and jumped up.
"Are you suggesting what I am thinking?" I said smiling which I couldn't even tell if it was fake. My dad nodded and I hugged him tight. "You bought a car?" I said and he nodded.
"We have been saving up for a while and now it's here"my dad replied as I pulled away. "I don't know what to say. Congratulations to us" I said with a real smile. I glanced at my parents knowing how much this really means to them. They have been planning for days, months, years and now they finally achieved it. Yes it's a beat up truck but it means so much to my family. Our first mode of transportation!
"So we are planning on attending that new diner downtown then we take a little drive around town"my dad said and my mom nodded agreeing. I smiled nodding too even though I just want to go to my room to sleep.
"Go get dressed and come outside. We will be waiting for you"my dad and I finally noticed they were already dressed. Which means they already planned all that before I arrive.
I sighed and grabbed a black knee length dress and headed to the bathroom. There is no need for a vibrant color right now. Black suits my current mood and life right now. I took a quick shower and put on the dress. It fits and show off my curves.
I headed back to my room and put on black flats. I put my hair in a ponytail and applied lipgloss. I grabbed a small purse and put the necessary things in the purse. I headed outside and locked the door shut. I got into the backseat and my parents glanced at my dressing. They smiled meaning they approved. My dad started the car and pulled out of our driveway. I rolled down the window allowing the fresh breeze to blow on my face. I wish the sadness I felt could be blown away so easily.
My dad pulled into the diner and we got down. A waitress approached us at the door and led us to four-seat-table.
We settled down and I asked my mom to get me what she ordered.
"How are things going in school?"my dad asked as we waited for the food to be brought. "Things are fine dad" I replied with a fake smile. My mom raised an eyebrow definitely sensing something is wrong. "I am just a little stressed about my final exam mom" I assured and she finally nodded believing me.
"You will ace it as usual"my dad said chuckling and I smiled.
If only he knew!
"How are things between you and Asher?"my mom asked and I smiled.
"Things are going well between us. He is teaching me how to drive and I have got to show you guys the painting he made of me" I couldn't contain the excitement in my voice because it is always so easy to talk about him. He is a comfortable topic for me and I can feel myself slipping back into reality.
"I have got to see it to be sure it's not some kind of painting"my dad deadpanned and I giggled.
"It's not a naked pic of me if that's what you are worried about" not like I will ever show you both if he makes one of me. I pressed my lips together to stop myself from uttering that and rather stared at the cup of water in front of me.
"Good"he replied and my mom smiled.
Our food were brought putting all discussions on hold.
My mom ordered fried rice and chicken which was fine with me.
I spooned some into my mouth and it actually tasted good. I couldn't even muster the strength to say that.
We finished our food in silence and my dad paid for the food.
We headed back into the car ready for the late night drive. My dad and mom discussed all the way only including me when necessary.
I was out of it and couldn't wait to get home. My schedule for tonight was already up. Just like last night with no studying. I just want to sleep and forget this few days never happened.
Like me failing is just a bad dream I am going to wake up from.
No disappointed looks from teacher.
I don't even know who I am anymore.
What is going on with me?!

Ding! Two updates in a day!
Wishing you all a blessed and fulfilled week.
They finally got a car and some family time.

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