20. Apology

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What is one thing that is unforgivable for you?


Most of my life I kept complaining about how things were unfair to me, how my parents died, how my brothers treated me badly and I also waited for their apology. When finally Theo apologised to me I didn't accept it. I didn't even realise how much guts it takes to say 'sorry'.

But now I do.

When we first met Bianca was just some annoying girl to me so it was easier to hurt her and then apologise to her. But then I realised what she really is. She's totally opposite of what I expected her to be. She's kind, cute and comforting. All the time I have spent with her in the past few days have been one of the best.

And I just had to ruin it. Kevin is the only person who knows about my nightmares and I wanted to keep it that way for the rest of my life.

After she saw me having nightmare, I thought she'll see me as a different person and I hated that more than anything. Still it doesn't justify how I bashed on her and ignored her for a week. Even though it wasn't her fault she still made the first move but being the bad boy I just ignored her ,in result hurting her even more.

When I told everything to Kevin he was furious and started scolding me like a big brother for hurting her. He somehow convinced me to come to the party in the hope to meet her, I am not sure if she'll come or not but I hope she does. It will be perfect opportunity to apologize to her. Kevin offered me drink but I refused, I don't want to get drunk in front of her. I have to be in my senses while talking to her, I want to listen to her complains.

That's when I noticed the blonde hair in the crowd, there she was. Standing uncomfortably just like the last time at the party. I knew if it wasn't for her friend she wouldn't be here. But for once I'm glad she's here.

I just stood there and admired her for few minutes then started taking steps closer to her.

But before I could get close to her Chase took her hand and dragged her to the dance floor. I clenched my fist as I saw him placing his hand on her waist. That bastard. This was some other level of torture. She was smiling at him but I knew that it wasn't her genuine smile.

My hands itched to take her away from him and take her into my arm.

Sadly, it wasn't possible. Because firstly she was dancing with him on her will and secondly I was yet to apologise to her. I just can't behave like a possessive boyfriend and snatch her away.

Finally after 2 minutes and 17 seconds the torture ended when Bianca pulled away from him and started walking towards the door. Chase started dancing with some other girl in less than a second, this bastard has no manners.

I followed her outside waiting for my chance to come and it finally did . I saw her sitting on a bench alone while rubbing her forehead.

"Bianca", I called and her eyes immediately met mine.

Her hazel eyes were filled with happiness which made my heart calm. My throat went dry all of a sudden, I couldn't find words to say. Maybe I should compliment on her look.

"You look wonderful.... I mean you always do but today... You look amazing", I rambled. She let out a soft chuckle at my words which made me blush.

Did I blush?

God, I am turning into pussy.

"I am sorry", I said in one breath not able to control it anymore.

Her face became emotionless. I don't know what her answer is but I am not going to give up this time.

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