7. The Martino Brothers

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Random Question:
What kind of fictional woman do you prefer?
A: Sweet and Gentle
B: Strong and fearless


I look at his beautiful face glowing by the street light, he had passed out few minutes ago without telling me anything about his friend. I only know his friends name, Kevin. Other than that I don't know anything about him.

My hand rose to put a strand aside from his forehead. Just like I imagined his hair were silky and smooth.

I hear loud footsteps coming toward us and as I turned I saw the familiar red haired boy walking on the opposite side of road.

Can he be Kevin?

Of course, he is his only friend. I have seen him with that red hair twice so he must Kevin.

"Kevin", i shouted the name trying my luck.

And by the grace of God he turned towards me and as he eyes fell on the hoodie guy he immediately ran towards us.

" Oh my God. What is he doing here? ", he panicks.

" Actually he passed out few minutes ", i reply in low voice.

"Ohh... Thanks for helping", he carried the boy in bridal style.

I smile at how funny they look. Kevin was more muscular then him but still the hoodie was heavy and carrying him would not be easy for Kevin. I kept looking at them as they went away and I stood there alone for sometime before going back to the party.

" Bianca where the hell were you? I was searching for you all over?! ", Brittany shouted as she saw me.

" I am sorry actually shawn called me so i went out", I didn't tell her the complete truth.

"Ok, let's go back now",she pulled my hand and we walked out. My thoughts were still lingering over that hoodie guy.


Someone was shaking me roughly, i groaned but my eyes refuse to open.

"Ben! Wake up", a voice came.


I open my eyes , after blinking few times I adjust my eyes to the light.

As soon as I come to know that I am in Kevin's house, I sat up and look around. Kevin is hovering over me with piss face, indicating that I did something bad.

" You were having a nightmare... Again", he sat besides me with concerned face.

I run my hand through my messy hair, trying to remember how I ended up here. We went to the party and I drunk alot, Theo pissed me and I ended up on road. That girl...

Did I met any girl last night?

Why can't i remember anything? I pull my hair in frustration.

"Hey, hey. It's ok, I am used to your nightmares now", Kevin says seeing my angry expression.

I know that this is not the first time he has seen me having nightmare, he is the only person to know about it. But still he doesn't know the reason behind it. He tried to help me but ended up getting beaten by me in sleep.

"What happened last night? ", I ask rubbing my face.

I am lucky that I don't get headache after drinking so much, like Ken.

" You somehow ended up on the bench, I started searching for you. Thanks to that girl who was with you but then I had to carry your heavy ass", he sign.

"Girl? ", i ask.

" Yaa, a girl she was with you when i came . Now get up and take a shower you stink", he say pinching his nose.

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