8. First step towards Healing

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Ben's POV

The big bruise decorated over my face was making me angry and even more sad, Theo didn't even came to apologize to me. Just like I expected.

When my mom died, Theo was the person who comforted me, took care of me and taught me how to be a good big brother. But when I started going to school his behavior changed suddenly, he started avoiding me . He's my big brother , he was suppose to help me in studies, games and everything but he didn't.

Maybe that's why I am not good in anything whether it be academical or physical.

When I asked him why he doesn't love me anymore, he replied.

" Because you are annoying, my friends started teasing me because of you. I feel embarrassed when you are with me, why can't you make friends like Chris? You are so small you can't even play with me. And it's not like you're my real brother. "

It wasn't just a small verbal fight, that day he broke our relation, my trust, my faith in him. He made me feel useless. I cried whole night ,until Dad came to room and hugged me.

Then Angel came to our life, she was the only person who cared about me. But no matter how much I loved her, Theo was always her first choice in everything for help, for hug, for gift, everything. Still I was happy at least I had a sister.

On her 5th birthday I lost both my Dad and my sister, that's what made me go numb and created biggest distance between us. I was in too much shock to know things happening around me but I still remember those words he said to me.

They still haunt me, the pain was fresh just like it happened yesterday and the worst part was that he didn't even apologise. I was just a kid , did I deserve all that?

I changed my clothes and walked out for work. I looked at myself in mirror for one more time, my face was looking really bad I don't think Theo will have this much marks. Because my punches had half the effects as his. All thanks to his good physique.

Covering my face with hood, I messaged Kevin to wait for me at cafe. As I ran down the stairs I looked at Theo who was sitting on the couch while aunt Alia was doing his first aid.

I covered my face even more and ran, I was about to cross the hall when I heard the voice.

"Ben where are going? ", aunt Alia asked.

" Friends house", I replied without looking back.

I just hope she doesn't ask too many questions.

"Ok, but don't be late your Dad won't like it", she said.

" He is not my Dad and for your information he doesn't like anything about me", i responded and walked out.

I hate when people call me Mason Martino's son. He wasn't my dad in fact he was my uncle. He adopted me and my brother as soon as Dad died, but he never behaved like my Dad. Cole and Leo started calling him Dad but I didn't, he can never earn that respect from me. He can never be like my Dad.

For some reason my heart just couldn't accept him.

Both of my dad and uncle were twins but totally different, Dad was the best father in the world and uncle Mason is nearly last in that list. Dad was not capable of being a leader while uncle Mason did it with ease. They both were similar in looks but nothing else.

I took the bus and went to the cafe.

"Hello!! Ben... What happened to your face?! ", Kevin asked.

" I got in fight with Theo ", i mumbled and took a sandwich from his tray.

He wanted to ask questions but I just shook my head, I was no mood to talk about it. Just like everytime he didn't force but that's what I liked most about our friendship. He never pushed me into talking.

After eating our food we started walking towards the tattoo shop.

I remember the first time I came here, I just want to spend time away from my house so I decided to get a job. I was always good at drawing , I showed few pictures to Rusty, the owner, he immediately gave me work. He gave me my first salary which wasn't great but still it was more than enough for a 11 year old boy.

When I started making tattoos he increased my salary, right now my salary is enough. It helps me in buying anything without uncle Mason's permission and I am also saving it for a car.

The car which I wish to buy is my dream and really close to my heart , just few weeks and I'll finally have it.

I entered the shop and went to my place .

"Hey Ben", I heard an annoying voice.

I looked up and saw Chase standing in front of me with a smirk.

" Ohh, Looks like someone beat you but I am sure you deserve it", he smirked.

He is right I deserve it. For being a shitty son and brother, actually I deserve way more that but admitting this to him is the last I want.

"Why are you here? ", I asked moving my head in other direction.

" Just", he sat in front of me.

He placed both of his leg on table infront of me.

"Chase I am not interested in seeing the dirt of your shoes, so please go away",I politely replied. As politely as I could.

Anger replaced his smirk, he looked pissed. It was meant to be a small joke.

"Not everyone has billionaire Dad like you", he hissed. " Some people have to struggle all their life just to support their loved ones. But you won't understand that because you have everything in your life - loving parents, brothers, money , a big house and everything you want"

He walked away in anger. Leaving me alone.

He is right. I can't understand his struggle, because I don't have anyone to care for. I am too weak to care for anyone, support anyone.

After work I went to park to give chocolate to the kids. This is my favorite part of day, giving them chocolate, making them smile. Their smile makes me happy, they deserve all the love in world, unlike me.

I sat on the bench and looking at the kids playing. It's so good to be kid without any worries or stress just playing around.

I was in deep thoughts when a boy came towards me with a bag.

"This is for you", he said.

I furrowed looking at the bag, " Who gave you this? "

"A cute girl", he gave me the bag and ran away.

I opened the bag, I removed the first thing I caught. It was a packet of pastry, my favourite pastry and the same flavour which I got at Kevin's house.

There was a first aid kit in it with cute note on it.

Your smile makes you look even more beautiful. Just apply the medicines your wounds will heal faster.

~your stalker❤️

P. S -you are not alone, i care for you.

A smile came on my face looking at it, I don't know if that person genuinely cares about me or not but I am still happy.


Please vote on the chapters. I still need 68 votes to complete my 100 votes target.

It might be a small number for others but it means a lot to me. As there are only 2/3 votes on each chapter. But I'm fine as I still new as writer.

Your support really matters to me. So please show your love.

Lots of love to everyone
~ Naina❤️

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