6. Drunk boy

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The loud music was booming in my ears and bright light was everywhere making me blind. What more can I expect from a teenage boy?

"Come on man, lighten up", Kevin shouted.

Yes, it's so easy for him to lighten up. Just few drinks and he'll forget about all his worries and bury himself in some random girl.

But my life is not that simple.

This drinks only increases my problems, it makes me remember about it even more. I took a drink trying to forget my problems this time but I don't get drunk easily maybe because of my Martino genes.

My eyes moved around and stopped on my brother, just like I thought Theo was making out with a girl. I am ashamed to have a brother like him who doesn't think twice before breaking any girls heart.

Kevin suggested me to have sex with girls , maybe it could help me but I refused. I don't want to hurt a girls feeling just to escape from my problems.

"Ben", a voice came. A girl wearing a tight dress till her mid thigh was standing in front of me, her front looked so tight, I was scared that it would torn any moment. Her face was filled with heavy makeup, I felt her hands tracing my tattoo.

She came me a seducing glare, before reducing the distance between us.

I looked at Kevin, who seemed to enjoy the scene . He winked at me and motioned me to go with her, but being my best friend he should know about my next move.

"Sorry, I am not interested", I removed my hand from her grip and turned towards the counter.

" What?! Did you just say no to me!!! ", her high pitched voice was bursting my ears.

"Is there anyone else? ", I tried not to sound rude but I can't help .

I heard a angry huff and sound of heels clicking, indicating that she is gone.

"What man she was a hot girl? ", Kevin whined. " Are you gay? "

"No", I replied taking a shot.

"Then how can you reject hot girls? ", he asked. He was not wrong, the girl just walked away was incredibly hot in her clothes but I wasn't interested.

I don't like being close to those girls who sees me as Bennett Martino and are behind my money. I want someone to consider me as Ben just Ben but it's impossible due to my brothers.

I am sure that I wasn't her first choice, she was behind me because Theo was busy. I am nobody's first choice, why would I be? I am not even good looking as them, I don't have sexy bad boy attitude like Theo, I am not sweet as Chris nor am I charming as Cole. I am just a boring boy, even Leo is more better choice then me.

I observed a girl coming towards Kevin, she whispered something to him and they walked away. Kevin winked at me before going, I shook my head at him.

Kevin is a soft hearted person who gets hurt easily, he has never been in serious relationship due to that reason. That's why he keeps on doing one night stand.

I took a bottle of bear and gulped it, my move moved towards Theo who was with a  different girl by now. He was surrounded by his friends, his eyes met mine and he gestured me to come towards him but I ignored him not caring about the consequences.

My eyes stopped on a particular girl for some reason I wasn't able to look away from her.

She looked so beautiful and innocent, most importantly she looked out of place. It wasn't her attire but the frown on her forehead. It was definitely her first time having party like this. 

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