33. Letters

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The moment I came into my senses I regretted  waking up. The pain in my head was killing me , like literally killing me. Because of that I felt pain in my entire body, I think I got into some kind of accident.

Did I?

I tried to remember the last thing that happened to me. I went to a party with Brittany. She went to the washroom. I met Cole. I got a call from Ben. I took a drink. And. . . And. . . What happened after that?

I tried to rub my temple to soothe the pain and remember again but my hand wouldn't move, there was some sort of weight on it.

Finally I gathered some courage and lifted my eyelids. I blinked to adjust my eyes to the lights and then turned towards my side to see what was restricting my hand.

A smile came on my face as I saw the most adorable sight in front of me. For a moment I forgot about the pain as I stared at his peaceful face. He had caught my hand tightly into his own and his face laid beside our hands. His lips were parted slightly as he snores cutely, those dark strands fell on his forehead beautifully and for once there was peace on his face.

I wince as a wave of pain went through my head, unconsciously I pulled my hand which was captured by him.

" What happened? Are you hurt?" Ben woke up in an instant and grabbed my shoulder. " Bianca, are you fine?"

I nodded my head but winced immediately. " My head is hurting. " I touched the part which was hurting and felt a bandage on it. " What is this? When did I get hurt?"

Without replying he got up and started looking for something. Taking a glass of water he raised it towards me along with a tablet, I scrunch my nose but didn't argue.

" What happened Ben?"

He stiffened at my question and sat beside me, his hand came over my cheek before he spoke," Last night, two boys tried to harm you. "

A shiver ran through my body and I couldn't help but move away. I sat against the wall and tried to remember it but pain was the only thing I got instead of any memories.

" Did . . . Did they do something to me?"

He shook his head immediately, making me sigh in relief," We came there before anything could happen?"

Nodding my head I took a few breaths in relief, that's when his knuckles caught my attention.

"Ben," I gasped at the state of his hand, which had dried blood all over it with cuts inside it.  " How did this happen?"

Instead of replying he just kept staring at me, when he didn't reply I took his hand and made him sit on the bed. When I tried to walk away he caught my hand and refused to let it go.

" Don't go. " My heart broke at his words.

" I'm just taking the first aid kid," I said and he finally released my hand. Taking the first aid kit from the table I stood back in front of him.

I yelped in shock when he caught my waist and pulled me on his lap. I faced him and tried to get up but he softly cupped my face. Not being able to resist his touch I sat there and took his injured hand in mine.

As I wrapped the bandage over his knuckles he kept playing with strands and caressing my cheek. Sparks flowed down my body at those small touches, I glared as his lips curled upwards at my reaction.

" And it's done," I sighed and tried to get up from his lap but again he tightened his arm. " Ben, leave me. "

" You've a lot to explain,Bunny," he whispered while tucking a strand behind my ear. When I stared at him with confusion he took out something from behind him and showed me. " Does this ring a bell?"

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