25. Special Day

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When is your birthday?


11:30 pm

Just 30 more minutes and I'll finally turn 20.

Time really passes faster than we realise. It feels like it was only yesterday when I started my school and now here I'm in the last year of my college. Just wanting it to end quickly.

The trip came as a change to my daily boring routine but sadly it ended a week ago and my normal life continued again. After the trip I barely got time to talk with Bianca as she was busy with her studies and I didn't want to bother her.

A smile came on my face as I remembered all the beautiful moments I shared with her. Those small touches, the cuddles, her laughs, her smiles and that pink blush. I want to feel and see those things every single day. I want to be with her every single day.

If only it was possible.

Closing my eyes I tried to get some sleep praying that I won't get any nightmare. It was only few seconds later that I heard a notification on my phone.

Leaning on my elbow, I took the phone placed on the table near my bedside and swiped to see the message. It was from Kevin, at first I thought it was to wish me birthday but then I saw the time.

It wasn't 12 yet , then why did he message me?

Ben, please come to shop right now. Accident happen.

Sitting straight on my back I again read the message, my heartbeat increased as I jumped out the bed and made my way outside the room.

Running outside I reached the bus stop within two minutes breaking all my previous records. I cursed at myself for not having a vehicle at such a crucial time.

I felt a little relieved when bus arrived few seconds later.  I tried to call him again and again but he didn't answer.

Numerous thoughts started running in my mind.

What if he's injured?

What accident could have happened?

What the fuck was he doing at the shop at this time?

That guy is a grown up adult still he can't take care of himself, I took deep breaths as my hands started shaking.

Please be safe, Kevin.

I again tried calling him but no reply came," Fuck!" I ran my fingers through the messy hair and released sharp breathes.

Minutes later the bus stopped at my destination I ran as fast as I could.

My slipper left my feet midway , I glanced back at it and took a step to reach for it but  went against the idea when Kevin's face popped in my head.

With my bare feet I reached the shop, breathing heavily I placed my hand on my knee trying to stop myself from fainting.

Sweat beads landed on the ground as I took deep breaths. As my vision got stable I took wobbling steps towards the door.

"Kevin!" I shouted around as it was too dark to see anything. " Where are you? "

I carefully moved towards the switch and clicked on it.


I stopped as the lights went on.

Turning around I looked at the whole room. It was decorated with balloons.

Happy birthday, Ben.

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