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Next Day

At university

Natalie, Noah and amber are in middle of class listening seriously. But Natalie got interrupted by Aiden's message. They both kept on texting each other for a while. Natalie was blushing reading all the messages.

After the class three of them went to the cafe. Amber "so natalie what are your plans today evening".
"I am supposed to have dinner with my parents" Natalie said with a grunt.
Amber "what's wrong? You are just going to dinner with parents".

Natalie "my mom's gonna be there with her boyfriend and my dad's gonna be there with his girlfriend and I have listen to them talking about everything happening in their life".
Amber "oh girl that's weird" said by hugging Natalie.

In the evening Natalie got ready and went to meet her parents at a restaurant.
She got in and saw her mom and dad waiting for her. They saw Natalie coming towards them and hugged her.
Joana( Natalie's mother) "oh honey it's so good to see you after such long time"

Natalie "good to see you mom, good to see you dad". All of them sat at the table and Will( Natalie's dad) introduced Margaret to Natalie. Will "Natalie meet Margaret my current girlfriend and Margaret meet my daughter". Both of them greeted each other.

Joana "Natalie, honey here meet someone. He is my boyfriend Jake". Both Natalie and Jake greeted each other.
Joana "so recently Jake took me on a helicopter ride and he kissed me in the air. Isn't is romantic Natalie".
Natalie replied with a fake smile "yes mom it is romantic".

Will "last week I and Margaret went to snowy mountains and we also skiing. And guess what happened that night?
Natalie just smiled at them after listening all their romantic stories.

She really felt weird,funny,and sad at the same time listening to her parents talk about their love life.

All of them had dinner and then Jake asked Natalie few questions about her studies and all. Whole time joana kept on praising Natalie for her dedication towards achieve her goals.

The entire time at the table Natalie mom and dad didn't talked to each other like before. That made Natalie really sad.

After sometime again her parents started to talk about their love life. Her mom kept praising her boyfriend and her dad kept praising his girlfriend.

Natalie really wanted her self out of there so she texted aiden to come and pick her from the restaurant.

Till Aiden came she kept on pretending listening to those romantic tales bring told by her parents. After few mintues Aiden texted Natalie to come out of the restaurant.

Natalie woke up from the chair and told her parents that she leaving. Her parents tried to stop her but she said she have an important class next day morning. She hugged her parents and said goodbye to them and came out of the restaurant.

She saw Aiden standing outside of his car on the other side of road. She was walking towards him then Aiden opened his arms wide so that both can hug. Natalie came near Aiden and hugged him. She really felt warmth in his hug so she hugged him for a mintue. The feeling which she had while she is hugging is like a "home" feeling.

Joana saw Natalie hugging a guy from the restaurant.

Aiden "so let's go". Both of them were about to get into the car, then Natalie remembered that she forgot her coat inside the restaurant so went in to bring it back. She went and and took her coat when she is about to come out the restaurant her mom asked "is he your boyfriend?".

"Mom, no he is not my boyfriend. We are just seeing each other".

Joana hugged Natalie by saying "you didn't get your parents love which you needed atleast get the love from the guy you are seeing. Are you happy with him?  What is his name?".

Natalie "his name is Aiden Nicholas Sharman and mom I think I am happy with him"

Joana was so happy that her daughter found someone who she is happy with and then turned towards Aiden and waved at him. Aiden saw her and waved back at her with smile. Joana signed Aiden that "take good care of my daughter". For which Aiden signed "sure".

Both mom and daughter hugged each other and Natalie came out from restaurant and sat in Aiden's car.

Aiden "is that your mom?". "Yeah" replied Natalie.

As Aiden is driving, Natalie kept on talking to him about her life and childhood with her parents. Then she started talking about Amber and Noah.

Aiden "your friend Noah hates me right?".
Natalie "yeah but not really".
Aiden "what made him hate me?"
Natalie "well as a psychology student he think that you are a narcissist". Listening this Aiden stopped the all of sudden.
Natalie "is everything ok?". "Yeah yeah" said Aiden pretended.

Natalie continued "he thinks that you are a businessman who is just having fun with me and leaves me when I get bored to you".

Aiden "so what do you think about me? What is your psychology student analysis about me? Do you think I am narcissist?"

Natalie "no I don't you are a narcissist I just think you are self obsessed. And you are really a great guy. You tell me everything about you. And every information related your life. And I believe you".

While Natalie kept on talking Aiden really felt that guilt of hiding that he is engaged and he had been in  relationship with caitronia since four years. He thought to tell her but he stopped himself.

As the reached Natalie's home. Both came down the car. Natalie "oh my god I really had a heck of day listening to my parents and their love story with their new so called soulmates".

As Natalie about to go Aiden pulled Natalie towards him by placing his hands on her waist and completing pulling her on to his body and kissed her for a mintue.

Later they broke the kiss and smiled at each other. They kept on starring at each other then natalie went into her home.

Amber "so how was the dinner with your parents and their partners?".

Natalie "oh my god all they did is talk about their personal life and love life".
Amber "oh god" said with a grunt.

Natalie "you know what good happened today?". Amber "what?".
Natalie "Aiden kissed me". Then Natalie explained about how Aiden came and picked her up at restaurant and stuff and then he detailed about their kiss.

Both the girls got excited about it.
Noah listened to Natalie and her kiss with Aiden. He got angry and walked from that place.

Natalie "I think today I can officially tell that I am into aiden".

At night

Natalie got into her bed to sleep then she heard notification sound which is a message from Aiden saying "I hope you liked the kiss". For which Natalie replied "I really loved it".

Aiden was blushing reading that message and he then turned towards the table and saw his pictures with caitronia. He felt nothing looking at them but he felt pain of loosing his feelings about caitroni may hurt his mom".

He then came to mom's room and told her that he wants to sleep on her lap.
While he was sleeping on her lap his mom asked that is everything ok for which he replied "yes".
Then his mom told "then why late? Why don't you and caitronia get engaged again and make it public ".

To be continued

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