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As aiden approached natalie in their next session, he mustered the courage to reveal a collection of photos capturing their shared moments. Though natalie had suffered memory loss due to an accident, she chose to pretend not to remember him.

Natalie "so okay, let's start today's session".

Aiden "before you start, this time I will be asking you some questions for a change".

And Natalie replied ok.

Aiden by folding his sleevs "did you remember your first love?"

Natalie "well Aiden I have never been in a relationship till now".

Natalie telling that she never been in a relationship broke Aiden's heart. He kept silent for sometime after hearing it.

Natalie broke the silence with her back to back question about his stress.
But aiden couldn't concentrate on what Natalie is talking about, all he can think is that she no longer remember him or their story.

Then all of a sudden aiden took out photos of them and presented infront of natalie. With a shattered heart, she attempted to share the photos, hoping they would unlock the forgotten pieces of their shared past.

He picked up each and every photo and detailed it to her. He picked up a photo and said "natalie do you remember this, we clicked this at the western village on our first date". And then he picked her photos saying "this picture we captured after the day of our first kiss and this is the picture of you and me in my office".

Natalie "I am sorry but why am I with you in these photos? Are those photoshopped".

Aiden with tears in his eyes and broken voice "no natalie they aren't photoshopped. Those are real, they are real like our relationship".
Natalie acted like she confused seeing all those photos and said "I don't get it Aiden".

Aiden "yeah I know you won't get it but I just you to remember about who we were".
Natalie acted that she was suprised and shocked by seeing those photos.

Then Aiden came walking towards her "If you do not remember the photos I think this can remember who I was" saying this he held his on hand on her head and the other hand on waist and bragged her towards and kissed her.

While they were kissing natalie pushed him "what's wrong with you? Who the hell are you man? Why did you kiss me? Saying this she left the room with anger.

But when she came out of the room she started crying with all mixed emotions.

Aiden's heart shattered into a million pieces as natalie failed to recognize him, even after he showed her the photos and kissed her in a desperate attempt to trigger her memory. Her lack of recognition and subsequent anger pierced his soul, leaving him devastated.

During night

Natalie was in her room crying about remembering what has happened today.
Amber saw Natalie crying and asked what happened.

Natalie told amber that aiden kissed her in a desperate attempt to trigger her memory. Despite she acted not to remember, deep down, she harbors feelings for him.

Noah came home and unleashed his anger and frustration, shouting natalie for her actions Are you out of your mind? You kissed aiden today? For love of God he is married natalie, can't you see that?".

Natalie "how did you know he kissed him".

Noah "the department head saw Aiden and you kissing by keeping your session aside. Kissing a patient isn't in the rules so they fired you from work".

Natalie with heavy voice and tears "why don't people understand the fact that I didn't kissed him. He kissed me, he kissed me. He kissed me because he hoped that I can regain my memories of us but aiden don't know the fact I am pretending".

Noah "I know this isn't your fault natalie but how can he kiss you. He is married for god sake. All of a Sudden he comes and kisses you so that you can recall all your memories of him. This is bullshit. He has a wife at home man why can't he see that".

Hearing all the words and the fact that she got fired from her job natalie was overwhelmed by the intense situation and was consumed by a panic attack. Her heart races, her breath becomes shallow, and she struggles to find solace amidst the chaos.

As noah and amber witnessed the distressing panic attack, they quickly provide natalie with calming pills to alleviate her symptoms. While she finds temporary relief, they can't help but reflect on how the natalie has transformed since the aiden broke up with her.

Amidst the chaos, noah's frustration boils over as he tells Natalie blaming her panic attacks on her lingering love for the married narcissist guy. Noah "You were fine before meeting him, now look at you natalie having panic attacks since the time he left". His words cut deep, but deep down, he knows that her heartache and unrequited feelings have taken a toll on her emotional well-being.

Amidst tears and vulnerability, natalie opened up to her friends, confessing that she cannot erase the memories of aiden, even though he is the cause of her current struggles and panic attacks.

Noah shows natalie photos of aiden happily dining with caitronia left natalie confront the raw emotions of betrayal and longing. Noah "see, today morning he kissed you and now he is having dinner with his wife and posted photo on social media with a text saying "mine".

In a fit of anguish and despair, natalie's broken heart erupts into a storm of emotions. She unleashes her frustration on her friends, shouting and hurling objects in a desperate attempt to release her pain. Her friends, understanding the depth of her anguish, offer comfort and support, standing by her side as she navigates the turbulent waves of heartbreak. Amber "it's okay natalie don't cry".

Natalie "no it's not okay, it's not okay" she fell down on her knees crying "what is happening to me? Why does everything going wrong in my life? Why me?".

Amber made Natalie take some rest so that she will be okay from what happened today.

In middle of the night Natalie gets a text from aiden saying "that photo which I posted on social media, was not posted by me, caitronia did it. I still feel the connection between us and I know you are angry with me about what happened today but I really wish you remember me".

Natalie read that message but didn't respond to it. She woke from the bed took her calming pills and slept back.

To be continued

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