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In their second session, Aiden nursing a broken heart, found solace in Natalie's presence. He opened up to her about his struggles and the stress he was facing in his life. Little did he know that this conversation would mark the beginning of a deep connection between them.

Natalie despite pretending not to know Aiden that she still carries a torch for him deep within her heart. Even though she finds herself trapped in a Stockholm syndrome-like situation, her love for him remains unwavering.

Natalie "so Mr. Aiden in today's session we will talk about the things which makes you happy because happiness is the key to life. So tell me what makes you happy?".

Aiden "you, you make me happy" said by starring into natalie's eyes.

Natalie turned her eyes sideward by saying "what?" Pretended like not knowing what he was talking about. She know if she stares at his eyes, she will fall for him again and share the truth about her pretending in current situation.

Aiden "I mean my ex girlfriend was the reason behind my happiness".

Natalie "do you still love her" asked in a way tone to find the answer soon.

Aiden "yeah I guess I still love her but I can't go back to her, I mean we had a great time in the past, we were like a happy couple but all of a sudden I got married to my fiancee. And everything changed".

Natalie "I think it must be tough for your ex seeing you getting married".

Aiden "yeah I guess so. But I didn't really had an option. My mom insisted to me marry caitronia, I don't want to go against my mom's decision".

Natalie "Ok Mr. Aiden, keep it all a side and tell me one thing, if all of a sudden you see your ex what do you talk to her?".

Aiden woke from the chair and started walking towards window in the room and held his hands on the window saying "I will hug and I will say sorry to her. You know what, I never told sorry to anyone before. When I told her about my marriage she acted the way that she will forget me forever. That moment I was very angry and I thought she isn't fighting for me and then I realized I didn't gave her an option to fight".

Aiden was saying all these words with his head turned towards the window. Listening to all what Aiden said, natalie got pretty emotional. She wiped off her tears before Aiden could see.

Natalie "So I guess she really was a good partner to you".

Aiden "good is just a small word for her. She is a queen without a crown".

And the whole time Aiden kept on talking about how Natalie was a fairy in his life and he also told that she made him realize love is worth waiting. But infact he kept on talking about his wife too saying that he can't leave her.

Aiden who didn't know the fact that natalie was merely putting on an act, continues to be consumed by his anger and sadness. Meanwhile Natalie struggles with the guilt of deceiving him, torn between her love for aiden and the necessity of her charade.

The session completed

Natalie "see you tomorrow Aiden" said and bid good bye to him

Aiden filled with sadness and anger, returns home, seeking solace. Caitronia thinking that he is full of stress these days and understanding his pain, embraces him tightly, offering words of comfort and a gentle kiss saying "my cutipie is here".

While caitronia kissing him all he can think about his first kiss with Natalie. Then he broke the kiss with Caitronia saying "Not now honey".Caitronia found that Aiden is behaving weirdly these days and that made her sad.

Caitronia feeling frustrated and sad with aiden's behavior since some days decides to confide in his mother. She expressed her concerns, hoping for guidance and understanding. For which Julia sharman replied "Nick is in more stress these days and caitronia you have  to give him sometime".

Aiden went to his office. He was consumed by sadness and believing that natalie had truly forgotten him after her accident, finds himself in a fit of pain and frustration. In his office, he unleashes his emotions by throwing objects, unable to bear the weight of his heartache.

He then scrolled through the photos of him and Natalie, memories flooded his mind, intensifying the sadness within him. Each image captured a moment of their love and happiness, now overshadowed by the pain of her pretended amnesia.

Aiden by seeing those photos "why Natalie why? Why did you come to my life? Why did you love me so much like no one ever did? Why aren't we together?".

As aiden immersed himself in the memories captured in their past photos, his hands trembled with the weight of his emotions. The stress and heartache overwhelmed him, causing his eyes to well up with tears with his eyes turning red.

As his eyes welled up with tears while reminiscing over old photos with natalie, his phone suddenly rang. It was his wife on the line, her voice filled with love and warmth as she whispered, "I know you are stressed, and I am here for you all the time aiden. I love you."

Aiden "Sorry Caitronia about the way I  behaved with you. I don't know what is happening with me. I am really sorry for what happend today. I love you too".

Caitronia "it's ok my love, come home soon for dinner I will be making your favourite dish so we can eat together".

Aiden "sure I love that".

They hung up the phone.

After the calk Caitronia rushed into kitchen and started preparing aiden's favourite Pasta.

At the office

Aiden decided to take photos of him and natalie to his next psychic session. With a mix of hope and skepticism, he thought of showing it to her. He believed that atleast she can recall their moments.

To be continued

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