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After few days

Natalie, devastated by losing her job as a psychic due to the misunderstanding of her kiss with aiden, now faces a crucial moment. The higher officials want to assess her state of mind to determine if she can be reinstated. Nervous but determined, the heroine prepares to face the officials, hoping to convey her sincerity and the genuine connection she shared with Aiden. The outcome of this meeting will shape her future and the possibility of reclaiming her passion for helping others.

The officials, curious about the nature of natalie's relationship with the guy who kissed her, questioned her about their connection. With honesty and transparency, natalie shared all the details. The officials soon discovered that the man was a renowned businessman who had recently gone through a divorce. This revelation added a new layer of complexity to the situation, leaving the officials with more to consider in their decision-making process. Natalie anxiously awaited their verdict, hoping that her truthfulness would be taken into account.

The head, having gone through natalie's medical files, confronted her about her constant panic attacks. Then natalie bravely opened up about her past relationship with Aiden, revealing that he was engaged at the time. She shared the heartbreaking truth that their breakup coincided with her pregnancy and subsequent loss of the baby in an accident, which has contributed to her ongoing panic attacks. The head listened attentively, considering the depth of her pain and the impact it has had on her mental well-being. Natalie hoped that her vulnerability would help the officials understand the complexity of her situation and the need for empathy and support.

The separation between the aiden and caitronia had remained a mystery until his ex-wife took to social media with a video, revealing that he had cheated on her with another girl. The news spread like wildfire, reaching the higher officials who made a harsh decision. They told the heroine to quit her job permanently, blaming her for ruining her life by getting involved with a famous businessman. The heroine felt the weight of their judgment, but deep down, she knew that love and its complexities can sometimes lead to unexpected consequences. She held onto hope, determined to find a way to rebuild her life and prove that she is more than the mistakes of her past.

The higher officials acknowledged natalie's exceptional academic and psychic abilities during her time at the hospital. However, they regretfully informed her that they could no longer have her on their team. Despite her outstanding performance, circumstances beyond her control had led to their decision.

At sharman's house

Aiden's father, enraged after watching the news of his son's separation with his wife on social media, began yelling at him. The heated argument filled the room with tension as emotions ran high. Aiden tried to explain his side of the story, expressing remorse for his actions. However, his father's anger seemed insurmountable, leaving aiden feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future of their relationship.

Julia stood by her son side, offering unwavering support during his separation from his wife. Their conversation was filled with love and understanding as she reassured him that she would always be there for him, no matter what. Her comforting words provided a much-needed sense of solace and strength during this challenging time.

Aiden "Mom, I don't know what to do. All this is tearing me down".

Julia "My dear, I understand how difficult this is for you. Remember, you are strong and resilient. We will get through this together".

Aiden "I will go to natalie and talk to her".

Aiden rushed to the natalie home, seeing her in tears over all the news. He embraced her tightly, offering comfort and reassurance. In that moment, their connection felt stronger than ever, as they found solace in each other's arms. The world may have been against them, but their love remained a beacon of hope in the midst of turmoil.

Noah approached aiden, expressing his support and acknowledging that aiden should be the one by natalie's side now. It was the first time he had shown such understanding and compassion, bridging the gap between them and strengthening their bond. Together, they vowed to be there for natalie, united in their support during this challenging time.

Noah "make her happy aiden, you are only one who can make her happy".

Aiden embraced natalie tightly, whispering words of reassurance. He promised her that they would face any challenge together, no matter what. Their bond grew stronger as they found solace in each other's arms, ready to navigate the storms of life as a united front.

Then Aiden got an notification on saying that his more than half of company shares are transfered to his ex wife because of the business deal they had before their marriage.

He then soon rushed to his home

Aiden, upon discovering that his ex-wife now owned more shares in his company, made a bold decision. He confronted her, telling her to take whatever she needed and leave him and natalie alone. In an act of true devotion, he stepped down from his own company, declaring that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the natalie. This display of love and sacrifice showcased the depth of his commitment and solidified their bond even further.

Aiden "I would like to be Aiden more than famous business Aiden Nicholas Sharman. And from now I will no longer be part of my company and I don't want to be, all I needed to be is by side of the girl I truly love and that's natalie".

He came back to Natalie's home overwhelmed with empathy for natalie and the hardships she had faced, vowed to be by her side forever. He made a solemn promise to support and protect her, ensuring that she would never have to face life's challenges alone. Their love grew stronger as they embraced the future together, ready to overcome any obstacles that came their way.

Aiden "Natalie, I am no longer the guy who is busy with his meetings or the guy who is busy with his wife, I am currently the guy who is in love with her girlfriend more than anything else".
Both of them hugged together.

Aiden "we will figure out everything soon".

To be continued

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