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The very next day

Natalie "I'm home alone and I really want to see you."

Aiden "even I want to see you. Will be there soon bearing some gifts".

After an hour

Natalie opens the door, expecting to see aiden, but is surprised to find caitronia instead.

Caitronia by removimg her goggles "I think I don't have to introduce myself to you"

Natalie "yeah, caitronia bisbrown, come in".

Caitronia stormed into the house, her eyes filled with anger and hurt. She pointed accusingly at the natalie, demanding to know why the aiden had cheated on her. The room fell silent, tension thick in the air as the heroine struggled to find the right words to respond.

Caitronia's fury reached its peak as she unleashed her anger on Natalie, refusing to hear any explanations. She berated Natalie, accusing her "you lured aiden away from our marriage". Her voice echoing through the room. The tension grew thicker, engulfing them in a storm of emotions.

Natalie took a deep breath and mustered the courage to share the truth, hoping to make caitronia understand. She recounted everything that had transpired between her and Aiden, laying bare their connection and the complexities of their relationship. Her words carried the weight of honesty and vulnerability, hoping to bridge the gap of understanding.

Caitronia, fueled by her pain, brought up the sensitive topic of their lost baby. She delved deeper into the details, intentionally trying to stir up emotions within natalie. The room grew heavy with sorrow as caitronia's words pierced through the air, leaving a trail of heartache in their wake.

Tears welled up in natalie's eyes as she pleaded caitronia "please don't talk about the baby". Her voice trembled with raw emotion as she implored caitronia to understand the depth of their shared grief. The room fell silent, the weight of their sorrow hanging heavy in the air.

Caitronia, with a mocking tone, taunted natalie about her psychic abilities, suggesting that she needed treatment for the work she had been doing.
Caitronia "you are a psychic who needs a treatment for yourself".

Caitronia, voice filled with anguish, confessed that she had loved aiden deeply since long time. She admitted that she had been oblivious to his feelings for another girl, and the devastating truth that he had gotten her pregnant. Her words filled with bitterness, continued to blame natalie for the failure of her marriage. She relentlessly pointed fingers, causing the natalie immense distress. However natalie, though shaken, refused to accept the blame. She stood her ground, reminding herself that she was not responsible for the choices and actions of others. With strength and resilience, she vowed to rise above the hurtful accusations and find her own path to happiness.

The same time aiden came to visit natalie and taken aback by the sight of his current girlfriend and ex-wife together, felt a mix of emotions.

Caitronia noticed the gifts he carried for his girlfriend and couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. In that moment, aiden realized the impact his actions had on those around him, and he vowed to reflect on his choices and the consequences they brought.

Caitronia's eyes burning with anger, glared at aiden and without a word, stormed out of the room. Aiden, filled with regret and guilt, watched her leave, knowing that he had shattered their relationship with his betrayal. As he stood there, the weight of his actions sank in, and he vowed to make amends and learn from his mistakes.

Then Aiden entered the room, closing the door behind him, and witnessed the heartbreaking sight of natalie falling to her knees, consumed by tears. Overwhelmed with sadness, aiden approached her gently and asked about the conversation with caitronia. Natalie, between sobs, shared everything that was said. In that moment, she clutched her belly, overcome with grief for their lost baby, whispering through her tears, "I want our baby back." Aiden, his own eyes welling up, held her tightly, feeling the weight of their shared pain, and vowed to support her through this unimaginable loss.

Natalie, amidst her tears, revealed to aiden that his ex-wife had accused her of needing psychic treatment. In response, aiden feeling hurt and defensive, retorted that the heroine is the one who needed such treatment. Tensions rose as their emotions clashed, leaving them both feeling wounded and unsure of how to heal the growing divide between them.

She overcome with fear and desperation, clung to aiden, pleading with him not to abandon her in any circumstance. Feeling the weight of her words and the depth of her vulnerability, aidem held her tightly, promising to stand by her side through thick and thin. In that moment, they found solace in each other's embrace, knowing that together they could weather any storm that came their way.

Aiden tells natalie that they both will go to western village for a day and spend some time there. Understanding aiden's concerns, she expresses her rreluctance to go out due to the fear of media attention and the potential negative impact on her well-being. She worries that the scrutiny and judgment from others will cause her to lose herself once again. Aiden, realizing the validity of her fears, reassures her that their happiness and privacy are of utmost importance, and they can find alternative ways to rejuvenate their relationship without exposing themselves to the spotlight. Together, they explore different options that allow them to prioritize their emotional well-being while maintaining a sense of privacy.

Aiden, holding natalie tightly, whispered, "I will always support your decisions, my love." They embraced, finding strength in their unwavering bond as they faced the uncertainties of the future together.

Aiden, witnessing the transformation of the once funny, independent and carefree natalie into someone plagued by constant panic attacks, felt a deep sense of sadness. He took responsibility for his actions and sincerely apologized to her, acknowledging his role in her current state. Natalie, overwhelmed by his genuine remorse, expressed her own apology. In a tender moment, aiden leaned in and kissed her on the lips, a gesture filled with love and understanding.

To be continued

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