The Blackmailing

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"Gosh, this cunning twat, Tejasswi, is getting on my nerves. She slyly planned this. Now that I am trapped, what should I do?"

Rashmi watched the news on her mobile while sitting in the car pounder for long and swearing on Tejasswi. She already made a fuss with Rohan for Tejasswi; now she can't make a second episode.

"If I annoy Rohan more, he will dump me for sure. Still, he needs to know this news. Only he can deal with Tejasswi."

Rashmi texted the link to the exclusive news to Rohan with the title 'True Colors of Your Loving Tejasswi'.

The news has already aired, so it can't stop, but she hoped this would tear Tejasswi and Rohan apart forever.

Then Rashmi edited another text for a private detective.'How much more time will it take?'

'Soon you will get the result.' 

She was pleased by the reply. 'I need concrete evidence; don't forget.'

'Sure. We are professionals.'

The conversation with the private detective put her mind at ease for the time being.

The next day, Tejasswi arrived at the hospital again to take care of Aneri and her aunt.

"Aneri, the doctor said your aunt is out of danger, but she will be in ICU for a couple of days."

"Why did you come here again? You could have taken a rest instead. You have your shooting scheduled in a couple of days; after that, you will hardly get time."

Aneri was grateful for Tejasswi's help, but she didn't want to bother her more.

"Shut up; I am not here for you but Mrs. Arora." Tejasswi retorted.

"Fine, let me get these medicines."

Aneri moved out of the room with the prescription in her hand, but Tejasswi snatched it.

"Give it to me. I will get it."

"Why are you doing these minimal tasks as a celebrity? It's..."

Aneri doesn't want her to go to the medical shop and be the headline of any ridiculous rumor, but Tejasswi cuts her off.

"Oh jeez, you're such a nag. I am forever grateful to Mrs. Arora for the way she took care of me when I was struggling in Mumbai. She helped me with shelter and food. I owe her my entire life."

Tejasswi wrapped an old stole across her head from shoulder to shoulder and put on a mask and shades to not get recognized by any passerby.

An hour later, she was back at the hospital again with the medicines. On her way to Aneri, she was blocked by Rohan.

"Hey, how's you and how's Aneri's mom doing?" Rohan asked with a wide smile.

"It's her aunt. Her parents passed away long ago." Tejasswi replied and slid her shades on her head.

'What's with his sweet talk?' She thought and rubbed her forehead.

"Oops, sorry, my bad." Rohan bit his tongue.

"Forget it; come to the point. Why did you show up here?" Tejasswi asked.

She knew he came all the way to the hospital, not for Aneri's aunt. He must have a gargantuan reason behind it. This thought gave her chilled shivers.

"Teju, I need to talk to you."

'As expected....'

He just called her Teju. This sugarcoated speech took Tejasswi's breath away. Now what is he up to?

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