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Tejasswi was stunned by Shivangi's furious scream out of the blue.

Shamita was always dear to Shivangi. They shared a close bond and were each other's confidantes.

Anjana's scolding of Shamita left Shivangi unsettled, and she held some bitterness towards Tejasswi for bringing the matter to light.

On her way out for work, she observed Shamita's discomfort before Tejasswi and concluded that she was being mistreated. This led her to unleash her frustration, expressing herself in an irrational manner.

"Dr. Shivangi, what's wrong with you?" Aneri asked instead of Tejasswi.

"I finally got to see her malicious heart behind this beautiful face. She knows to act well." Shivangi said it with hatred.

"Shivi, watch your mouth. Tejasswi is older than you; you can't be disrespectful to your brother's wife." Shamita scolded her.

"Brother's wife, my foot. You deserve to be Karan's wife; he would be a lot happier. God knows what spell she casts on him."

Looking at the tight-lipped Tejasswi, Aneri couldn't take on Tejasswi's insult anymore and chimed in.

"Enough, Dr. Shivangi; you are out of line. Apologize to Teju."

"Miss Khanna, I have great respect for your aunt, Professor Arora, and that's why I admire you. However, I would appreciate it if you stay out of my family affairs," Shivangi said it rudely, which teased Tejasswi. She could take anything on her, but not on her dear ones.

"Then you shouldn't bring your family matters in front of outsiders to meddle in, or..."

"Aneri, zip it up." Tejasswi cut Aneri off. She's trying to protect her from another round of embarrassment caused by Shivangi's spoiled attitude.

"No, Teju, I can't stand her attitude. Why are you putting up with her? Did the cat bite your tongue? Let her know you're not a pushover." Aneri said sternly, looking at Shamita and Shivangi in annoyance.

"Aneri, please let it be; go first and wait for me at parking."

Aneri was abruptly pushed away by Tejasswi, who then met Shivangi's enraged expression head-on.

"You are so shrewd..."

"Shh, enough......" Tejasswi cut her off and showed her forefinger. "I let you talk enough; now it's my turn."

"Dr. Shivangi, I'm puzzled by your preconceived notions about me, and I don't feel the need to understand them. Nonetheless, I am Karan's rightful wife by law."

"If you were so adamant about making Shamita Karan's bride, you should have voiced out years ago. Unfortunately, it appears Shamita had other plans, leaving him in the lurch." Tejasswi said it ironically.

Then she looked at Shamita, concealing her inner hatred, and warned strictly.

"I don't know what you both are up to, but Shamita Karan moved on from you and is leading a harmonious life with me, so stop getting in my way and trying those cheap tricks."

"Tejasswi, what are you talking about; I didn't do anything?" Shamita felt wronged and said it beseechingly.

Tejasswi didn't pay heed to her beseeching. "Also, don't fire your old caretaker, Mrs. Mishra."

Shamita's eyes widen in shock.

"You must be surprised; how did I know her?"

Tejasswi raised her eyebrows with a cunning smirk, and Shamita nodded her head.

"I ran into her last morning and got to know her job profile. She was pitiful; cut her some slack. Poor; she is the breadwinner of the family."

After finishing her thread of words, Tejasswi walked from there graciously.

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